The Last Push

I've just returned home after a long day  to 
Two piss accidents
More solicitor divorce emails 
A massive life insurance quote
And a £1,200 tax bill from 2018

I'm not going to react tonight
I've just poured myself a fucking massive gin 
And will judge the last of art entries 
Before watching Taskmaster

Real life fucking sucks
And anon from A Moment
I have to say that 
You are a misinformed. arsehole


Art entries close today! 


Tuesday nights are Choir and badminton nights
Exercise the vocal chords
Then get the legs and lungs moving
And exercise the vocal chords a little more as Gorgeous Dave and I play alone  in a local gymnasium where I can swear to my heart's content in between games!
I love swearing when I lose a game
I'm very good at it too!
" piss flaps!" is my latest curse of note
It can be shouted with some gusto, especially when I am trailing in points
Georgous Dave is 31, so I'm always trailing in points!

G dave!!!-an official photo

Who else is a swearer ? 


Anyone who knows me through Going Gently will know I am one for documenting the little moments in life that matter.
whether they be the funny, the sad or the sublime

Leaning over a near empty chest freezer in Aldi many months ago I let out a pressure fart the power of the Queen Mary's hooter. The fart was answered by a chirpy Eartha Kitt sounding octogenarian in a nearby wheelchair who sang out "I do that all the time!" much to the amusement of several shoppers standing at the checkout.

I am still ticked by the moment and if I was honest, generally mortified by it.

Yesterday I took the dogs for a brief walk in the rain. 
I was listening to spotify on my phone, and the app had complied a collection of music and songs specifically just for me! 
In the gloom of the late afternoon I sat down on one of the benches that surround the graveyard in order to listen 
Winnie sighed, rolling her eyes and sat  heavily with her back to my right leg with an oomph. Mary jumped up next to me to sit stiffly under my right arm.
Dorothy, who is new to this game, worked out just what to do in a heartbeat and hopped up on my left side to rest her head onto my knee and  surrounded by this doggy hug of  loyalty,

In a cold misting rain shower......
on a murky Monday afternoon.....

I listened to Bach


Bit of a shit day 
Let's concentrate on art

Good News

My brother Andrew died from progressive bulbar palsy 
It is a particularly fast version of Motor Neurone Disease
He was in his late fifties when it took hold.
For over six months I have been concerned I have shared some of the early symptoms of this horrible disease.
I have experienced increasingly troublesome moments of choking, sudden bouts of coughing and sudden moments of irritation in relating to swallowing. 
I'm 57
The disease occurs in geographical clusters, and one such cluster remains in North Wales 
For six months I have said nothing to anyone with the exception of my doctor who wasn't particularly helpful at first.
Last week I was finally reassured that I am indeed suffering from an atypical chronic rhinitis- an irritating but fairly benign condition that interrupted one of my favourite songs at the choir concert by giving me a sudden coughing fit. 
I'm glad I never added to everyone's woes by not complaining at it at the time, but I'm saying that as the memory of those cold blood freeze moments , usually experienced all alone in the middle of the night, have now all but been erased from my mind. 
Funny how your brain plays tricks on you

Now here are a few more of the favourite art entries
If you have any more please send them by Thursday!

I Told You I was ill

The Rivers ( the choir we were supporting were absolutely amazing) but we, the amateur choir held our end up rather well....
This song is an African song about a hypochondriac
The hypochondriac ( played by RAF moustached Jamie) is bemoaning his lot and
We, the villagers, are " taking the piss out of him"
In song!
What he didn't know was that several of the choir was going to hold up flash cards to wind him up,
But being the professional that he is, he never reacted to any of them!
( I am in the yellow shirt..hidden at the back , before you ask!)

The wonderful  Rivers 
They had better lighting !!!
But more somber clothing