A Huge pile of Sh*te

I have watched some tosh on Sky over the past few years but the Halloween "Special" from Most Haunted, truly takes the biscuit. Last night I watched a gaggle of failed tv presenters, fake mediums, false cameramen and a rather fat unattractive make up girl stalk a whole plethora of supposed ghosts and spirits that inhabit a disused psychiatric hospital in Denbigh, which is only a few miles away from us here.

The whole programme is flim flam. The fake medium warns the "ghostbusters" that a violent patient' spectre is smashing the hospital windows as a bellowing front-of-house presenter (the odious self publicist Yvette Fielding) screams then goads the "spirits" into other forms of unseen and unheard actions. Fielding's husband (the show's producer Karl Beattie pic) is perhaps the programme's most slimy and irritating character. It is obvious to anyone with a brain that he is constantly making up his own supernatural experiences and does so with such a lack of conviction,that I am surprised that the paying audience (all sat in the psychiatric hospital's wrecked dining hall) does not lynch him from the nearest camera light. I could have shoved his hand held infrahead camera somewhere that the sun doesn't shine

I am surprised that this sort of cheap showmanship is alive and well, but I guess that it mirrors today's populist newspapers , in sensationalism and in it's ability to blatantly lie...................shades of Oda Mae Brown me thinks......................see...http://www.28dayslater.co.uk/forums/showthread.php?t=33922

Rain,sleet, snow & good manners

The Good life is not always warm and fluffy

Not a bird in sight
It is still October and boy does it feel like deepest January. The weather was so rough this morning that I suggested Chris take the car to the station instead of using the moped and by mid afternoon it was freezing and snowing hard. The animals with the exception of Boris and Gloria, all retired to the warmth of the coops, and at the height of the storm I found my favourite duck Stanford (the only black female) trapped in the electric fencing. Somehow she had wrapped the wires tight against her wing, and with my hands blue in the cold, I had to cut a hole in the fence to free her.The runner ducks panic dreadfully when threatened, but strangely she remained calm and still for twenty minutes as I helped her out.
The sick Nolan sister looks poorly in the shed. I have treated her for worms, and checked her for an impacted crop and a nasty sounding condition called "egg bound" (I will leave that one to your imagination!!). She has had some antibiotics with a little water but no food today, so I doubt she will improve.I will take her to the vets tomorrow but perhaps it's just old age catching up with her after two years of strenuous egg production.
Not the best of photos but I did manage to snap Albert swinging on William's beard, during a rough and tumble this afternoon.I find it amazing that William in particular will interact with other animal species quite easily.
He has a particular interest in ponies and horses and will often go nose to nose with them inhaling deeply as they breath in and out in greeting, but will also sit still for ages watching the hens to-ing and fro-ing.
Today, with incredible patience William has allowed Albert to claw his face, bite his ears and kitten box his head, and never once did he loose his cool..
The village has been all but deserted today, and many Coal fires seemed to have been lit in response to the cold weather. The Crown Pub had its big fireplaces going full blast when I passed even though the place seemed empty.
Last night Geoff and I came a fairly respectable 6th place against the other regulars,and I had to smile at the locals' traditions of being parked in their own particular seats before the quiz starts.Whoa betide anyone who makes the mistake of poaching the wrong seat!
Pressure for seats is always an issue on Monday night, and some vague acquaintances of Geoff's tried to join our table without actually asking us if we minded. One opinionated women actually started to move the table and re arrange the chairs and seating to her liking,which I thought was incredibly rude.In the end I made it clear that I wasn't happy and we moved to another table...god I know I am a grumpy old git sometimes.....but I do hate rudeness in any shape or form..
Speaking of bad behaviour,..... the owner of the stables still has not turned up to pay for the damage his Alsatian did, the attack was over two weeks ago now....now if that was something William or George had done to his property I would have been round the next day...I will write the a letter about the matter this evening

Back to Normality

Winter has hit home with a vengeance today. By rights I should have curled up next to the fire with a book, but it was so nice for me to be able to be outside, I managed to fight the hail, rain and freezing temperatures.
With my trusty plastic pants tucked into my wellies and a scarf and woolly hat on, I cleaned every hen house out, moved the ducks to fresh grazing and carried one of the Nolan sisters who is fading somewhat (she is getting old) into the shed for some TLC. I sorted and delivered some eggs,walked the dogs and collected the veg shop out-of-date lettuces' before taking Albert down to the animal sanctuary for his inoculations.. The vet couldn't quite believe how fat and just how confident Albert had become in the few weeks he has been with us. Having 4 larger dog brothers and sisters must have something to do with it.
At lunchtime I tucked into a bagel whist sitting inside the duck house (well it was the only warm place on the field!!!!!) and was joined by the lugubrious Boris (above), who shared most of it.The rain by this time was non stop, and I had to forgo pulling up my leeks, as the allotment had become practically waterlogged, which is a rarity as we are 700 feet above sea level.
Chris working late today, so I am off to the Pub quiz in the village later.

I couldn't be bothered

Couldn't get myself going to write a blog tonight
So I have contented myself with looking at old Jakey boy


I have not got much energy for a full blog this evening. Did my four hour shift yesterday, which comprised of a great deal of running around An all day shift today was much of the same, (as will be my 12 hour shift tomorrow), but at least we have an extra hour in bed tonight. I feel tired and ever so grubby......

I have, however, just eaten a very passable corned beef hash in front of the fire as Albert streaks his way around the cottage pursued by the hyperventilating William and Meg. Don't ring the R.S.P.C.A just yet..........Albert is having a real blast teasing the dogs and even at 3 months, is out smarting the collective four dog brains quite easily

Chris has coped with all of the animals quite well today, I am impressed

The All Bar One Club

Today has been a bit of a rush, as I have driven back from Sheffield early, sorted all at home out, then am just about to go to work for a soddin 4 hour shift (don't ask)
The animals were happy to see me as usual, and I must admit it was hilarious to watch William chase Albert up and down the stairs in a playtime I suspect is quite rare between cat and dog!
Yesterday was great fun, as usual! Caught up with Katherine for tea,sandwiches (with the crusts cut off) and cakes in a very acceptable Derbyshire pub. Then coffee and chats with Jonney H( who had great news) in Sheffield before meeting up with the other members of the "All Bar One Club" Mike and Jane for a bitch and gossip about life and the universe.
Jane is taking her girls "Chicken sitting" for a friend when they are on holiday, so I had the idea that Mike, Bev and Maisie could do the same when we are away next year in San Fransisco. The animal contact would be great for Maisie, but I wonder if mike could cope wrestling the turkeys into their house at night they will be almost as big as he is by next May.......I do hope they could do it
Anyhow the evening shot by a little too quickly, and as usual too many wines were downed . Flying visits are tiring but oh so necessary. Keeping in touch is important, and well worth the effort, muzzy head and accident puddles on the kitchen floor when you return

Sheffield Thursday

City break day today!!!!!! A little later I am off to Sheffield to meet up with my old urban family members!! So I have organised lunch with Katherine, tea time with Jonney H- to be followed by drinks with Mike and Jane............
I haven't been to Sheffield since the summer, it feels too long a time, without touching base with the old Steel city

Burn after Reading

Burn After Reading (2008), is another black comedy from the off beat Coen Brothers.Like my fav Fargo (1996), this latest, complicated tale of fate and greed is filled to the gunnels with actors playing against type. Nearly everyone is unlikable, shallow and selfish; from George Clooney 's childish serial shagger, to Tilda Swinton's vile, snobbish doctor, all the characters exhibit all those negative human frailties that the Coens' love so very much to capture in their films.
The film surprised me, as did Brad Pitt (one of my least favourite actors)- he was wonderfully funny as a thick as pig-shit gym bunny, a standout performance in one of the Coen Brothers best films (with the exception of No Country for Old Men (2007)