Back to Normality

Winter has hit home with a vengeance today. By rights I should have curled up next to the fire with a book, but it was so nice for me to be able to be outside, I managed to fight the hail, rain and freezing temperatures.
With my trusty plastic pants tucked into my wellies and a scarf and woolly hat on, I cleaned every hen house out, moved the ducks to fresh grazing and carried one of the Nolan sisters who is fading somewhat (she is getting old) into the shed for some TLC. I sorted and delivered some eggs,walked the dogs and collected the veg shop out-of-date lettuces' before taking Albert down to the animal sanctuary for his inoculations.. The vet couldn't quite believe how fat and just how confident Albert had become in the few weeks he has been with us. Having 4 larger dog brothers and sisters must have something to do with it.
At lunchtime I tucked into a bagel whist sitting inside the duck house (well it was the only warm place on the field!!!!!) and was joined by the lugubrious Boris (above), who shared most of it.The rain by this time was non stop, and I had to forgo pulling up my leeks, as the allotment had become practically waterlogged, which is a rarity as we are 700 feet above sea level.
Chris working late today, so I am off to the Pub quiz in the village later.

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