Early Saturday Morning

no lie in


  1. I have a similar wake up call with my cat who starts off by patting my face gently with his paw. If that doesn't work he will nudge me with his wet nose, and chew my hair. I respond by pulling the covers over my head then when I can no longer breathe I peep out to find him staring at me from about 2 cms away. Then I get up and feed him and open the door. After he has walked his estate (my little back garden) he comes in, jumps on my bed and goes to sleep. If I make too much noise in there though he sits up and glares at me before snuggling back down into his nest. Love him to bits though.

    1. This is so wonderful.

    2. Aileen g, Through some trick of Fate, I lost my husband but acquired 3 cats!
      The "old man",an ancient old Himalayan , just wants a warm body in the morning, so he and I snuggle while my little Minette decides who gets to snuggle with her and Honey the cat that ate New York buts me with her head and meows with a tiny cat voice.

  2. Ah, love... it can be so messy.

  3. No need to wash your face in the morning then! Does Dotty also brush your teeth while Winnie is preparing your coffee bucket downstairs - as Albert pours out your bowl of "Sugar Puffs".

  4. Haha
    That’s what being a pet parent is!


  5. Barbara Anne1:16 pm

    But such honest devotion and love! It's good to see Mary is snuggled in, too.


  6. Maybe they're just checking you haven't expired. That would be their greatest worry.

    1. Anonymous3:12 pm

      Checking to see if he has rotted to tenderness and consequently far more edible.

  7. Mine climb over me,not to wake me but to get more comfortable on the bed.When it's time to walk I usually have to pull the duvet off of 2 as they like a lie in,apart from the little teddy bear who follows me around x

  8. Mine hasn't learned to climb the stairs yet!! Thank goodness.

  9. Well when you gotta pee... you gotta pee!

  10. You are loved and needed.

  11. Jazz wakes me. He has a couple of preferred methods. Sweeping everything off the bedside table is good. Reaching under the bedclothes to rake my side with sharp, sharp claws is also good. Purring.

  12. Keep your bedroom door closed is the answer (unless they have learned to scratch at it, which I guess they probably have)

  13. Just think, Dotty can give you CPR if you need it, just by walking on your chest!

    I love my cats but some days I'd love to not have the responsibilities - just for a break, you know? But then I know I'd miss them if they weren't here.

  14. I get that every morning. There is never, ever any sleeping in.

  15. I must be incredibly lucky, the Betty Noodle would much rather sleep than exert herself by waking me!


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