Lock down

Boris was blunt and to the point
I'm glad
The lowest denominator factored in
I felt quite alone earlier,  after he had spoken.
No husband to bounce off
No warm body to hug

I sat feeling sad and turned to the sofa were three pairs of eyes looked at me very carefully in the dark
The dogs sensed something was afoot, they have for days
They were on edge and watchful
And they watched me carefully
Mary jumped silently by my side and leaned in like Welsh terriers do

I'm not alone


I've never really like Robert Kirkman's larger than life characters from The Walking Dead comic books. They are florid, and unsympathetic and often too large to be believed.
But under the thoughtful, measured and intelligent control of actress Danai Gurira, the tv Michonne 
became a pivotal leading character in a series that initially was less than sympathetic to the African American characters
In tonight's episode we saw Michonne walk away from her Alexandrian family and friends for the last time and her inspired, Japanese sword wheeling heroine  will be sorely missed  by anyone who has loved the show over the past decade
Pity she didn't go out with a bang

Piss Boring Blog

Piss Boring Blog today.
I've started my holiday time by hand cleaning the living room Gaudy Welsh Jugs which are dusty and soot covered after months facing the log burner fire.

 The living room paintings have been cleaned too, then carefully placed on the bed in the west wing
In order for me to sugar soap the living room  walls in preparation for painting.

The photographs of nearby Llandudno yesterday
Were sobering .
Please let us all not get angry, or judgemental
But let us all take a little time to reinforce just what social distancing means in real life
Let's teach each other with patience 

Supporting Serendipity

I've planted out violas, primulas and little blue daisy flowers given to me by Mrs Trellis.
My gargoyle in the front garden watches out for bad visitors and bad luck.
I am sure serendipity is his adopted name.
The bulldogs nap in the sun as the gray limestone of the cottage warms up in the spring sunshine.
I've got the covid 19 flyers to post along Cwm Road and to Erw Wen later but just now have walked the 50 steps ( and climbed the Graveyard wall- another 6) to my neighbour the Church in order to sit in it's peace.
My cottage name Bwthyn-y-Llan means Church Cottage in Welsh and I walked over to sit in the stillness of the place as suggested on the poster on the notice board which thought  people may like a period of reflection in the once daily opened Church.

Earlier I went to the supermarket and bought only flowers.
Tulips of all colours with blue hyacinths and gypsophila
And when I got home, I filled all of my antique glass jugs and flowers now stand guard in every window
A guard against bad luck and misfortune
Serendipity always needs a little boost
Does she not?

A final photograph from my former colleagues from intensive Care Glan Clwyd  Hospital
Please take note of their message 
I love many of these guys

If Your Sex Life Was A Movie?

I mentioned that I had trouble getting dog food the other day
And today I had six separate deliveries of dog food, some left by the back door, and some delivered by hand.
I was very humbled .

Today I think we will play the online game of

If your sex life was a movie, which movie would it be ?

You can be as creative as you can. And I know we've played it before but
There will be a prize for the best entry

My entry?

Hummmm how about this?


I'm on my break
Sipping a large Diet Coke
My face mask has been up and down on my face like a tart's knickers
And I feel dehydrated and rather tired tonight.
I'm on holiday after this shift

The Emergency meeting at the Village Hall allocated me and Sailor John two streets in Trelawnyd to police.
Our jobs is to liaise with every household and let everyone know how to contact us if they need anything.
The velvet voiced Linda from Well street was well in charge and sweetly asked if I needed anything
I told her that I was always concerned about dog food given the selling out of doggychunks at Sainsbury's . She kindly said she would look out for some

I'm tired but fine.
I'm mindful that others are somewhat less robust than I and are in need of a Kind word and an appropriate quip. A matron from the local hospital has been in touch asking if I can possibly return to Intensive Care .
The thought of proper  12 hour shift PPE sends a shiver down my spine
My present face mask is claustrophobic enough, even though it's generally useless.

I hear there are no visitors allowed on ITU
No one to stroke your hair

Night Shifts

A patient's relative showed me a tweet he had just read By an Australian twitterer called something like Busty Broad
This is what she said
" If anyone knocks on your door saying that they need to feel your boobs to test for coronovirus ,
It's a con....
I feel so stupid!" 

A Stream Of Conciousness

I'm working night shifts this week to cover nurses who have had to put themselves into isolation .
Next week I am on holiday, though I suspect things may change if staff shortages continue.
Everything has changed in work, everything.
And emotions are running high.

In a fit of testosterone I went to B&Q  ( a hardware store for those that don't know) and bought paint and sugar soap and extra brushes .
The store was busy with people with similar plans
Next week I shall start painting my living room a gentle and relaxing vanilla yellow

I feel somewhat bombarded with information

Twitter seems awash with stoic and funny comments about isolation
But most have a sort of shocked desperation about them
Thank the lord for Justin Trudeau and his cute baby beard
I wish he was our Prime Minister.

Some of my family are scared of what will happen. The daily bulletins at 5 pm are teatime grenades
There was no dog food left in Sainsbury's yesterday
They don't mention that on the news.
I had a sausage bab in Mark's cafe yesterday.
There was only two of us in there and I still dribbled butter down my front.....

My friend Ben at work sounds as though he needs a pint. I hope to catch up with him and another workmate Ruth very soon. This is the first time since I worked in spinal Injuries that I've got friends at work.
Ben used to work under my husband.....
It's a small world.

I've just messaged the village pub to see if they do any takeaways?
It may be a source of revenue if taken up by hungry villagers

Theatr Clwyd and the Storyhouse in Chester are now shut, I know it sounds silly but I feel their loss rather acutely.

I'm on my break at work and it's 4.45 am
Briefly I stood outside a few minutes ago and let the cold air over West Shore perk me up.
A short line of mountain goats were picking their way down the Orme towards the hospice
and from somewhere a gull called out in the dark.

Everything feels , just a little surreal