
 I usually work Sundays so with tonight free I went to the indoor bowls night at the village Hall
I really enjoyed it.
About sixteen villagers were there ( mostly men ) so I knew all but around four people . The ones I didn’t know were very friendly , including a farmer my own age who kept boosting my confidence after I told him I was always chosen second to last at games in school , and that was only because last place Alan Jones had a built up shoe!!!!
I was shit, but like I said I enjoyed the banter and the game itself …..

I shall go again 


  1. Anonymous10:00 pm

    Oh John , you always bounce in a positive way don’t you?
    Give this a go! Try that ! Make an effort !!!
    I am the same age and I never leave my apartment at night


  2. Barbara Anne10:32 pm

    Oh, John, no nay-saying about yourself! Did you ever see the old movie "Kelly's Heroes" with Donald Sutherland? One line was "Enough of those negative waves!" You're a worthy man and with practice, you'll learn to be better at bowling. Enjoy the new friendships!
    Did Weaver and Bun come back inside through the cat door?


    1. found the answer that the kitten/cats returned, to Roger's relief!

    2. And I loved him even more for the fact he waited for them to return

  3. So glad that you enjoyed yourself. Sounds fun!

  4. How fun, and good company too. Glad you went. I'm also glad to hear the twins returned safely.

    Hopeful good wishes for a good medical meeting tomorrow. If appropriate let us know how you are.

    lizzy x

  5. Good luck tomorrow, John.

  6. Good for you, John. Remember, practice makes perfect!

  7. I'm glad you had a good time.

  8. Sounds a lovely Sunday evening!
    Sleep well, John dear. Best wishes for your appointment tomorrow.

  9. Glad you had fun! I was always picked third last for school sports but picked first for spelling bees, LOL!

  10. I was always one of the last ones chosen for teams too. That method of choosing teams is unkind to kids who
    aren't athletic or popular. I think - hope - nowadays teachers have found a way that doesn't leave any kid feeling like shit.

  11. Next time don't forget your slippers and pipe! I never had you down as a 'Bowls player'.

  12. It sounds like a good light hearted evening and great for a winter evening.

  13. That sounds like a fun evening. And so much more than just playing bowls. X

  14. Trying different things can surprise us sometimes. Glad you had a good evening. (Roger seems to have a huge heart in the right place (just like his dad).)

  15. My friends and I always lingered getting changed, so we wouldn't get picked for one of the hockey teams. We were told to practice passing the ball between us, which we did very cursorily, whilst having a good chat and laugh!
    Good that you enjoyed the banter, that's at least 50% of the fun! xx

  16. I always got chosen as one of the last for rounders matches at school, until the day I scored 6 rounders on the trot ... it was a fluke and never happened again, but it moved me up to the middle of the pickings. 😀

  17. It's surprising that the bowlers in the picture are not wearing bowler hats. You need to get one if you are going to be a half-serious bowler.

  18. It is more about the people, than the game.

  19. Glad you had fun, John.

  20. It's more fun if you don't care about being good at it! As long as you enjoyed the evening with your fellow villagers, you are a winner!


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