The black dot in the background is Maddie, so you can actually see how big my first bed of three in the allotment is going to be! The graveyard (just to the right of this photo) has been a hive of activity today, what with a score of villagers descending on it to lay flowers and clean graves (a big Easter habit I am told). I have worked hard clearing the last of the plot in between conversations with various characters. First Ned and his mother (visiting her family graves) had a chat (she also wanted to visit Fin's grave which touched me greatly). Then an old school friend Susan stopped and had a chin wag, then Hazel's mum , came over to see how I had changed the Church's field: I was surprised I managed to get any work done at all!
Being so desperate to plan and execute such an act is so sad. It got me thinking of Eric Steel's film The Bridge.
(see the web site I wanted to see this documentary in the Sheffield documentary film festival recently but missed it. St
eel and his crew filmed San Francisco's Golden Gate Bridge during daylight hours from two separate locations for all of 2004, recording most of the two dozen deaths in that year (and preventing several others). They also taped more than 100 hours of interviews with friends, families and witnesses, who recount in sorrowful detail stories of struggles with depression, substance abuse and mental illness. Humm perhaps one could question the ethics of the film maker, but I suspect this film throws up many questions about the psychiatric care, community support, and the dreadful effect suicide has on those left behind. Years ago I had the good fortune to fly in a small plane over this iconic structure, the day was bright and warm, and I must admit I was totally moved by its size and beauty in one of the prettiest cities I have even visited. Funny what you remember and think about isn't it?
This evening I have spring cleaned the kitchen (I know I know I live an exciting life)
used far too much bleach to clean the tiles and now think I have bleached the tips of my fingers off!!! they all feel a little numb!
hey ho