Phone rage

The weather has been glorious, the final spurt of an Indian summer. Instead of a funeral (lots of those this year at the church) we had a wedding today which made it feel rather summery.. The last of my wild poppies have flowered and I managed to dig a few trenches for next years borders. Janet and Ned locked the chickens up for me yesterday and Ned thought the locks on the houses were not particularly fox proof, so I have re enforced the catches and doors this afternoon.

William found my mobile phone this afternoon and with the help of George totally trashed it. Stupidly I have not written all the numbers down after getting the last one stolen, so the generic e mails have already gone out to people asking for numbers . Sad that I do rely on this little bit of machinery so much,

Judy came round to tea and could have kicked myself as got the times of Strictly Come Dancing wrong , so we missed a lot of the dancers. I did enjoy Kelly Brook's tango. Letitia Dean still looks like a pig in a dress

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