
Spaced today as the dogs had to be taken to Buckley straight after night shift for their coat grooming! Meg had an attack of the assertions when she got home and poor George had to hide behind me for a break from her pseudo-shagging actions which actually lasted several hours, I have subsequently learnt that this is purely a dominance type action performed by dogs and bitches!

Got home at around 1pm and couldn't sleep, so pottered around with walking the dogs and cleaning up. Organised a couple of trips to Sheffield and I will be Glad to catch up with Kathryn this time as well as Jane, Mike and Nige. Next week my Brother is playing drums in a band performance , which we are all going to watch, and the whole family are turning up at OSBORN HOUSE for Chris' Birthday in a few weeks time. So what with a few theatre trips and Hazel and I 's
weekly cinema trips ( Thursday is Tourneuse de pages, La (2006)-The page Turner), things are pretty busy!

No Badger tonight! Next doors fat Ginger tom was sitting guard in the centre of the garden, ready and waiting

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