Gosling update

The fox is still lurking around, of that I am sure, but after a week and a half since his attack, the field population remains intact and untouched.
My brother in law, Ned, who used to be a gamekeeper, gave me some sound advice about how to recognise if the fox ( or "Charlie" as Ned calls him) is around.
Last night around 8pm I noticed a couple of Magpies chattering above the heavy hedge which runs above the stream. They were slowly following the line of the water, jumping from tree to tree as they cackled loudly, and I remembered that Ned had said that this is typical behaviour of magpies following a fox. I called the hens in to feed, and took the dogs down to the hedge to sniff and wee........ and the danger passed......for now

On a brighter note ,the goslings are going from strength to strength. At 7.15 we sat in the garden for our usual morning constitutional. Me with my coffee, they with gobfulls of grass. Both babies are now around 12 inches tall, and are losing their needy insecure personalities. They are increasing in confidence and bluster, and now will take themselves off for a walk on their own, However, sometimes their nerves fail them and back they gallop to "MOMMY" for a cuddle and a warm.
Having babies that need me, pander to my ego I guess, they are so lovable

Today I need to get some more strimming done as the nettles and bindweed have put a strangle hold on the wild flower border I planted next to the stream........I got a compliment too for my roses in the front garden (above) this is the first year they have bloomed so well.


  1. I am very, very tempted to get some geese at the moment.

  2. be quick dan, the breeding season is pretty short.
    they are a delight!!!

  3. they are adorable . So far so good with Mr Fox here even though we back on to fields.

  4. A born 'mommy' you are! What will come of these two when they mature?
    You're roses ARE beautiful. What/who are they? I have no luck with roses, other than the 'wild'/hardy type....Rugosa. The other types are too needy for here.

  5. Oh you've gone all maternal! They are lovely though. My roses are fabulous this year too...xxx

  6. The goslings are almost teenagers now. So cute. Your roses are gorgeous. Wish something like that could survive here.

  7. The roses are beautiful! Your goslings are really growing so much, when will they get feathers? You plan on eating them or using them for guard dogs?
    Wish you could find a permanent solution to that fox problem, keeping a watchful eye, will get old.

  8. Your roses are, indeed, beautiful, and the goslings are adorable.

  9. So glad the goslings are doing well!Your roses are wonderful!

  10. I am glad you are becoming so close to your geese. They are great!

  11. I'm glad you're still able to "out fox the fox" John!!

    I think I'm going to start calling you Father Goose--Or do you prefer Mother Goose?? :-)) Your goslings are so delightful to see!!

  12. they are precious.
    And, the roses are gorgeous.
    I bobbed those Royal Palm Eggs. All six floated. Today is supposed to be hatch day according to my calendar, so if they didn't die when that incubator quit on me, I might see babies, you think?
    How long do you wait past the calendar hatch date to make sure the eggs are not duds?

  13. polly,
    eggs hatch usually almost to the day so give them an extra 24 hours....if they are too hatch they should be pipping by now...

    did they "jump" in the water?

  14. Hello John! Your roses are lovely and so are the goslings. Aren't they just the sweetest little things but you'll be shocked at how fast they grow and mature. One day the seem so sweet and fluffy the next they're getting like gangly teenagers. Enjoy them while they're still fluffy John..it won't last long. My two call to me when I walk out the back door ...they're VERY noisy LOL! They're changing...Priscilla is still the more bold of the two but Percy had gotten very bold with the dogs and will put his head and neck through the fence towards our huge Shep and give him a piece of his mind and would grab a beak full of hair if he could! We still do our little wing flap down the 'runway' several times a day...they seem to really like that especially Percy with his broken wing tip. Anyway...enjoy your fluffy friends and have a wonderful day....Maura :)

  15. That is so interesting about the Magpies. You have watch birds! Very cool.
    Your babies are so adorable.

  16. okay I have green envy over your roses... They are so lovely! I simply cannot grow a rose bush, well thats not true, I can grow one which promplty looses all it leaves LOL and has maybe one flower on it LOL

    Goslings sound adorable...

  17. oh I nearly wrote "haven't had a goose for years" but realised I don't know you well enough to admit that!
    Haven't had GOSLINGS for years but looking at your pics is making me remember how gorgeous they are

  18. Lovely rose John, that's a good tip about magpies and foxes, will give it a try, and when you've finished those nettles and bindweed, I've got a nice patch of ground elder you can start on...:)


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