Operation Dog Snot Removal

After a Stressful day on the phone. I took myself off to the sports centre for a game of badminton with Georgous Dave 
He won and stood tall like an Asian god, all muscles and white teeth, after the game
I lay on the floor of the sports Hall gasping violently like a recently landed carp! 
I did feel better for the game,
Though you wouldn't have guessed it by looking at me! 

Here are the latest favourite art entries......
Please keep em coming to jgsheffield@hotmail.com
I like that another middle aged gay reader loves the artwork of The Poseidon Adventure as much as I do.....

I've just sat down with aching limbs and sweaty brow 
And I can't quite believe that I can hear Dotty straining out a massive turd on the carpet of the spare bedroom
Hey ho 


  1. Barbara Anne9:37 pm

    The amazing variety of art is endless, isn't it! How glorious.

    Have you considered (from the mention of gasping post exercise) that you might have asthma? Adult onset asthma is a fact for some people, including my sweet AMIL when she was in her late 70s and DH in his mid-60s.

    Hey ho? Dorothy needs to learn where the dog loo is.


    1. You are so much more than just fat. For instance you are also old and unfit x

  2. In the blogpost title you refer to dog snot. Shouldn't that be dog turd?

    1. No i cleaned the snot from the windows as i used to do for my mother in law

    2. Heidi4:23 pm

      Your mother in law left snot on your windows?

  3. I hope it was a dry one.

  4. I'm a bit down on dogs right now. This post hasn't improved things for me.

    1. Weve all shat on the floor at one time or other

    2. Yes, but not when I'm having my lunch. This is now an almost daily occurrence at my place of work. A fellow resident has an uncontrollable collie.

  5. My almost 15-year-old Maggie the Wonder Dog has been drinking water by the buckets then peeing all over the house. Of course she chooses the Berber carpet. It was such an odd thing that we took her to the vet, and for the low low price of $147.75 the vet determined that she has a bladder infection. Gave us a bottle of antibiotics and charged $29 for 28 pills. Our local Walgreens sells the same thing for $6.78. She's been on the pills for two days and vomits thirty minutes after she gets the pill. But she drinks so much water that at least the capsule dissolves before she hacks everything else up. Good news is no more peeing, which I much prefer to the other.

    1. As a cat and dog medicine giver...Helpful Hint....
      Take a teaspoon,get a blob of cat or dog food..the stinkier the better...hide the pill whole or crushed ...and just offer it to the 1-dog, will gobble/swallow it without pause...with a cat , crushing the meds in oily cat food...liquid from a tin of any smelly fish .
      My dog started the over drinking and we found out he had diabetes.
      I can't deal with needles but I learned quick enough!
      Crushing meds into a spoonful of any smelly cat/dog food usually works.
      Good luck!

  6. One of my dogs is too frightened to go to the loo outside as fireworks are exploding nightly.Poo and wee allover the place x

  7. Thank goodness for cat litter boxes, mine know where to go. Now going upstairs to clean up cat puke.

  8. I would love to see a small write up at the bottom of each one as to why the pictures mean so much to whoever sent it in.

  9. How kind of Dorothy to offer a welcome gift to your guest. I can’t believe you can HEAR her do it! Oh god!

  10. Nice catfish? artwork John x

  11. Heidi4:27 pm

    Lovely artwork except for the barbaric bull fighting one. I'm surprised you put that one up John.

    1. It looks to be counted cross stitch so someone took a lot of time and patience to stitch it. Not your cup of tea just move on, no need for negative comments.

    2. I'm with Heidi on the bull fighting one. Whether it's "counted cross stitch" and took years to make. a painting or a photo it's still a horrendously cruel sport. Animal cruelty is animal cruelty whatever the medium.

    3. Are you all vegetarians?
      I don't eat meat but I can live with the sight of a needlepoint bull fight, sheesh!

  12. Oh no! Naughty Dotty! Did she have issues before she came to live with you? Well, at least it happened BEFORE your company came . . . hopefully it won't happen WHILE they are there :)

    It's astonishing the variety of subjects and mediums that have been sent to you for the artwork competition.

  13. Even Mrs Hinch would flinch, think you need a gigantic litter tray (for the dogs). really enjoyed seeing all the pictures, thanks.

  14. Wait, what is this artwork submission thing? Somehow I fell behind here! Love those tattooed biceps. :)


I love all comments Except abusive ones from arseholes