La Tourneuse de pages, lunch out, fatfinders and missing Fin

Tourneuse de pages, La (2006) at Theatre Clwyd this evening was a slow little French burner ; a sinister little tale of revenge,obsession, lesbianism and abuse. Subtle and atmospheric I enjoyed it greatly, and especially liked Catherine Frot as the object of cold revenge of course a classy, neurotic, concert pianist (like you do).

Met up with Janet and Debbie, her old friend from our teenage days for lunch (a sex and the city salad!) and felt fired up to eat properly as weightwatchers weigh in has been great this week! (TOTAL WEIGHT LOSS NOW 18LBS!) It was nice to meet up with Debs and her daughter Jess who joined us as it has been years since we have sat down and chatted. Jess was quite taken by the hens who obligingly laid an egg for her to take home. The dogs were all down at Carole's house (having a run with Celt and Samson) and we went down for her to see them. I really missed Finlay, as the dogs all bounced up to say hi. and I couldn't help noticing that they were more "stand-off-ish" than Fin would have been. It was a trait I always loved about him.

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