
Anyone who knows me through Going Gently will know I am one for documenting the little moments in life that matter.
whether they be the funny, the sad or the sublime

Leaning over a near empty chest freezer in Aldi many months ago I let out a pressure fart the power of the Queen Mary's hooter. The fart was answered by a chirpy Eartha Kitt sounding octogenarian in a nearby wheelchair who sang out "I do that all the time!" much to the amusement of several shoppers standing at the checkout.

I am still ticked by the moment and if I was honest, generally mortified by it.

Yesterday I took the dogs for a brief walk in the rain. 
I was listening to spotify on my phone, and the app had complied a collection of music and songs specifically just for me! 
In the gloom of the late afternoon I sat down on one of the benches that surround the graveyard in order to listen 
Winnie sighed, rolling her eyes and sat  heavily with her back to my right leg with an oomph. Mary jumped up next to me to sit stiffly under my right arm.
Dorothy, who is new to this game, worked out just what to do in a heartbeat and hopped up on my left side to rest her head onto my knee and  surrounded by this doggy hug of  loyalty,

In a cold misting rain shower......
on a murky Monday afternoon.....

I listened to Bach


  1. doggy hugs....there is nothing better.

  2. I can't imagine anything lovlier on a misty,wet & cold November day. Hugs xxx Ro

  3. It's a lovely moment anywhere, when your dog sits by your side. You know he's there because there's nowhere he'd prefer to be.

  4. From the ridiculous to the sublime, I see.

  5. Yes. That was a moment well worth documenting.

  6. Felt like I was right there with you.

  7. Rick is good at doggy hugs, he puts his big paws right around my shoulders. They seem to know when a hug is needed.

  8. Dog love is true love. They have no other motives, they are genuine.

    As for farts, they too are genuine. Everyone farts, some more than others. I'm an overachiever myself:)

  9. What beautiful timing from your dogs, a synchronized hug. Just listened to the Bach piece all the way through - not heard it before and thank you for the Enlightenment.

  10. There's no denying friend, farts are funny!

  11. I ran into my bank after hours to get money and someone had obviously released a lot of gas in the small space and I'm going to assume on purpose from the overpowering smell. I got out of there fast because I suddenly realized any one coming in after me would think I was the culprit! Doggy cuddles are the best!

  12. Thank you for reminding me of just how sublime Kirsten Flagstad’s voice was.

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  14. " In a cold misting rain shower......
    on a murky Monday afternoon.....
    I listened to Bach "

    My husband loved Bach and Wagner...actually anything have reminded me of the pain of hearing music with all of its memories and the pleasure of music with all of its memories.

  15. It’s the little moments that are special.

  16. This 'Sheep May Safely Graze' captures the mood you conjure up in your word-picture spot-on - though without the 'trumping' extra, naturally.

  17. Such quiet moments that are special. Your writing had me sitting there with you, the sweet gud dug and the misty rain.

  18. A triad of doggy warmth and love.

    I do appreciate your descriptions of "the little moments in life that matter". You do them well.

  19. To avoid mortification, you could perhaps apologise to those within earshot and say it's an unfortunate side effect of the new medication you're on.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. Hummingbird5:14 pm

    Fact: EVERYBODY farts. And it's always funny.

  22. Ah, yes, bodily function comments. I have had folks comment on them, too. Sigh.

    Love doggy hugs...

  23. Farting is the only round of applause I have been rewarded with. Cherish those moments of self appreciation.

  24. Bach appropropriate for a rainy afternoon - but one of my all time favourite composers - always easy to listen to.

  25. How funny. I was listening to this recently. 'Sheep May Safely Graze' It conjures up a very 18th century feeling of security and well-being. Just what we need right now. Sheep were not only the living embodiment Lamb of God, but also produced a bloody good income from wool. Mutton was a side-product.

  26. I wise elder once told me, "there is more room on the outside than on the inside!" Toot away. I need to spend more time in the rain.

  27. You listened to Bach (Bark). Of course you did with three dogs in attendance!
    P.S. In "The Royle Family" an Eartha Kitt is rhyming slang for a certain bodily function.

  28. Anonymous8:41 pm

    Right before I checked your blog I had been in my kitchen as both my once wild cats came in there looking hopeful...I gave them each a plate of tuna, when they had finished each came to give me a "thank you" rub. As I stroked the cheek of the older one I said to her "Yes, everything IS OK, we're all here at home..." Family moments are the best,n'est pas? -Mary

  29. I could just see you there with the dogs all round you.....and such beautiful music!

  30. I'm surprised that dogs are allowed to be in the Churchyard, most (all?) around here don't allow them.
    As kids we all thought ir was so the dogs didn't dig up the bones :)

    1. Anonymous7:57 pm

      Dogs aren't allowed in there, Johnny boy allows his dogs to shit and piss on peoples graves!!
      No respect whatsoever!!

    2. Anon you are totally incorrect
      Go on the Flintshire county council website
      Dogs are happily allowed into graveyards if they are overseen by the Flintshire council.
      Trelawnyd old graveyard ( not the new one) is maintained by Flintshire county council )
      So you are totally , and happily wrong
      You are are are arsehole too

    3. Anonymous11:27 pm

      Ah, so you have permission for your dogs to shit on consecrated land.....thats ok then. Fucking dick!

    4. My dogs never left the path.

    5. Anonymous1:00 pm

      So you stayed on the path and sat on the seats? Hmmmm, that means you were in the part that doesn't allow dogs. Are your dogs 'guide dogs', they must be if you didn't see the 'no dogs' sign on the fucking gate! Even if they were allowed down there, show some respect!!

    6. Look at the flintshire council web site for guidelines on their cemetery protocol
      As for the sign on the gate i will continue to ignore it. It was written by someone who has no power or authority to enforce it and was written after someone let their dog run wild
      I will continue to walk my dogs in the old graveyard.
      Several people i know and respected are buried in trelawnyd.
      Ive never not shown respect to them and to the church and land itself. A church i have supported.raised money for and cleaned regulary i may add.

    7. Some time ago I asked a Minister at a local Church in the village where I live if I could walk my dog through their Churchyard,I was told that I was very welcome to-I was even shown to a dog water bowl at the entrance.I also have been to an animal blessing at a Church and a Dog show at another on the south coast.I have often walked through Churchyards with my dogs x

  31. My walks have been in the rain and rather gloomy sky but with the dogs running around in the mud and splashing in the puddles and streams it's been joyous.My lovely lily enjoys it all and lays in puddles and mud and kicks her legs in the air.Gershwins Walking the Dog always makes me happy x

  32. And there’s no one better at documenting the little moments. Thank you!

  33. Anonymous12:48 pm

    Divine. Thank you.

  34. I used to live across the road from a graveyard and took my dog there daily to visit his previous owners grave, what's wrong with people who always have a bone to pick.


I love all comments Except abusive ones from arseholes