When I’m Calling You!!

 Blogging to me is a bit like a one sided chat
Sometimes it’s a deeper conversation
Sometimes it’s a lecture
Sometimes it’s a bit of whimsy
I can’t stand blogs that tells its audience what it thinks of them
The trip to work last night was dreadful but I drove 30 miles praying that Bluebell’s dodgy windscreen wiper wouldn’t come loose again
It did, of course.
These things always do.
I’m day dreaming of my bed 
I love my new duvet. 
I cleaned it and the bedding the day before Colin arrived so it’s still fragrant and devoid of kitten paws 
It’s calling to me like Rose Marie belting out the Indian Love Call to Sergeant  Bruce
I won’t be long my love
I call back


  1. Today (tonight over your way) I'm praying you stay safe. The weather news we're getting on the international press is horrendous.

  2. Barbara Anne5:12 am

    Safe journey home in Bluebell and hope you're soon back in your lovely bed without any unpleasant excitement en route.
    We've had 6" of snow so far, but sleet is expected near dawn.


  3. I was trying to decide recently which I prefer, going to bed at night or getting up in the morning. With my lovely new Winter duvet, I think it's the former!

  4. The drive there sounds terrible! I hope you stay safe on the way back and can snuggle happily under the new duvet.

  5. I like to think of blogging as a cosy chat and look forward to my daily conversations.
    I am totally with you on the siren call of a freshly made bed with snuggly winter duvet. I may just pop back to mine after breakfast.

  6. I hope your journey home is uneventful. If I could be bothered, I'd have fresh bed linen every day. I think need a maid! šŸ˜‚ xx

  7. Bluebell says, "Take me to Halfords Daddy! I need my wipers sorted out."

  8. LOL. My sister and I used to do a duet of Indian Love Call. But I always wanted to be Jeanette MacDonald to her Nelson Eddy.

  9. Yorkshire Liz10:00 am

    It is a well known phenomenon that dodgy windscreen wipers only play up when you need them. In the same way vet emergencies only happen on Bank Holidays, and Yorkshire Puddings only collapse when you have guests who need to see and eat proper puffy ones! And the relief of getting safely home after a dodgy journey in bad weather. Now relax. Another happy relief song is Joyce Grenfell's beautiful "I'm going to see you today, all's right with my world...." Which I suspect not too many people know. Always sing it to myself when driving down the motorway to visit my best friend.

  10. Traveller11:29 am

    A one sided chat with feedback. I like your description of part lecture, part deeper conversation and whimsy…a good helping of whimsy is important, as is some self deprecation.

    Are the twins close to venturing outside?

  11. Anonymous12:28 pm

    My dad, who couldn't carry a tune in a paper bag, used to sing this to my mom, who would smile and roll her eyes. I haven't thought of it in years. I am smiling. Thanks for jogging my memory.

  12. There's nothing like the cozy warmth of a duvet!

  13. Getting ready for bed, and then getting into bed are some of my favorite things. Our bed is the most comfortable piece of furniture that we have. I just love the routine of bedtime, if feels so very comforting. It's like a period at the end of a very long sentence. Some of the cats we had were lunatics at night, getting the zoomies, crashing things, or finding toys and carrying them around, loudly meowing. We had a tall, carpeted climber in our bedroom and they would literally launch themselves from the top of it onto our sleeping bodies, scaring the daylights out of us. Fun times.

  14. Enjoy your warm fluffy bed when you get home. Drive safe. It snowed here last night, the first substantial snow since I retired, I can sit home and wait for it to melt this time.

  15. As a commenter, I think of bloggers as penpals around the world that I can keep in touch with.
    John, get that wiper fixed so you are safe!

  16. Anonymous1:45 pm

    I remember my Mother singing that and I too rolled my eyes, she could really butcher the song but it made her happy. Now for the lecture, please go get your wipers fixed, your life could depend on seeing the road in a whiteout. I love my two duvets, as sleeping in a very cold bedroom is not nice without them. (16C). My dog insists on sleeping on dead centre of the bed too. Still no snow here but it is all around Toronto. Have a great day, John, we love you. Gigi

  17. I feel my bed calling me all day every day. It is my safe space. My beloved comfort.

  18. Laughing...the moment I saw the photo of the video I started to mentally sing that song. As for a warm duvet at bedtime...the older I get the earlier I seem to get under mine to read my books. 6pm isn't too early, is it?

    Do stay safe, John. I/we need to 'hear' your voice in the daily blog-chat. X

  19. Anonymous2:00 pm

    Well, a relief that you got there safely! Now to get home.....

    We have 4+ inches of snow, which hasn't happened for years, so our world is basically shut down for a while, fortunately no need to go anywhere!

    Cheers, Ceci

  20. Oh, John, I am so glad and happy that you are okay.
    Have a safe journey home,
    your animal menagerie
    and we readers want your
    daily presence to be one we can count on, Mary

  21. Critical bloggers are simply people in real life, who must always be right. Your opinion must align with theirs, or that opinion will be dismissed/deleted.

    This leads us to:

    "Mental Masturbation: The act of engaging in useless yet intellectually stimulating conversation."

    I am convinced that some bloggers are merely masturbating.

    1. She loves me really :o)

  22. Damselfly4:33 pm

    White-knuckle driving in snow & ice is awful.
    Hope you're safely home and snuggled into your lovely warm bed. Nothing beats the feel of freshly made bed and a new winter duvet!
    Stay safe & warm, John dear.

  23. Yikes! I didn't realize you were having a storm over there. Drive safely. And get that blasted windshield wiper fixed!

  24. Driving in ice, rain and snow is horrific. Driving without a windshield wiper is high risk.
    I hope you made it to work and home safely.
    The new duvet sounds glorious.

  25. It's that "I must go" imperative for nurses, fireman, policeman and the rest that gets us driving through foul weather with our hearts in our mouths. No wonder you long for the warmth and safety of home. I now plan to sing the song at the top of my voice to get through similar situations.

  26. "Duvet Love Call" -- I think you should record it!

  27. Anonymous4:15 pm

    You often tell anonymous commenters what you think of them. So yes you're pompous

  28. Perhaps she's channeling Poodle with a Mohawk. https://www.flickr.com/photos/ladouseur/279609646


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