
Finally Autumn is here
The Walking Dead has returned! 

Zombies don't care if you smell of piss!!!!

Piss Pocket

We all know there is a connection between the mental and the physical
My constant colds and flu over the last 18 months is a testament to the stressors caused by separation and divorce.
Last night I came down with a particularly nasty urine infection
I know what caused it.......self inflicted dehydration during two long shifts at work coupled with stress caused by the final legal push to keep my own name on the cottage deeds.
The legal process has been laborious and the stress of waiting for things to happen has made me ill yet again.
I don't need the bother of sickness, frequency and discomfort
Last night I was on the loo every two hours
Today I have taken antibiotics and have flushed through the bugs with gallons of water
And I have taken the obligatory container of piss to the labstix tested at the surgery .

I'd lost my pee container overnight and so had to piss into a hastily cleaned out vitamin  C container before going to see the practice nurse .
I was early for my appointment and so I popped the container into my coat pocket and went to the supermarket for some provisions and as I stood in the queue waiting to be served a bloke behind me tapped me on the shoulder and told me I was leaking!
My container of pee had come undone in my best coat pocket and piss was merrily splashing into the floor from the lowest corner.
I left my foodstuffs on the counter with a few embarrassed huffs and hurried out , leaving a tail of piss behind me
I smelled like an old bag lady by the time I got to the doctors.

And the Winners.......

And the winners are

  • Fonda Cox ( Michael)
  • Fanny Zitchin ( mave)
  • Tuna Melt ( Diana)
  • Plenty OToole ( Mistress Maddie)
  • Clorix Bleachman  ( Janice)
  • Angie O' Gram ( YP)
  • Nina Niceknockers (Cherie)
  • Dusty Crack ( Debi)
  • Belle End ( Cherie)
  • Tess Tickle ( Kirk)
Send your addresses to and on my day off I will send your lanyards! 

Drag Queen Name

I bought a rainbow lanyard to hold my ID card and syringe driver key the other day and didn't realise that I had infact bought twelve of the buggers!
So if you would like to win one of my surplus
All you have to do is to is to send in your best DRAG NAME !!!
The ruder the better!
The best ten will get a lanyard!
Kitty Litter is
One of my favourite drag Queen names
Beat that bitches! 

Work Review

I'm working 5 shifts out of the next seven days and am just about overdue for my first performance review.
I haven't had one as yet, which means , I suspect, that am doing ok.

Hospice work isn't depressing. It's hard sometimes and there is plenty to learn, but my colleagues all have been funny, welcoming and friendly characters and humour has featured highly in relationships and in clinical practice.

I love working within a talented team again.
It's stimulating and my brain, which slew to a brain dead fart stop in the nursing home , has just started to work again. 

I've just finished a twelve hour shift and tomorrow Ive got the same again but this time with another new nurse who used to work with my husband in the University.
I think I will become firm friends with him, 
I have nose for nice people

Dorothy's confidence is growing daily
Today the sexy bearded dog walker took her out with Mary across the village fields and sent me a video to prove it.
Tonight she sat on my shoulder. Just happy to see me home


For someone who boasts that he is a bit of a culture vulture, I am surprised to admit that the whole Fleabag phenomenon has literally passed me by.
My sister tried to get tickets for the National Theatre's live showing but it was sold out , so this evening we went to Theatr Clwyd to see a re run of the filmed version.

I enjoyed it.
Phoebe Waller-Bridge is a wonderful storyteller and describes her strange modern day life with it's distant relatives, a guinea pig cafe, feminist views, sex, porn and friends with energy and an edge of cruelty which is refreshing and at times achingly sad.
Hers is an essay on grief and how sex fills a void of pain and the need to be properly loved

I can see just why her subsequent tv show and her poaching by the American tv lords has signalled just how big the Fleabag franchise has become.

I wonder where the move will take her.

The House Concert and Red Dragon

Andrew Waite

I have never been to a house concert before, but I am told they are quite common in the folk world where talented singers and musicians put on a gig in someone's house for a donation!
I adored my first time.
I've never before put the word  "enjoyment" and "accordion " in the same sentence either but after listening to two hour of French Jazz, Traditional Scottish  jigs and reels and some lovely songs by a a real Scottish pro Andrew Waite.. I am now a real convert.
It was wonderful watching a guy at the top of his game
The venue was a cottage perhaps 500 metres from my own and I knew twelve people out of the audience of fifteen which was nice. We had tea and cake in the interval and I've been invited to another gig later this month! What fun!

And now a quick thank you
Yesterday I received a parcel in the post by the bad tempered postman! It was from Janice who apparently has enjoyed reading through the archives of Going Gently with some relish
She reminded me of a blog I wrote nine years ago!
It was about a story of my affection for a simple garden ornament, a pair of Welsh Dragons who always stood either side of a path  in my Grandmother's garden,

I complained in the blog that although, I loved the dragons I never got to own one and Janice in her travels remembered my lament......

And so she sent me this

My own Welsh Dragon
How kind x

Titivating Again

It was cold at 7am this morning despite having a Welsh terrier tucked firmly under my left armpit and  a needy new bulldog resting nervously against my right thigh.
The weather has turned and the sharp cool of Autumn has arrived .
I contemplated climbing under the duvet from my place under the ancient and now scarred patchwork quilt cover, but decided to get up.
I have not slept under the duvet since my husband left 18 months ago.
I'm sure some friendly psychotherapist would have something to say about that one

The village feels damp and muddy looking and the Day before yesterday I planted out cheerful looking cyclamen in pots and planters on the kitchen wall to brighten things up.
Mr W stopped to chat as I was firming down, he's my age and sports a bigger smile
" Titivating again I see!" he giggled charmingly
Mr W , is always giggling unless he's chatting about his health
I thought it was too good to be true for after a brief titter I listened to a text book and rather comprehensive journey into his recent arthritis experiences.
Trendy Carol tottered past as we talked . I am sure she had a pair of animal print pumps on, she and her husband have been true friends since I started work at the hospice as they have allowed the dogs to take over their very trendy conservatory on the evenings I am working.
At 9pm I find them all sleeping on her expensive garden room sofas surrounded by scatter cushions kicked with gay abandon upon the floor.
She never minds Winnie's more destructive traits.

I had just collected the dogs last night and found a message from the wonderfully named  Kelda Manly who lives in the Still House on Well Street.
" Would I like to attend a House Concert tomorrow night at the Papworth's house down our lane at 7.00pm?"
I have no idea what this concert is all about but of course, somewhat intrigued,  I agreed !

The dogs and I walked around the village before bed last night and I should have thought about sleeping under the duvet again then, as I watched the breath puff out like steam jets from the dogs noses as they breathed in and out the flavours of the Village Green