Good news

I am now at liberty to say that Chris was successful last week in his interview for Senior Research Fellow ( dunno what it actually means, so don't ask!) at Bangor University. He starts the new position in September and the new job will mean more money (nice) but more importantly it will mean that his commute to Preston four days a week will be a thing of the past! It will take only 40 minutes to get to work for him, he can go out after work for a wine at the one and only wine bar in Bangor (believe me) and can ride Pippa in the evenings rather than overdo it all weekend! So the move is a quality of life thing as well as promotion! which you can't argue with, can you?

we celebrated with Janet last week at the Bistro! , but Chris was rather deflated after all the adrenaline rush of the interview itself and Janet was rather fed up generally , so the champers sat rather untouched in the cooler! (well not for long!................. I wasn't wasting it!)

Lost all my profit from spud selling this week ( 14 kilos sold) as William ate the blockbuster dvd cases from the video shop!

wonders of the world

The 7 wonders of the Modern World have just been announced

and I was interested to see the winners (Not that I have seen any of them in person) Sorry not to see San Francisco's Golden Gate Bridge or the Chrysler Building in the final but I guess the seven chosen are the best choices. My favourite must be Brazil's Statue of Christ the Redeemer.

Snickers Super Bowl Ad - v funny

v v funny!!

A mixed bag, scum,crops,and a the rude lady in the coffee shop!

Up early with the dogs for their beach walk, so missed the fact that the village Church was broken into by some trailer trash low life. Apparantly nothing was stolen (I suspect sonething must have been though), but the vestry window was smashed and damage obviously done! This sort of crime is sickening as it shows no respect for anything. Sad, sad,sad!

The weather again has been shitty, so went to Llandudno to get some family and friends birthday cards and presents. I have had to break my habit of troughing a huge Kentucky fried Chicken when I go shopping there, so as a healthy treat I went into Waterstones the bookstore's coffee house for soup and coffee (remarkable self control don't you think?)

Anyhow I was lucky to find a table and parked myself with my coffee, newspaper, huge bowl of minestrone, all arranged just how I like it! Now I know the place was busy and I admittedly was sat at a table alone ( one of those small tables for three!) but I felt justified sitting there ! Hummm!....well an old woman (obviously with money and well used to get her own way), thought differently! As I was puckering for my first mouthful of soup she actually rapped (yes indeedy) rapped the chair next to be with her stick and stated in a loud voice

"Say, could you move to that stool over there? so me and my friends could sit down at a table" She gestured to a tiny space and stool at a pillar across the cafe, which only had enough room sit to place one coffee cup. For a moment I was slightly stunned and she added (in way of appeasement) "I hope you don't mind me asking?", I noticed as she was fumbling with her handbag whilst pointing for her two cronies to come forward.

"Cheeky old cow!" I thought but I was pleased to turn to her and said calmly, " No..I don't mind you asking, but I am not moving , I am eating my lunch" Her expression almost made me laugh, as obviously she didn't actually think I was going to refuse her! and she just stood there fuming for a moment before hobbling off to the counter to complain. I could feel myself blushing but I pretended to read my paper, and I could have kissed the teenage girl at the counter who I think told her to wait her turn like everyone else! a victory for single diners everywhere!!!!!!

Chris still having a nice time in Broadstairs (have been impressed how the town looks in the E-on advert for the biggest wind farm in Britain), so I have written a few letters this evening, picked everlasting spinach and broccoli from the allotment (left) and written e mails! ( Nia you will always have a base here when you want to visit Prestatyn!!!XXX)

Sex and the movie?

In 1998 I was never a fan of Sex and the City. Sure I liked the New York backdrop and witty repartee, but the first series was all a bit, well, amoral and hard for my liking. I was reminded of how I felt about the programme last night when I watched one of the first episodes on sky and I found it interesting how the writers and I guess the actors changed the series to one of a fluffier and generally more whimsical morality fairy tale.
The singletons narrator Carrie Bradshaw (Sarah Jessica Parker), the voice and face of wannabe professional girls from all over the world changed the least, as she was always disappointed in love and remained steadfastly hopeful in her work and personal life.
Samantha Jones (Kim Cattrall), the two dimensional tart with a heart evolved from sexual predator to settled monogamy, albeit with a man half her age. Charlotte York (Kristin Davis), a Park Lane princess married an ugly but humorous Jewish lawyer, whilst cynical pushy Miranda Hobbes (Cynthia Nixon) finally settled down with husband, a son,senile mother-in-law and doting housekeeper.

The series DID amuse me when it left the cynicism of the 1990s behind; I suspect 9/11 had a lot to do with the change- but I also think that the audience (predominately women and gay men) led the writers to ensure a happy ending was on the cards . I think in some ways that betrayed the original message the original series tried to hammer home, ie. powerful women do not need a man to have a great,successful life, but at least it made for uncomplicated,funny and essentially entertaining tv with characters that the audience actually cared about! I also think that we all need a bit of fluffy fantasy in our lives too!from time to time.

A film is planned to be made sometime this year, which I think is perhaps a bad idea;like the grittier but equally entertaining This Life, the producers need to leave well alone.

Rainy day isolation

Chris has gone to London with work then off to Broadstairs for the Margate Amateur Dramatic annual Ball or some such night out! So that means I have the cottage to myself until Sunday!

The weather (surprise surprise) is bloody awful, so after weightwatchers,harvesting my broccoli,animal care,chores, pruning my climbing rose (pic), and carpet cleaning (I won't go into products Nige), I am settling down with a pizza (ham with extra garlic), Judge Judy, a small bottle of Chardonnay (only a few points left today) and a pile of wet terriers. I am also got a couple of dvds to sit through, so tonight is going to be pure "singleton" bliss!

I am also slightly smug as I now taste my weightwatchers goal! only 2 lbs to go and 42 lbs lost! Both Carole and I hope to meet our final goals next week and then we are excitedly anticipating the grand presentation of our gold key rings (amid much clapping of overweight hands) and life long free membership certificates!

George is looking rather smug today as it has been a day of firsts for him! After many weeks of trying (and shamed faces when he failed) to jump into the Belingo, he managed to scramble up after the others after their beach walk! and I suspect he was so fired up with self importance and confidence he also has his first knock down-no holds barred scrap with William. The two of them wanted a piece of dry seaweed, which Meg had carried into the boot and neither were backing down. I left them to it and went to buy pizza in Aldi, they had kissed and made up by the time I returned!

The Host and being shortlisted!

The Host (Gwoemul (2006) is the Korean monster movie that I missed when it originally came
out at the cinema last year. Caught it on dvd
this evening and I must admit that I enjoyed how it turned the genre totally on its head but whilst obviously paying homage to every prehistoric,city munching creature flick ever made.

This film has everything! a truly impressive monster , worthy CGI, and wonderful cinematography, but I was taken more by the narrative which centred around a dysfunctional Korean family and their efforts to save the youngest daughter Hyun-seo -(played by Ko Ah-seong) from the monster's lair. The plot cleverly saw sawed between slapstick,pathos and horror and even had a sideswipe at the US international policy and the "uncaring" South Korean government... a good 9/10
On a lighter note, got a letter today from the BBC, yep I have been shortlisted for the Weakest Link ! this space

Diana Damrau as Queen of the Night II

The aria does not get going until 2.5 minutes into the clip but boy is it worth it! Chris and I were giving Aunt Judy a lesson in surfing the world web and found this on You Tube to show her! better than Jonney Mathis eh?