Up and down....,weightwaters & fields

Well, in a village you always seem to have the ability to upset someone, albeit unintentionally. The Parish council are upset that I have started work on the allotment without express permission. Now I won't go into why I thought I had received permission; suffice to say that I indeed thought I had and had started work with all good intentions. Last night and today I have spoken to Parish officials and the secretary to try to smooth over bad feelings and hope to sort the whole thing out with the estate agents officially soon, but I am upset that it looks like they will insist that the allotment be removed ( the field is grazing land only apparently). I
wonder if the chicken coop is safe also, which IS worrying. Watch this space.

The good news ! (humph!) is that I have lost another three pounds at fatfighters so am down to 13 stone (total loss 35 lbs) only a few pounds to go to ideal weight. Off to the theatre in Manchester with Hazel later which is a nice change and will brighten my mood. She used to live in Didsbury so we are having a small tea in a cafe there before the theatre.

(pic is my violas by the front door)

Celie and Nettie meet again

This video of the film THE COLOUR PURPLE, always makes me cry.sisters Celie and Nettie meet again after 60 years......enjoy


Sad news today, Nu's mum, the powerhouse Nancy died this morning after a fairly long illness. I have fond memories of gin led discussions of the merits of royalty versus presidency, at her home in Thornton, of the warm Irish/Liverpudlian welcome I and a score of others was always given when visiting, and the interaction she always had with Nu her sisters.
A sad day.

size DOESN'T matter

Well it's tiny but one of the new girls has actually laid their first egg! It is a milestone!, rather like a the coming of age thing.

Planted the sweetcorn this morning and weeded the allotment . An old boy went past and complemented me on my neatness and order! which was nice. Now off to Prestatyn bistro for lunch with Chris, unfortunately working tonight but hey it has to be done.

No news from Nu today.

Touching bases

Finally caught up with Nuala in Liverpool yesterday morning, and it was good to be able to give her a hug, a bunch of flowers and some time. I cannot believe that Nancy has hung on for 9 days and the family vigil at her bedside must be a total nightmare. Her tight-knit family is blessed with an infectious sense of humour which has been sorely tested time and again over the past 2 weeks, and are coping....just!

Got to Sheffield mid afternoon and went shopping to Cole Brothers and bought a shirt that was, .....wait for it.........A MEDIUM!!!!!!!!!!!! I have bought a MEDIUM sized shirt!!!!!!! I was so excited as I cannot really remember when I last wore a medium ANYTHING!

Popped in to see Mike, Bev and Maisie then sporting my MEDIUM shirt I went to ALL BAR ONE, to meet Jane. When I was waiting for her to turn up, touched base with friends Vince and Peter who were having a bottle or two of Chardonnay! They have not seen me for a long time and I absolutely loved their comment of how well and slim I looked........it has been a long long time since I had such a good preen! (have I ever?)

Jane as usual was fab and after too many wines and gossip we caught up with Kim at Sarah's house. Both Sarah and Kim looked great! (I have no pics of Kim but this one of Anne Heche is almost a dead ringer for her) Living in St Albans means that we all don't really get a chance to catch up with Kim very often which is a shame , I miss her.

Absolutely knackered this afternoon, so it is great to be sat in front of the fire relaxing.

Fatfighters, Nu and Lino excitement!!

Total weight loss at fatfighters now 32 lbs! (2.5 lost this week) So I feel nice and confident when meeting up with the "girls" tomorrow night! Went on a very quick power walk this morning, much to the amusement of some beautiful dairy cattle near the Gop.

The lino had been laid today, lighter and fresher than that awful black stuff that George attacked. (pic) I could not wait to get everything in the kitchen sorted, clean and neat, as the mess in there was sparking my compulsive neurotic disorder with gusto!

Tried to meet up with Nu today but things seem pretty bad, hopefully I will pop over to Liverpool on my way to Sheffield tomorrow depending on what is happening
Ann came up today and gave me the thumbs up for the allotment! I seem to have done most things right which is a boost! She has a friend who may want to have a plot of land off me when I officiall rent the church field, nice to have connections and networks.

The Joys of House Husbandry

It has pissed down all day and everything feels damp and dirty, so ripping up all the urine drenched lino from the kitchen floor and under the fitted units has been a rather disgusting afternoons work. It doesn't show in the photo but I am absolutely filthy and so is Meg. George I have had to put in the bath after crawling behind the cooker space BEFORE I cleaned it

Pillow faced farmer turned up this afternoon with the offer of more water butts, which I refused with dignity AND with the moral high ground firmly behind me. I was polite too !

Still no news from Nuala! I hope to meet up with her sometime this week to touch base, just hope it's not tomorrow as the bloody clean urine-free lino is being delivered and laid! Friday is a meet up with Kim, Sarah and Jane in Sheffield under a guise of Consultant Ravi's leaving bash

Happy pics

The cottage garden looks quite pretty and I am glad I have worked so hard in getting it organised and planted. Nia sent me the above picture of her and Baby George the other day and although I am not a baby person I thought it was quite delightful!