Kool & The Gang - Celebration

love the foot work.....

got home after 8pm to find Janet and Ned (with George) in their car parked on the field watching out for Mr Fox...thank god for sisters!!

As I got the field locked up..this song blasted out across the fields.... and I realised that a party in memory of a popular local women was going on ! She died this time last year, and her huge family and close friends had got together to "celebrate" her life by music, games and plenty of beer!

It was lovely to hear the fun....and this song was a blast from my past.......reminds me of my friend Rol and his sister Nia.....and the CB days of tacky 1980 night clubs!


  1. Those white shoes!!!! hee hee. My lady does her exercise dance dvd with Richard Simmons to this song. hee hee hee hee

  2. I saw Kool & The Gang in concert back in the early 80's. What memories this and of course Jungle Boogie and Ladies Night to name a few brings back.

  3. Oooo, love this song. Brings back loads of memories from the 80's. I think I have it on LP somewhere (probably in my Dad's loft) Might have to invest in the CD now! S x x

  4. So nice of Janet & Ned to go on fox watch in your absence!

    Really cool of your neighbors to have and anniversary celebration for the dearly departed, I would just as soon everybody did that when I go! That's such a, get you moving, song!

  5. Now that brought back a ton of memories! Goods ones too. Thanks John....great dance tune!

  6. Blasts rom the past get me dancing round the kitchen table & singing loudly with the radio turned up full volume !


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