On The Phone


Paperwork is not my forte
I’ve been overdue chasing up the sponsorship for the Memorial Hall Windows .
And so I’ve been on the phone, all morning, making notes and lists and sorting payments out.

It’s been quite fun really, chatting away to people and I caught up with former Flower Show matriarch Irene who needed a no nonsense discussion about the nuances of sponsoring a window.
Minimal pledges and orders stand at £1290 

This afternoon I’m doing my own financial overhaul and speaking of numbers it was fatclub weigh in today….I’ve lost 5 kilos ( 11 lb ) in 2 weeks….๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป  


 Readers may know of my slight obsession with Korea 
My friend Ruth and I had planned to go last year to meet our mutual friend Ben Who lives there with his family , but alas that wasn’t to be
Now I’ve heard that my great niece is going to her friends Wedding in Korea 
How lovely she looks too in the traditional Hanbok wedding outfits 
Next year , after Rome, Venice and Barcelona , I’m going

My great niece Ellie, far right

The Sea King

 I often take a neighbour to the hospital for a blood test on a Monday lunchtime.
It doesn’t usually take long.
I double park and listen to the radio outside haematology and today the air ambulance took off from its hidden helicopter pad behind in service training.

In Sheffield’s Lodge Moor Hospital  , everyone loved the sea king admissions , which, although rare, were popular with staff and local residents alike. Now the old Lodge Moor Hospital was perched on the Western most tip of the city at an altitude just shy of a thousand feet above sea level.
Originally a fever hospital, the “ South” wards were dominated by the Spinal Injury Unit where I cut my teeth as a junior staff nurse, and it was there, that the sea King’s used to bring their patients.

Our best nursing prank ever concerned the arrival of the sea king and a particularly dim student nurse I shall call Judith.  Now Judith was a game student. She would give any nursing experience a gung ho approach and when asked to bring the helicopter in , she jumped at the chance without a delay.
First she was instructed to remove her hat and to don a nurses cape reversed, so that the bright red lining was showing on the outside. Then she was given two table tennis bats from physio and asked to stand on the field in front of helicopter pad to “guide” the helicopter in to land.
And to the astonishment of the nurses on duty, civilians from the local housing development and the two RAF PILOTS in the helicopter she did just that ! 
It was the funniest thing that I have ever witnessed at work…….as the giant wasp coloured aircraft roared in over the moors ,nearly blowing Judith off her feet, her glasses skewwiff , her red cape blowing valiantly behind her, as she frantically waved her table tennis bats in the air !!!

The Ponies Return


The ponies are back on the field.
Just before Dawn , I noticed their large dark shapes shifting from leg to leg by the gate and I walked over to say hello .
I adore ponies noses.
Soft and pink and hairy and all smelling sweetly of fresh grass.
I dropped my head against the first pony’s muzzle and inhaled loudly, 
My nose against theirs and we stood like that for a while saying hello.
I dropped my head at the others in turn and did the same 
It felt as though I was being polite and friendly 
And so were they

Lovely Zombies


I found a new zombie tv series on Netflix yesterday. This won’t interest anyone but I rather enjoyed the Canadian filmed horror Black Summer.and binge watched it last night in bed from 6 pm. 
Something I never do. Perhaps it had something to do with the Hispanic leading man Sal Valez

I’m working days all this weekend. 
And I can’t be bothered to light the fire as I’ve not long got home and will be in bed in half an hour. 
I’m still eating very healthy but for a treat I’d plan in  having a miniature gin with ice and two Jacobs cream crackers with white crab meat for my supper.

This time it was  mary who stole the crab off the top of the crackers without moving the crackers from their plate….which in my mind was pretty nifty  so it was the neat gin and licked crackers.

I ate the crackers.
Fuck it

Today was busy as we admitted a very poorly patient from the Hospice at Home team but I was on with a great bunch of staff  so all went bloody well. 
When work goes like that, it’s a tiring pleasure to do what I do.

I’ve just made a chicken salad for lunch

Time for bed


 I met my friend Faisal for coffee this morning. 
He was, you may recall at the first LGBTQ book club a few months ago.
He is the politest man I’ve ever met and soon will be moving back to his family home abroad, where he will help with the family business which is a garage and convenience store. He is in his forties and not out to his family. 
I like him. He speaks carefully and with much thought and never rushes an answer, which is always considered and balanced. 
He’s never had a boyfriend, but seems not to mind this fact explaining he has only been out with his friends for just under a year. 
We have lunch from the Thai on Thai and I was made up as the owner came over as were were eating to tell me how good my technique with my chopsticks was. I was eating rice traditionally with the bowl up to my mouth and she gave me a toothy thumbs up which really made my day
It’s funny that I’m so clumsy with eating my food using a knife , fork and spoon but give me a pair of chopsticks and Im a wizz…..

This afternoon I took Roger to the groomer and he’s looking mighty fine when returned 

Just after we got home I got some beautiful roses delivered. 
A surprise gift from Nu 
She does this from time to time



Thank fuck for that ….covid neg today.
I was out minutes after the swab and with my friend Colin in Liverpool within an hour where I soaked up my weight watchers extra points on a fab Lebanese lunch ( no pud)
It’s so nice to sit in a window of a nice cafe and talk and eat and talk more.
We gossiped like old ladies do in Central Park on a Sunday.
Towards the end of lunch Colin turned to me and said 
“ Do you know what, I really fancy going to Venice for a few days do you want to come?”
I said yes before he could take another slurp of his foul mudammas
How good is that ?

Spring Flowers

On the back of the feelings of springtime this morning
I had a mooch in the garden at dusk to look at the spring flowers
Which are just showing their faces to the sun.

Pink ribus, miniature daffodils and grape hyacinth are valiantly colouring patches of my borders 
And I filled an old cut glass ink bottle with a bunch and listened to The Archers as the dogs turned slow circles in front of the fire and Albert sighed in the middle of them stretching his bad leg slowly towards the heat

The flowers are next to my bed
On the blue pained Lloyd loom table
And they look cheerful 
As I wanted them to 


 I lowered Bluebells’ windows wide and drove down the A55 at a pace.
What covid I breathed out soon was blasted out of the car in an instant and soon I was feeling cold but exhilarated by the wind. 
that’s cleared the old tubes I thought
I drove to Colwyn Bay and sat on the beach with my flask of coffee
This was 9 am this morning and I had already walked the dogs.
Women were wild swimming in the sea and I could here them laughing from where I sat.
It’s always nice to hear laughter no matter where it’s from

It’s been a long and fairly miserable winter all told
I’ve never experienced one so long, except in lockdown 
And with spring here things seem to be on the up. 
They feel better? 
Don’t you think? 

Two women passed me , they were talking about Paul O’Grady whose death was announced this morning
“ I loved him as Lily Savage” one said to another and I wondered if O’Grady knew just how affectionately he was thought of I thought.
I loved the story about him when he was comparing a drag show in the 1980s in London and the bar was raided by Policemen all wearing rubber gloves ( HIV protection) because it braking section 28 rules, Lily Savage called out to the punters that they were there to help with the washing up.
Thanks to O ‘Grady we now have drag Queens in our libraries reading stories to children. 
With his Liverpudlian wit, amazing legs and fuck you attitude that never lost a little warmth, he endeared himself to the majority that met him. 
He did a great deal for the  LGBTQ+  Community 
And he loved his dogs.
You were a class act Lily …..a real class act



It was skills practice in college tonight , so I played the counsellor (on line )which was interesting.We are a group of three and this evening had an opportunity to honestly share why we picked each other to “ do” therapy .
I like my fellow students and I guess that is why we were all there …for we like each other. 
Donna is a fast talking , nervous Social worker who loves her cats, is theatrically and constantly irritated by her husband and who laughs without a filter. 
Caroline is deep, a saleswoman who is good at what she does but who needs to change her career 
And there’s me 
Three different people who bonded over Carl Rogers, CBT and Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs 

Tonight we did skills practice and I talked about my weight and it was important and supportive and caring 
We also talked about other things not for Going Gently to share, but I must say that we left tonight’s session each feeling we’ve made two new friends.


My WW app gave me a round of applause this morning.
It sent me several ❤️❤️ a bit of ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป But it wasn’t the same as 14 overweight ladies giving you a standing 
ovation next to leader Irene in her pencil skirt
I’ve lost 4 .8 lbs 
An ok start.๐Ÿฅฐ

I’m reading Tarka The Otter by Henry Williamson today .
The 1927 novel I picked for Gay Book Club 
£2.99 from eBay 

I feel a bit washed out



I met a similar looking guy on Saturday night who I had a lovely long chat with
Unfortunately just found out that he is straight 
Bloody hell lol,
What a bugger……some straight guys flirt with everyone 



For some this will be a boring ‘ bad” blog
No long conversations. No long replies. No in depth recognition of the merits of off the wall films. 
No discussions on everything important.
So be it. 
I have covid again and I’m grounded from a much anticipated cinema trip.

Apart from feeling I’m swallowing ground glass when I sip my coffee I’m fine.

My back garden looks like the stink bombs front garden. I realised that yesterday. Now the “ stink bombs” were a family who lived in a rough looking council house near my primary school. The hedges were unkempt, and opened up wide enough in one side to allow the Ford cortina to park up to the living room windows. Scattered around would be a skip load of mostly broken plastic toys , a deflated paddling pool and beer cans. 
Even as 8 year old children , we were snobby and judgemental. 
Not nice eh? I only turned into Anne Shirley Cuthburt when I was a teen.

My garden has a look of the stink bombs and it’s all Roger’s doing
Empty milk cartons and plastic bottles, lie around next to bits of solar lanterns and  pieces of paper lie sodden after being gleefully held aloft like a fluttering flag and thrown in the air like a shuttlecock. 
An old lasagne container, parts of an old lead, a used coffee bag, the contents of a small houseplant pot.
He’s been skipping around with an empty coke bottle stolen from the recycling bag for the past half hour.
Bless him

Testing testing 1. 2, 1. 2

By eleven I thought my hangover was too bad to be true
I had a sore throat which rang alarm bells 
So I tested myself and yeap covid positive 



The ukulele band gave a “spirited” performance and won over the local crowd quite magnificently 
I was on the door , selling raffle tickets and window panes and did well at both. Suffice to say I was busy And had to keep sending friends to the bar for a beer….
Over 150 people turned up including lots of old faces  

And would you believe it 
The lovely Chic Eleanor ( centre) 
Turned up 

Affable despots Jason and wife claire with Claire’s dad 

Gwawr and the lovely Tracy Manchester 

Locals from the village  Turpins  et al 

An action shot of Velvet Voiced Linda , Village leader Ian and bouncy Bridget 

Neighbour Sailor John and  Med…

Hattie and Adam 

The object of the night was to publicise the TCA and not to make a profit 

But with food sales ( all my chilli sold) raffle tickets and pledges for the window panes as well as the band donating their gig to us for free we made a rather impressive profit 

I got home to walked the dogs around 11.30:…..I was pissed and walked  into the garden arch without a clue….big laceration on forehead  lol 

A great night ….of a place …we all felt a part of /

Chilli Mouth

 I went to the hall which was almost ready for the Children’s party this morning.
The whole idea of today was to sell the Hall as a social venue. 
The children’s tables were lined up and decorated and the popcorn machine was out and smelling glorious, so we ticked the box there. 
Bales of straw lined the stage with the TCA posters on them, giving the hall a sort of Ceilidh feel and the bar, for later was hid away in the corner for later. The bar tonight will be run by The Crown ( the village pub)

Bridget had set up a wedding table, using the utilitarian chairs and table from the hall and it looked lovely.we are advertising the Hall as a do-it-yourself wedding venue so this corner speaks for itself.

As for the chilli ?
Well I’m sick of the fucking taste of it!
I’m made four batches so far
One more at least to go

One in the oven

A Long Time Dead

I usually listen to LBC Radio when I’m sitting down to my bucket of coffee and now much reduced breakfast , but there seems a lot of shouting everywhere at the moment. Shouting on the tv, on radio, in real life and in blogging, that I’ve turned on classic fm.
To be honest that was all a bit much too and so I’m now sat in silence 

Last night David Sidaris discussed how he was once berated by a woman for talking about vaginas. He made  a simple enough point, for as a fifteen year old aide in a psychiatric hospital he was once witness to a naked 80 year old woman having “ therapy” a scene which would have turned himself gay if he hadn’t been gay already. 
The point of his essay was simple, for when David left the sadness and restrictions of covid lockdown, the complainer’s power was diminished to nothing. 
I get this…covid was poisonous in so many ways 

Last night, a friend phoned. Like me they have just entered their seventh decade and they were feeling it, like I do after two long day shifts. 
They talked about feeling on the last lap of life so to speak, where they needed to do all those things they’d planned to do, before age and illness and covid and the like could stop them.
I recognised this feeling 
That last Hurrah kind of feeling.
So what do you want to do ?” I asked.
I want to see the Sagrada Familia” they said 
Feelings intertwine..they always do. Mortality, and age and real life and post covid lethargy and a sense of a clock ticking…

“So let’s go” I said

And so we are going to see it in July!  



I’ve spent the afternoon playing with bits of paper, this was after I photographed the village telephone box which the TCA is renovating into an information centre, book swap and noticeboard.

I am Sat on the stage of the Memorial Hall in silence with only the ghosts of villagers past for company.
The hall has its own distinctive smell. 
Slightly musty, of polish, and wood floors and old doors, and sunlight trapped inside an airless huge room by long windows framed with old fashioned curtains.
I love the smell of the Hall.

It reminds me of all of the above , as well as the Flower Show and of long, tired but happy days in Summer when the tiny cream painted side windows were forced to be opened by the sheer numbers of people in the hall.
I cut photos out and pinned them to the noticeboards and remembered and was almost done when the Velvet Voiced Linda, buoyant Briget and Nick arrived to help set up
Then the ghosts disappeared as the chatter of the modern day villagers filled the space with echoes.


Hannah Churchill

Most of us know the vignettes that make up Little Women.
Amy’s pickled limes. Jo’s selling her hair. Meg’s love of the Ball and Beth’s piano.
The stories are almost as real as those in our own families, especially if you grew up with siblings.
Last night I went to see a one woman show in Theatre Clwyd where actress Hannah Churchill reenacted most of the novel as Jo, hiding away in the attic after Beth’s death. Here she writes her book in her head, playing each sister in turn, only supported by a quiet Laurie, who plays an accompaniment on Beth’s piano

Churchill’s jumping from one character from another works best when Amy and Jo are portrayed which is unsurprising given their powerful personalities. Meg, Beth and Marmie are slightly less successful , but only slightly, as at times the play becomes incredibly moving. (Beth’s illness) and even exciting ( Amy falling through the Ice)
It’s a hard gig really as we all know the story and bringing a fresh look at it must be hard.
So hats off to Hannah Churchill who did a very good job of carrying the story.

I’ve broken the back of my assignment and will finish that today. This afternoon I’m going to the hall to sort out the noticeboards for the open day on Saturday.



With Boris on the firing line today at Partygate, I’m amazed to hear that it’s three years since the first lockdown . Three years!!
I’m almost overwhelmed by the thought.
I’m looking at the art wall in the kitchen…..at the start of Lockdown there was only a couple of paintings there…..

The dogs and I had a serious chat this morning, 
Over in the Churchyard, in the weak sun of the morning.
Well I did most of the talking to be fair and Mary and Dorothy hung on every word as they have a want to do.
Roger spied an early bee flying in disorientated circles near the flowers on Auntie Gladys’ grave and smiled to himself .
He never listens  to anything more serious .
Albert limped over and head butted Roger who almost toppled over in shock
I left the boys to it.

I feel more energised than I have in a while. 
I feel more in control and more hopeful with things
I think I’ve been a little depressed over lockdown and a smidgen beyond it
And I told the girls so this morning.
I’m sure they nodded carefully

I have them a big smile and told them that
I’ve just booked a trip to Rome 
It’s in September and I’m going alone.
If a friend wants to join me ….then great.
If not, that’s cool too

Im going to Rome, and I will be able to fit in my best Walking Dead T shirt ….the Large one….
Not the extra large one when I do so.
I fly from London and hopefully see friends there before I go.

What do you think? I asked the gang
Dorothy blew a kiss and Mary pushed forward to be first
Roger was now watching crows in Well Street trees and hadn’t a clue

Io Vado a Roma…Bella