Operation Dog Snot Removal

After a Stressful day on the phone. I took myself off to the sports centre for a game of badminton with Georgous Dave 
He won and stood tall like an Asian god, all muscles and white teeth, after the game
I lay on the floor of the sports Hall gasping violently like a recently landed carp! 
I did feel better for the game,
Though you wouldn't have guessed it by looking at me! 

Here are the latest favourite art entries......
Please keep em coming to jgsheffield@hotmail.com
I like that another middle aged gay reader loves the artwork of The Poseidon Adventure as much as I do.....

I've just sat down with aching limbs and sweaty brow 
And I can't quite believe that I can hear Dotty straining out a massive turd on the carpet of the spare bedroom
Hey ho 

Scottish Power

" Out with anger .......in with love" 
That's what I was trying to think of after my first half hour on the phone 
But after being charged £ 1311.52 by Scottish Power instead on a 30£ direct debit , I was beyond any self help and deep breathing exercises
I resorted to my old stand by giggle comment of 
" Big Breaths!!!" 
" yes and I'm only 16!" 
But that didn't work either .
Trying to find a customer care telephone number on the Scottish Power and Nat West website was like searching for a five pound note down a fat stripper's cleavage 
It's almost impossible ......

" You need to ring your bank and ask for an indemnity claim " the unhelpful scouser finally told me, " I can give you 30£ for your trouble " 
An hour later the website still proclaimed I was paying a direct debit of over a grand a month
I rang them back and demanded the oversight was changed only to be talked over and not listened to
"Can you pause a moment for breath?" I asked finally only to be faced with Glen Campbell singing 
Wichita Lineman for a further 22 minutes.

Good job I've cleaned the spare bedroom in the west wing in readiness for my choir guest tomorrow.
A friend has just offered up his spare room to a guy on some last minute bed dot com thing and has suppered a border line personality disordered predatory gay madman for 48 hours!
Sort of put me off doing any airbnb type thing! 

At least Albert is happy at the clean bedding

Love Actually

One of the most powerful scenes
To a lovely song

Both Times Now II

and more art entries!!!

Both Sides Now

It's Halloween and the Brexit deadline
I don't much care for either
I do however have a stash of sweets hidden away in the kitchen just in case some brave soul tries to negotiate the adventure playground which is my cottage garden path in the dark!
I seem to remember last year's shenanigans where Affable despot Jason and a hoard of kids ran around the Churchyard like loons!
great fun!
Last night I watched a few minutes of the documentary that was publicizing the recording of Children In Need charity album and I just caught, mad-as-a-badger Helena Bonham Carter singing Joni Mitchell's Both Sides Now
We only glimpsed the performance but something in it caught my attention and it moved  greatly

I am loving you most loved artwork entries..please keep them coming ,,,,,,,,little snippets of brightness on a grey day...……..I think Both Sides Now has made me somewhat melancholic 
email them to me jgsheffield@hotmail.com