Good news

I am now at liberty to say that Chris was successful last week in his interview for Senior Research Fellow ( dunno what it actually means, so don't ask!) at Bangor University. He starts the new position in September and the new job will mean more money (nice) but more importantly it will mean that his commute to Preston four days a week will be a thing of the past! It will take only 40 minutes to get to work for him, he can go out after work for a wine at the one and only wine bar in Bangor (believe me) and can ride Pippa in the evenings rather than overdo it all weekend! So the move is a quality of life thing as well as promotion! which you can't argue with, can you?

we celebrated with Janet last week at the Bistro! , but Chris was rather deflated after all the adrenaline rush of the interview itself and Janet was rather fed up generally , so the champers sat rather untouched in the cooler! (well not for long!................. I wasn't wasting it!)

Lost all my profit from spud selling this week ( 14 kilos sold) as William ate the blockbuster dvd cases from the video shop!

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