I’m back counselling today.
It was icy and road conditions were difficult, but I got to MIND early, had a zoom meeting with my supervisor then saw clients until three.
My head was full, so I dropped into the one and only Starbucks ( something I never do ) for a coffee, ham something and a self debrief.
The coffee house was filled by women and girls on laptops.
I sat and made mental notes about my clients, that way you leave the emotions they share with you at the door. Having Said this there is always the moment you can pick those emotions up and that’s a real no no Human , but a no no.
If you have a headache after facilitating therapy, you need to roll the emotions out away from yourself
The coffee and ham sandwich helped.
So did the self debrief.
An open window left screamingly open in the icy air clears the head too.
I bought coffee logs from Lidl and cheap scented candles from the reduced price shelf beforehand but the bustle didn’t help my reboot , so Starbucks here’s to you, no blaring music, quiet corners to hide away in
Few screaming kids
I watched the Baristas and thought about the fires in California
A sequence where some homeowners were leading their horses to safety amid a flurry of sparks only to be “interviewed” by an over zealous insensitive reporter came to mind
It’s a mad world
Having said this, this reported showed much welcomed humanity when coming across a young man fleeing his burning house with hardly anything…..