At last my wild flower border blooms

You have to look closely, but there they are! At last my wild flower border has started to bloom. Finally I can be called eco friendly.
Just checked on the battery chicks..between them they have eaten 2 large dog bowls of layers pellets


  1. Love the poppies!
    Hungry little chickens, huh? Fatten 'em up!

  2. Oooh! Beautiful! Good thing I am not your neighbor or I'd dash over to eat that lovely bunch of wildflowers! I really think you need a lovely goat or two to join your family there... Wouldn't that be fun? Can you eventually let the wee chicks (well...actually not so wee) out to walk around? I wonder if they will have muscle problems because they are factory bred.

  3. lovely lovely - I've planted a wild flower border nothing hapened yet

  4. Hungry little critters! Nice border.

  5. We have those red poppies come up wild all through our region and, amazingly, they always appear around November 11, the end of spring and Remembrance Day.

    From Cowra to Bungendore, Cooma to Marulan, the fields are full with their blooms in Novemeber.

    I like them and find them so poignant!


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