A Huge pile of Sh*te

I have watched some tosh on Sky over the past few years but the Halloween "Special" from Most Haunted, truly takes the biscuit. Last night I watched a gaggle of failed tv presenters, fake mediums, false cameramen and a rather fat unattractive make up girl stalk a whole plethora of supposed ghosts and spirits that inhabit a disused psychiatric hospital in Denbigh, which is only a few miles away from us here.

The whole programme is flim flam. The fake medium warns the "ghostbusters" that a violent patient' spectre is smashing the hospital windows as a bellowing front-of-house presenter (the odious self publicist Yvette Fielding) screams then goads the "spirits" into other forms of unseen and unheard actions. Fielding's husband (the show's producer Karl Beattie pic) is perhaps the programme's most slimy and irritating character. It is obvious to anyone with a brain that he is constantly making up his own supernatural experiences and does so with such a lack of conviction,that I am surprised that the paying audience (all sat in the psychiatric hospital's wrecked dining hall) does not lynch him from the nearest camera light. I could have shoved his hand held infrahead camera somewhere that the sun doesn't shine

I am surprised that this sort of cheap showmanship is alive and well, but I guess that it mirrors today's populist newspapers , in sensationalism and in it's ability to blatantly lie...................shades of Oda Mae Brown me thinks......................see...http://www.28dayslater.co.uk/forums/showthread.php?t=33922

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