The All Bar One Club

Today has been a bit of a rush, as I have driven back from Sheffield early, sorted all at home out, then am just about to go to work for a soddin 4 hour shift (don't ask)
The animals were happy to see me as usual, and I must admit it was hilarious to watch William chase Albert up and down the stairs in a playtime I suspect is quite rare between cat and dog!
Yesterday was great fun, as usual! Caught up with Katherine for tea,sandwiches (with the crusts cut off) and cakes in a very acceptable Derbyshire pub. Then coffee and chats with Jonney H( who had great news) in Sheffield before meeting up with the other members of the "All Bar One Club" Mike and Jane for a bitch and gossip about life and the universe.
Jane is taking her girls "Chicken sitting" for a friend when they are on holiday, so I had the idea that Mike, Bev and Maisie could do the same when we are away next year in San Fransisco. The animal contact would be great for Maisie, but I wonder if mike could cope wrestling the turkeys into their house at night they will be almost as big as he is by next May.......I do hope they could do it
Anyhow the evening shot by a little too quickly, and as usual too many wines were downed . Flying visits are tiring but oh so necessary. Keeping in touch is important, and well worth the effort, muzzy head and accident puddles on the kitchen floor when you return

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear you had a good time...

    All Bar One? Arghhh!!! ;-) Give me a nice olde tea shoppe with home made cakes or scones (or even Bara Brith), a real fire, the gentle chinking of china, and pots of strong "northern" tea, anytime. Oh, and for real authenticity, add in a few "Miss Marple" characters, and perhaps a mystery to solve...

    Ahem. Anyway...I must pop over soon to the Trelawnyd menagerie. Suggest some dates. Nx


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