The Station Agent, Hazel & Otto and rhubarb

Watching The Station Agent (2003) Was the only saving grace in two rather boring night shifts . I had forgotten how sweet and moving this film is, as it gently recounts how quiet people need love and support to escape from their lonely lives. Peter Dinklage as Finbar an isolated "small person", Patricia Clarkson a grief stricken mother and the ubiquitous Bobby Cannavale as bored Italian hotdog salesman all find each other in a small rural town and become friends. On reflection I think the message in the narrative is not just one of loneliness and redemption through friendship, it is about human kindness in its many guises. It is a little gem of a film.

Hazel's new dog is a right character, perfectly suited to his name of Otto He is an Affenpinscher or a "german monkey dog" and seems quite a bruiser, especially as he does indeed LOOK like a small black monkey
Chris and I have decided that we are going to get another male Welsh terrier later in the year. I know we will never replace Fin, but Meg looks so "uneven" without another larger terrier around her, having two just seems right.

Tomorrow I can get stuck in planting out the allotment. Rhubarb(right) goes in tomorrow as does all the potatoes. Thursday is city day! meeting Jane and Mike in All Bar One! ....B L I S S!

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