Scottish Power

" Out with anger with love" 
That's what I was trying to think of after my first half hour on the phone 
But after being charged £ 1311.52 by Scottish Power instead on a 30£ direct debit , I was beyond any self help and deep breathing exercises
I resorted to my old stand by giggle comment of 
" Big Breaths!!!" 
" yes and I'm only 16!" 
But that didn't work either .
Trying to find a customer care telephone number on the Scottish Power and Nat West website was like searching for a five pound note down a fat stripper's cleavage 
It's almost impossible ......

" You need to ring your bank and ask for an indemnity claim " the unhelpful scouser finally told me, " I can give you 30£ for your trouble " 
An hour later the website still proclaimed I was paying a direct debit of over a grand a month
I rang them back and demanded the oversight was changed only to be talked over and not listened to
"Can you pause a moment for breath?" I asked finally only to be faced with Glen Campbell singing 
Wichita Lineman for a further 22 minutes.

Good job I've cleaned the spare bedroom in the west wing in readiness for my choir guest tomorrow.
A friend has just offered up his spare room to a guy on some last minute bed dot com thing and has suppered a border line personality disordered predatory gay madman for 48 hours!
Sort of put me off doing any airbnb type thing! 

At least Albert is happy at the clean bedding


  1. A customer service person who doesn't listen properly and doesn't take any necessary action - sounds familiar.

    We would never offer our spare bedroom to anyone we didn't know, precisely because of the sort of thing that happened to your friend. We've never rented an airbnb place either for similar reasons.

  2. Anonymous12:19 pm

    Websites seem to make it deliberately hard to find a phone number, because they don't want people calling.

    Your spare room bed looks uncomfortable, but it will never be my problem.

  3. I had a problem with EDF when I moved here and got a £3000 bill and hadn't even been living in the house. I had also had a meter change carried out by their staff at their behest but they had no record of it and said I was lying. I had to resort to tears on the phone and extreme distress and eventually got a person in a supervisory position who looked at it and said she could not believe what she was looking at. I eventually received a £300 compensation payment having been asked to name the figure. I randomly plucked it out of the air as I was so taken aback at being asked to name what I thought was fair. I wished I had said more when she so readily ageeed. I now keep an eye on EDF like a hawk each month. Good luck with the choir guest.

    1. British Gas deliberately erased all records of our meter readings for over two years, then said we had not been paying enough. They are criminals.

    2. Peter had same problem. He eventually demanded that British Gas remove the gas supply from his house, had the road dug up and the supply pipe severed and removed. They hounded him for years for gas which he never used and kept billing him for. It was horrendous.

    3. These stories are worrying

  4. If I wanted an airbnb room while staying in a small village in Wales, I'd love yours, dogs and all. I've read accounts of people who rent rooms to great success and others who have difficulties. After a hurricane devastated the area where we lived when our daughter was growing up, she offered a two-week stay at her lake home to a family whose home had been flooded. They did not disclose the full history of the family, and she ended up with expensive repairs because of damage done by a family member with anger issues, and months of harassment to boot. Still, I'd be considering airbnb if my staying in my house depended on it. My husband, however, would not.

    1. Well if things get tight , I may have to rent lol

  5. Wichita Lineman is a good Campbell song ....but not for twenty-two minutes of deep breathing!

  6. Oh, lovely..your spare bed comes with a cat!

    We escaped from the big six suppliers a long time ago, and have been happy with ecotricity...100% renewables, the same unit price however you pay and nice helpful people to talk to on the phone in Stroud...

  7. I recognise that wallpaper in the bedroom; I think my mother used it somewhere. V nice.

  8. Things are coming thick and fast here too John- yesterday I was walking my dogs crying to myself but today I'm just trying to let it wash over me - it will pass x

  9. We are still arguing with British Gas about an inexplicable 'shortfall' of about £450. All the big companies are up to the same trick. They have a policy of deliberately swamping the Ombudsman's office, knowing they will be too busy to do anything about it. We have now switched to one of those small suppliers who go out of business almost as soon as they start.

    1. Oh, and sorry to say, Scottish Power have the highest level of complaints - by far - than all the others.

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  11. It could have been worse; it could have been the tax man you were dealing with.

  12. Wait, did they actually debit your account 1311.52? Holy cow!!!!

  13. Yes, isn't it maddening trying to deal with companies today? They all want you to use the website and make it almost impossible to find a customer service phone number instead. I hope that power bill snafu gets cleared up -- holy moly, what a discrepancy!

  14. There's a ghostly face, bottom left hand corner of the photo.......

    1. Ghoulies in the guise of unironed bedding 😂 Perhaps not the only goolies to be seen in the middle of the night as John trots to the loo, knackers swinging to and fro, to and fro, to and fro

    2. Oh yes Christina-it's defineitly a face x

    3. If you see faces in ordinary objects etc Christina you have pareidolia. I also see faces in objects as varied as clouds, tile flooring, wooden walls, curtains etc.

      Jo in Auckland

    4. I didn't know that, jo. Most interesting!

    5. I just spat my coffee everywhere reading Mavis reply. That’s made my day, hilarious.

  15. How come you are using so much electricity? Are you running a secret marijuana farm?

  16. I love your welcoming room and no doubt your guest will be pleased and a nice person at least you will have the choir in common should be a wonderful event.
    As for customer service today it's a struggle to even get a person on the phone good luck with that John.

  17. Your bedroom looks so cosy and inviting, lucky guest x

  18. That's a huge difference in what they've charged you and what it's supposed to be - gah! I wish you luck with that.

    Your spare room looks cozy and lovely. I shouldn't think you'll have any issues with your guest as they are sort of a known entity. I'd worry about renting to unknown persons, though. I don't understand how Air bnb hosts OR guests can be so blase about taking chances.

    1. Operation dog snot removal was working overtime today

  19. My brother was sent a cheque for £0.01p refund from Scottish Power,it had been countersigned by 3 people.He had it framed and put on the wall in his loo.

  20. I always found cats very good for keeping the feet warm on cold nights - your guest might well appreciate Albert's presence.

    1. She must be an animal lover. She has been warned

  21. Barbara Anne7:51 pm

    We pay our bills and do not allow direct debit. No way!

    I think your guest room is lovely and welcoming, as Albert agrees.


  22. Big Breaths. I like that one - lol.

  23. I have been known to hyperventilate badly whilst waiting for an unknown "face" to answer my call in customer service. Drives me bonkers that it takes so bloody long to get a real person on the phone, press 1 press 5, press 3 "Sorry your call cannot be answered at this time, please leave a detailed message and we will get back to you" Gah!!!

    Jo in Auckland

  24. Those conversations can be rage-inducing. I had similar with Vodaphone several years ago. Hope you have more success!

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  26. Dear God! That's a heck of a mistake. I hope they've corrected it by now.


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