Tell no One, simple pleasures and Glen Close R.I.P?

Tell no One (French title Ne le dis à personne (2006) at Theatre Clwyd this evening is a cracking French thriller Hitchcock would have been proud of producing. François Cluzet is Alex Beck ,a happily married doctor, whose life is shattered when his wife is brutally murdered. The police always thought that he was responsible and get re involved eight years later when amongst other strange happenings Beck receives a series of e mails supposedly from his wife. Sounds interesting and it was! with more twists and complications to keep the most avid thriller fan glued. François Cluzet was perfect as the grief ridden and confused hero, Kristin Scott Thomas great if a little underused as his lesbian sister-in-law and a sassy Nathalie Baye almost stole the show as Beck's expensive lawyer. It is a long time since I have seen a film that actually keeps you guessing until the final two minutes. A great 9/10
Chris wanted a scary pumpkin in the cottage window, so I had an enjoyable hour preparing one this afternoon. I realised that I had never ever made one as a child ( my parents were a typical 1970 mum and Dad who never encouraged fun activities!), so at 45, I am (as always)... a tad late

I always remember a line from The Towering Inferno, spoken by a fireman when he is loading the scenic elevator for its fateful decent. "We're still a lady short!" he states as Shiela Mathews clings to her husband! I thought of the line today when I was performing my usual daily head count in the chicken coop! Yep we were a lady short! Glen Close has disappeared. No patch of feathers, no break in the fencing, no panicked birds. She has just vanished! Fox? perhaps, Buzzard? who knows! suffice to say I am reinforcing the fencing and am going to buy another transformer to double the charge. I hope she is the last lady to cop it.

Postscript! (edited later) - Glen Close is back! god knows what happened =perhaps she was asleep under the coop, anyhow we are no longer a lady short.........

Bariatric problems

According to the media 50% of the population will be clinically obese in the near distant future. Already people in Scotland are only one behind the Americans for being as James o'Brian from LBC would uncharitably call Fatty,fat fat fats!
In the same vein, health and safety's gone mad!a Denbighshire company has designed an obese dummy (28 stone) for the emergency services to practice on!

In my experience 28 stone is not heavy enough! as we have had to move and handle several over 35 stone patients recently. Love the dummy, he looks totally fu^Ked!

Worked last night, and busy yet again! have coasted through today a bit! normality tomorrow! V excited as booked to meet up with Nu just before Christmas! we are off to see Mathew Bourne's Nutcracker! and the Henry Moore sculptures at Kew Gardens..............lovely!!

Ed and Fallon

arhhhhhh!.................. well typical of The Archers. the storyline of Fallon's unrequited love for bad boy Ed is not the most realistic of tales, but finally the two of them have "got together" after being "mates" for such a long time. I know the storylines have a tendency to dovetail together a little too easily , but it's nice to see the younger characters have a bit of normality! Out of the younger members of Ambridge Ed and Fallon are perhaps the most likable. Will (Cain to Ed's Abel) is irritating, Kirsty and Brenda ( how many 20 year olds do you know called Brenda?) are just foul, and don't get me started on butter wouldn't melt Tom Archer!; yep at least Fallon (Joanna van Kampe) sounds as though she has some depth! Strangely Van Kampe actually looks exactly as I would imagine Fallon to look! God help us when the storylines start with some gusto to the goody two shoes Pip and spoilt brat Daniel Hebden Lloyd..........

Phone rage

The weather has been glorious, the final spurt of an Indian summer. Instead of a funeral (lots of those this year at the church) we had a wedding today which made it feel rather summery.. The last of my wild poppies have flowered and I managed to dig a few trenches for next years borders. Janet and Ned locked the chickens up for me yesterday and Ned thought the locks on the houses were not particularly fox proof, so I have re enforced the catches and doors this afternoon.

William found my mobile phone this afternoon and with the help of George totally trashed it. Stupidly I have not written all the numbers down after getting the last one stolen, so the generic e mails have already gone out to people asking for numbers . Sad that I do rely on this little bit of machinery so much,

Judy came round to tea and could have kicked myself as got the times of Strictly Come Dancing wrong , so we missed a lot of the dancers. I did enjoy Kelly Brook's tango. Letitia Dean still looks like a pig in a dress

Mexican standoff

They sat like that for 2 hours, neither were moving!
Quiet day today.........lots of gardening, Auntie glad came round with scones to repay me for the eggs I keep leaving her. Had to give them to Hazel to save the waistline

Deborah Kerr R.I.P

So sad today as Deborah Kerr died aged 86. She is the last of the great British film stars in my opinion ( okok with Elizabeth Taylor), and appeared in some of the best films of the 1940s and 1950s. She was stunning as Sister Clodagh, the nun with a past in Black Narcissus (1947), wonderful as Lygia in Quo Vadis (1951) and Anna in The King and I (1956), but my favourite performances of hers was as world weary Ida in The Sundowners (1960) .... and the mousy Sibyl in Separate Tables (1958) A classy lady

The Austin of England

Thinking of my first car ( see today's other blog) today and the Austin 13oo, was a real trouper! built like a tank, I spent many years dashing around with 4 fellow cb friends in the back seat like something from Wacky Races! I even remember the registration
GDM 744K
My handle was Pockets ( named after Red Button' character in the film Hatari).... This made me think of the other members of the group and what happened to them! Green Giant (now living in Birmingham and a company director), Cherry Blossom ( a social worker living in a converted hotel in Ilfracombe); Rusty Nut ( married in Rhyl I think) Bogey Man (died in plane crash) Half Pint (Nia in OZ!!),Black Sheep and Sweety pie ( who knows, who cares?) yeap its all a long time ago!

meatloaf-you took the words right out of my mouth

Bloody hell, heard this on Coast Radio this afternoon when I went to the farm superstore! It reminded me of the very early 1980s when I (Pockets) drove the rest of the CB-ers ( CB radio owners) around to various country pubs and meets ( or eyeballs as they were called then) The car was a mustard austin 1300!----class!