Animals In Hospital


Mary with Hattie, she adores women and their softness 

When I was a student nurse working in the community I once sat on a patient’s chihuahua, which was asleep on her couch. Its owner put in a written complaint about my behaviour. ( or more importantly my behind) 

In another home I once spied a mummified cat , curled up near a long used coal fire and could only go go eyed my colleague as she tried to persuade that patient to enter psychiatric hospital 

At another house, in the Sheffield districts I couldn’t help verify a patient’s death as I heard a family pet  ( a nasal pug with a habit of hiding under her mistresses’ bed ) heavy breathing 🐕

I once saw a farm dog lie still and whimpering next to the paralysed body of her shephard owner and I pretended not to notice an elderly dying patient’s Yorkshire terrier as it was “ smuggled” into intensive Care by a tearful grandaughter, under her anorak.

I’ve seen my own dear Meg , a feisty and somewhat bad tempered Welsh terrier , sit still and respectful at a moribund patient’s bedside. Something Mary copied a few years later. 

And Finlay , my first Welsh terrier once gently removed a spinal injury patient tracheostomy inner tube and held it in his mouth like a Frenchman smoking a cigarette as the staff looked on open mouthed .

I was present when a florid schizophrenic patient strangled the ward budgie 

And I’ve watched tearfully as a psych patient on his deathbed called to his dead wife only to be told he was in fact asking to see his long deceased old horse. 

Animals in hospital ….and outside hospital they love who they love 


 In the late 1980s I was lucky enough to see the original cast of Les Miserables at The Barbican Frances Ruffelle won my heart as the urchin Eponine and stole the show over Patti LuPone who played Fantine and so forty years later,I was surprised to see a “new” Eponine that blew me away.
Nathania Ong plays the role  a visceral, raw and painful way
She lives Eponine
And she breaks your heart

Porth Eirias

 I need a boost today so lunch with a friend at Bryn Williams is a tonic. I took the welsh down the Promenade first in a first responce to anti diabetic expercise, then spoke to Nu in the car before sitting down at a nicely laid table  overlooking the sea.
The food was so so but Bryn Williams has lovely views and good coffee

We went to an art instillation at Porth Eirias, portaits of local.people from Colwyn Bay. It was simple, moving and very  effective

Then it was another walk for the Welsh , followed by supervision in Prestatyn .
It was almost dark when we got home, 
Hey ho

Memory lane January 2012

An old post revisited after 14 years

 “ I had a coffee then went out to deliver some duck eggs which I had promised to drop off and I was glad that I did for as I turned into Bron Haul I caught a glimpse of Mrs Spriggs.

Now Mrs Spriggs (not her real name) is one of those very VERY old ladies that always sound as though she is crying when she talks.She has that slightly odd, wavering voice that carries literally for miles. and when I sometimes try to pass her when she is waiting for the morning bus into town, the dogs will often stop then sit and stare at her when she cries her very odd cries of welcome.
Today, Mrs Spriggs was perched on top of a brand new shiny invalid scooter, complete with impressive wicker basket on the front. She was driving it at full tilt along the centre of the road,and even at a distance of say 50 yards, I could tell that her knuckles were white as the proverbial sheet.
Islwyn Thomas, himself in his late eighties, stood nearby and he gave me a small wave and a smile...
"watch this" , he  quipped "this should be fun!"
Mrs Spriggs passed us, letting out a long moaning scream as she did so
I noticed that the scream had a definite Doppler effect to it
"I'm scccccaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrred!!!!!!!!!!!" she cried " this is all new to me!"
she turned the scooter around and in way of explanation as she made a second run she cried out again
"The scooter is on loan..I'm trying it out!!!.....but I can't get the hang of the kerbs!"
She mounted the pavement briefly near Stan and Kit's neat little bungalow and let out a long "oooooooooooohhhhhhh!" as she did so.
And as I stopped to watch... realising instantly that this was the stuff of all passable blogs!
Mrs Spriggs glided past yet again emitting another little scream like girls do on rollercoasters

As she "hand braked it by the junction of High Street, She informed Islwyn and myself rather breathlessly that the buggy needed to be returned by Friday so she had to practise when the weather was dry.
"How do I look on it?" she wailed as she made her third and final run

"precarious !" I said under my breath”


 New GP , jaunty practice nurse
Apologies for not being chased up
I’m not surprised but I’m diabetic 
Lots more tests, clinics, bloods, meetings booked
I’m back in the system 
GP thinks I’ve been depressed but have pushed through it ! 
Pulling bra straps come to mind.

Non of this is rocket science 
Get on with it John.


 I usually work Sundays so with tonight free I went to the indoor bowls night at the village Hall
I really enjoyed it.
About sixteen villagers were there ( mostly men ) so I knew all but around four people . The ones I didn’t know were very friendly , including a farmer my own age who kept boosting my confidence after I told him I was always chosen second to last at games in school , and that was only because last place Alan Jones had a built up shoe!!!!
I was shit, but like I said I enjoyed the banter and the game itself …..

I shall go again 

Growing Up


Another bout of nasty weather approaches, so I thought it the right time to open the cat flap.
Weaver left the cottage first followed by Bun and as I predicted both didn’t venture too far in the cold and wet. Roger was beside himself and kept looking at the cat flap then to me as if to say “what’s happening Dad.?”
I tried to keep busy like parents do when their toddlers go to play school for the first time 
Hey ho

Hunkering Down

 I slept until 2 pm and did some shopping.
As usual , I parked in the mother and child spot and almost had a row with a woman who took umbrage with my explanation that the Welsh ARE my children. I say almost, I’m not in the mood for battling , not today. I just smiled sweetly 
She didn’t smile back.
Sometimes , I get a little weary of being the one who hires and fires all of the time. 
I have an appointment at the doctor’s surgery on Monday to discuss my recent blood tests and it was nice that a friend at work, who knows, gave me a kiss on the cheek as way as a support last night.
Like I said , I’m a little tired doing everything on my own.
But there is no alternative and we plod on, don’t we ? 
I’ve cooked butter beans and chillies, and made a thick fish soup with cod steaks and park Choi , walked the dogs and lit the fire . 
Tomorrow I’m going bowling in the village hall, which sounds rather third age but all rather fun, but tonight I’m hunkering down on the couch