Bariatric problems

According to the media 50% of the population will be clinically obese in the near distant future. Already people in Scotland are only one behind the Americans for being as James o'Brian from LBC would uncharitably call Fatty,fat fat fats!
In the same vein, health and safety's gone mad!a Denbighshire company has designed an obese dummy (28 stone) for the emergency services to practice on!

In my experience 28 stone is not heavy enough! as we have had to move and handle several over 35 stone patients recently. Love the dummy, he looks totally fu^Ked!

Worked last night, and busy yet again! have coasted through today a bit! normality tomorrow! V excited as booked to meet up with Nu just before Christmas! we are off to see Mathew Bourne's Nutcracker! and the Henry Moore sculptures at Kew Gardens..............lovely!!

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