Trailer Trash respect & The Red Face Farmer saga

This afternoon the Welsh Water Tanker,driven by a contract driver side swiped the field wall. After checking the damage to his tanker (a broken back light) the driver drove away, then thought better of it after Ralph the gentleman farmer's wife took down the number of the wagon!
As I walked back up the lane with the registration number in my sweaty hand, the driver ambled towards me as though nothing drastic had happened He smiled broadly and made light of the accident stating that it was an accident. He was overly chummy and not at all sorry for the damage and kept calling me "mate!"
"I dont know what to do about this" he chirped swinging an over abundance of gold jewelry
"I do" I said coldly "I will be ringing Welsh water and I am NOT your mate!"
He looked hurt "It was only an accident" he explained and added " It looks as though the wall has been hit dont have to act like that"
Is it me? or has it suddenly become acceptable not to show remorse for damage done in this way, or to overly show any sign of respect and acknowledgement for the hard work done by others? In this age of me, me me, I honestly think that certain members of our society just don't give a shit!!!
"It was an accident but an accident caused by your lack of care" I growled (gawd we are back at the supermarket story when I berated that woman for having an ugly fat baby!)
"Do you know that a chap from this village spent hours constructing this wall as a favour to the Church!!!.?"
It was useless to go on, the chap couldn't be arsed and to be honest nor could I. In silence I walked away and spent an exhausting 30 minutes on the phone being assertive with Welsh Water's complaints department!
You know the older I get the more angry I become
Chris went dancing with my sister this evening, while I got buttoned holed by the Red Faced Welsh Farmer by the field gate! I love hearing his stories of his life adventures! especially the more risque ones concerning his multiple jousts with bureaucracy.
After an hour and a half marathon, he sped away in his trusty red land rover to complete some deal or other, only to return with a gift of 6 small "eating hens" an hour later!
Thank goodness I had one spare chicken coop, so the battery hens were immediately installed with some feed and water.....I am glad I was in a position to give the rather battered group of youngsters a more natural home (well until we eat them!)
Time for bed has been a long day!
Chris has just called down from the bedroom with the curt instructions "wash YOUR FEET! before you come to bed!!"
I have let myself go today!


  1. Those are some dirty feet!

    At least in the USA, I don't think that a lack of responsibility is anything new. Way back in the '70's, I had two different cars damaged, both while they were parked in lots. In one case, someone who saw the accident wrote down the license plate number, but, in the other, no one stepped forward at all.

    Thanks for taking the time out of your busy life to get things straightened out.

  2. mmm LOL I agree with Chris wash your feet before you go to bed ROFL...

    I also agree that there seems to be a lack of caring or self responsiblity anymore...everyone wants to pass the buck.

    So this guy thought he should just crash your nice stone wall and "OH WELL" ... I think not! I hope the company he works for sends someone to repair that wall!!!

  3. Eeee Gad! I know those feet. A hard working fellow owns them!!

    About the fence:Can you believe the nerve of that guy? Sheesh. I sure hope they fix it and dock his pay. That'll show him. (Soorrrryy---yea, sorry he got caught!)

  4. Those really are some dirty paws John, and get them off the furniture!! :-)))

    I am sorry about the fence. I see this lack of acknowledgement of responsibility everyday when patients come into the office and are late or whatever, they always have a rude excuse and it's always someone else's fault.

    You aren't really going to eat those hens are you??? By the way, what's the difference between an eating hen and a laying hen? Is there one?? I know that's probably a really dumb question, but remember I'm a city girl living in the country...

  5. Did you get anywhere with the Water Dept? Yes John, the older you get, the more upset you get with people that have such a cavalier attitude as the truck driver.

    Ah.... yes, I think Chris is right.

  6. Oh no! I love that wall! I'd be furious.

    I'm glad that's dirt on your feet. When I saw the photo, I thought it was bruises. That's the way horse folks who have been stepped on think.

  7. Speaking of boys will be boys......YOU have to be told to wash your feet!?

    Lucky you.....six more hens or lucky them I guess

  8. Old turkey's always have mucky feet!

  9. kim
    yes aim to eat these little chaps!

    these hens are bred for meat. whereas the usual hybrid laying hen is built for eggs...hybrids usually make for skinny birds

  10. Your feet need a good wash.


    "Disgusted", of Manchester


  11. Listen, several years ago a neighbor hit and killed one of our dogs right in front of our driveway. He didn't even stop to tell us or help her or even see if she was still alive-a large chocolate lab with a thick orange collar-you can't say he didn't see or feel her when he hit her- some kids who were playing outside ran to get us.
    Some people just don't step up to the plate under any circumstances.

  12. I can see why Chris said to wash your feet! :)
    You are so right about people not taking responsiblity for their actions. I hope that the water company send someone out to repair the wall/fence. And in my humble opinion they should send the driver out to do the repairs!!!

  13. What a day you've had John. Bad enough to have your rock wall hit and then the fellows blatent lack of remorse...sick chickens and then to be told to WASH YOUR FEET...geeez! I hope you have a better day tomorrow. Take care. Maura :)

  14. Your beautiful wall! What an IDIOT!! Hope Welsh Water gets it sorted, pronto.


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