Just a bit too much

Dumplings For Lunch

I'm simmering Chinese chicken dumplings for lunch
It's wet and wintery today and dumplings seem like a good idea
As I tidy away the flotsam of the last few days I've half watched classics like Oklahoma ( wasn't the auction scene tense?) and Guys and Dolls...later it's the remake of The Jungle Book
First thing, in my PJs I watched and thoroughly enjoyed Moana ( who knew The Rock could sing?)
And later I'm box binging Fear The walking Dead with my last two remaining Fortum & Mason's scotch eggs ( and a jar of piccalilli)
( what a wonderful date!)

Silent and Not So Silent Night

I've had the best of Christmasas
The best in a couple of years at least
Because I worked last night I now have three days off , and so I got to my sister Ann's house around three, just in time for dinner
It was a real bunfight
Four  children, twelve adults
Everything was in surroundasound!
Usually I can't do with the loud antics of children but I found myself sat at the dinner table feeling somewhat overwhelmed with happiness. My family
My family with no expectations and no demands
Rowdy and rambunctious, as always
Silly games and much laughter

I videoed the pre meal meyhem and  then remembered one small moment in the hospice from earlier in the day.

At 6.20 am I walked back from my break to find my fellow staff nurse Nia with my patient..
The patient was an older lady and Nia, after turning her in bed was giving her a sip of sherry, unexpectedly the  two of them sang Silent night together in the stillness of the early morning
They sang Very quietly
And very gently I had to walk out of the room, so filled with the emotion of the moment
These are the the types of people I work with
And I told Nia afterwards just how powerful that moment was to witness.

Like I said
The best of days

Christmas Morning just past midnight

Christmas Eve ....the best card.....

I've pottered today
I think most people are busy pottering today.

The dogs and I walked down the old railway track and Winnie in pure devilment stood like a stranded  passenger liner mid path as thirty or so professional types on their speed bikes biked hard towards her
I am sure she enjoyed causing the strange gridlock as they all had to stop just for her and stood blowing kisses as the hard bummed Lycra bodies wobbled dangerously as sport shoes tip toed on the pathway.

I bought and wrapped my gifts, all in plain paper and string, dropped off parcles to trendy Carol and Animal Helper Pat. 
The hospice called and asked if I could go in tonight to cover sickness
I could hear staff singing in the background

I'm Emailing  letters to friends this afternoon....and will snooze in my armchair afterwards
Caroles from Kings
Mrs Trellis' Christmas cake with a slice of good cheddar

The cottage is nose to nipple with Christmas Cards, the Christmas lights are cheerful
The runner up in the competition is Heather Espley 's shining
But the Christmas Card winner is "Carol's" simple fabric card!

Have a peaceful Christmas Eve my dear friends

A Christmas Funeral

It was Islwyn Thomas' funeral today
The old man was a village gent through and through.
A huge supporter of the Male voice choir and a former village shop keeper, I got to know Islwyn as a warm, round faced smiling gentle man who wore his tie tight and very smart, and who would talk in a gentle Welsh sing song voice
http://trelawnydhistory.blogspot.com choice here

He was liked and respected and so I knew I had to get to the church early.
I was wrapping my scarf around my neck by the Lytch gate when village elder ( another Islwyn) stopped me, he had been helping the grave digger who had crossed my field to prepare old Islwyn's grave and was wearing his usual outdoor boiler suit
Islwyn held out a hand and shook mine warmly " You are one with this village " he told me with sudden tears in his eyes and I knew he had read my Blog on getting the mortgage on the cottage on Friday
Hissudden emotion warmed by heart, though we couldn't admit it there and then.
" Thank you!" Was all I could come out with as more mourners crowded through the Church gates
and we shook our hands again

The back three pews were already filled by the time I got there thirty minutes too early.
Old Trevor, Gentleman farmer Basil, Jenny the former postmistress, Mrs Trellis, Heulwen and Derek from the Flower Show, Hubert the village Baker.
Everyone I seemed to know were there, the numbers swelled by fifteen local members of the Male voice choir who belted out the hymns with typical gusto as Gaynor the mad organisist ( dressed in a sort of Spanish style poncho with frilly sleeves ) tickled the organ keys without looking.
The vicar of Meliden and Gwaenysgor took the service with a deep authoritive air and I couldn't help thinking that he looked and acted like one of those vicars from 1940s war movies.
He had a lovely swirling cloak!

After the service Marion from Bron Haul fell into step with me and took my arm. I told her I was staying in the village and she was thrilled
" Any new boyfriend yet?" She asked with a twinkle
Everyone wants me hitched I thought wryly

I am home

Sex in the fridge

I was sat in the hospice staff canteen picking at my tasteless mircrowaved meal when my phone beeped
It was Trendy Carol who was probably wearing something expensive and festive in green and red..................
..the text sounded all breathless and excited!!!
" A Fortnum & Mason's food package has been delivered for you.....it's TOO BIG TO GO INTO YOUR FRIDGE!" 
I nearly wet myself....

Seven hours later and I've just unwrapped three bespoke scotch eggs!!!
Massively hidden away in the cool green packaging of F&M

I've just eaten the smoked streaky bacon Scotch Egg with its sexy as fuck runny yoke!
It was better than sex
It was better than sex with a young Russell Crowe
It was
Thank you claire
You made my very long day x

Its started