Kool & The Gang - Celebration

love the foot work.....

got home after 8pm to find Janet and Ned (with George) in their car parked on the field watching out for Mr Fox...thank god for sisters!!

As I got the field locked up..this song blasted out across the fields.... and I realised that a party in memory of a popular local women was going on ! She died this time last year, and her huge family and close friends had got together to "celebrate" her life by music, games and plenty of beer!

It was lovely to hear the fun....and this song was a blast from my past.......reminds me of my friend Rol and his sister Nia.....and the CB days of tacky 1980 night clubs!

The Ghost Hens

It has been a bit of a rush this morning, I received a phone call from work desperate for me to do a day shift rather then a night shift tonight. I said I couldn't do the whole day but I could work the afternoon and early evening, so I am grabbing my morning coffee and blog before I sort the animals out then I will be off.
The battery hens are starting to take a little more interest in their surroundings after 48 hours TLC. They remain silent and still and are typical examples of the "frozen awareness" that you often see in abused animals and damaged children.
Last night I caught three of the little ones sat outside their run and this morning a couple of them shuffled their sad ways into the sunshine of the hen house door to take in the dawn sunshine.
Look closely on the hen on the right, her beak is completely crossed, giving her the look of someone with a cleft palate.
One hen remains very unsteady on her feet, and all still look hunched, frightened and unhappy.
The other hens on the field have found these strange little birds terrifying. From time to time several of them have crept up to the wire to give the strangers the once over, but look wary and unsure of the new hens...

Web cam

Its not a good look for a 48 year old is it?
A hoodie!!
I am on fox watch this evening and have just found out that the wireless broadband reaches the field!!!
so I am here typing out some blog comments and taking photos of myself with the web cam!..a neighbour has just called out
"well I've seen everything now! poultry and the internet"
My plan tonight is to watch the awful film The Presidio (some lovely shots of San Fransisco..I will enjoy recognising places we have been) and eat ALL of a salmon wellington from out of the freezer!.....bliss

Losing George

Yesterday I lost George.
Now If anyone here knows Scottish terriers, they will immediately know that this is an almost impossible thing to do.
They are loyal and obedient dogs that never stray far from their owners' heels, so when out on a walk when you look round there they will be looking right back at you.
Yesterday we walked the length of Gypsy lane, and quite suddenly George had literally disappeared. I called and called, thinking that he had gotten all excited over a fresh pile of droppings, but there was silence after my call... no !"arroooo!" of recognition, no bark of answer.
I retraced my steps....no George. I hurried back to the main road dragging the Welsh by their leads.....still no George.....then I ran back along the lane again....nothing......
I was beginning to get frantic. In four years George had never been out of my sight before let alone gone missing,,,,and with Maddie dying recently, I let the whole thing get right under my radar and I experienced that awful cold prickly sensation you get when dread takes over from objectivity
I called and called up and down the tracks and snickets, all to no avail, and was helped in my search by two women out for a walk. I then decided to race back to the cottage to get the car... and as we turned into the lane just by my field I heard the usual Scottie greeting "arrroooooo"
We turned and in an adjacent sheep field was George sat calmly by the stone style....somehow he had taken himself through three fields full of sheep, negotiated two wire pig fences and a style and had trotted all the way home .
I could have burst into tears! and realized quickly that I am rapidly turning into an old woman where my dogs are concerned.
Anyhow today, Chris has left early for Kent again. His Uncle is having a birthday party over the weekend and Chris has gone down to join in. I am working Saturday night, so its going to be a bit of a boring weekend for me.
I am still worried about the fox too, last night I relaxed "fox watch" just a little and spent some of the evening in the cottage....at 8ish the hens kicked up a huge fuss and I got out there only to find the three main flocks all tightly knit in their own groups calling loudly at some unseen menace beyond the fence. My arrival put paid to any further problems , but he's still out there lurking in the sidelines.
My sister will lock the hens up tomorrow night when I am at work, but I am worried that there wont be a human deterrent around the field for a while after I leave for work at 7pm......I will ask the neighbours if they would like an amble around the field after I go perhaps...
I am getting a little obsessional
ps My rants to the water board seem to have worked...two men arrived this morning and repaired the wall!!!

Un long dimanche de fiançailles

I felt a little out of sorts this evening so watched A VERY LONG ENGAGEMENT......I think it is one of my top ten films of all time.....quite, quite beautiful...............moving, exciting and memorable.........if if watch it just for the incredible airship explosion, you wont be dissapointed.......

At last my wild flower border blooms

You have to look closely, but there they are! At last my wild flower border has started to bloom. Finally I can be called eco friendly.
Just checked on the battery chicks..between them they have eaten 2 large dog bowls of layers pellets

It's a crime

The six new fledglings are a sorry bunch.
This morning in the cold light of day, I gave them the once over.
Admittedly they are the "runts" that had been sidelined in an intensive farming enterprise but I was not quite prepared to see how sad and depressed these little ones were.
Two of the birds seem to be weak and lame, one has a deformed beak and another looks incredibly hunched, so after giving them a quick physical check I left them in the semi gloom of a spare hen house, with food, water ( with a little antibiotic in it) and warming sawdust
We will give them some space, peace and TLC and will see if they will survive.

I understand why intensive practices in farming occur, but like most people I dont really have the inclination or the opportunity to see what actually goes on behind those closed doors......today I have had a tiniest glimpse of how these little scraps of animals have been treated.

Trailer Trash respect & The Red Face Farmer saga

This afternoon the Welsh Water Tanker,driven by a contract driver side swiped the field wall. After checking the damage to his tanker (a broken back light) the driver drove away, then thought better of it after Ralph the gentleman farmer's wife took down the number of the wagon!
As I walked back up the lane with the registration number in my sweaty hand, the driver ambled towards me as though nothing drastic had happened He smiled broadly and made light of the accident stating that it was an accident. He was overly chummy and not at all sorry for the damage and kept calling me "mate!"
"I dont know what to do about this" he chirped swinging an over abundance of gold jewelry
"I do" I said coldly "I will be ringing Welsh water and I am NOT your mate!"
He looked hurt "It was only an accident" he explained and added " It looks as though the wall has been hit before...you dont have to act like that"
Is it me? or has it suddenly become acceptable not to show remorse for damage done in this way, or to overly show any sign of respect and acknowledgement for the hard work done by others? In this age of me, me me, I honestly think that certain members of our society just don't give a shit!!!
"It was an accident but an accident caused by your lack of care" I growled (gawd we are back at the supermarket story when I berated that woman for having an ugly fat baby!)
"Do you know that a chap from this village spent hours constructing this wall as a favour to the Church!!!.?"
It was useless to go on, the chap couldn't be arsed and to be honest nor could I. In silence I walked away and spent an exhausting 30 minutes on the phone being assertive with Welsh Water's complaints department!
You know the older I get the more angry I become
Chris went dancing with my sister this evening, while I got buttoned holed by the Red Faced Welsh Farmer by the field gate! I love hearing his stories of his life adventures! especially the more risque ones concerning his multiple jousts with bureaucracy.
After an hour and a half marathon, he sped away in his trusty red land rover to complete some deal or other, only to return with a gift of 6 small "eating hens" an hour later!
Thank goodness I had one spare chicken coop, so the battery hens were immediately installed with some feed and water.....I am glad I was in a position to give the rather battered group of youngsters a more natural home (well until we eat them!)
Time for bed now..it has been a long day!
Chris has just called down from the bedroom with the curt instructions "wash YOUR FEET! before you come to bed!!"
I have let myself go today!