Other Village News

No longer a teenage boffin
Adult Boffin Cameron has started work as an apprentice engineer at the world famous Bentley company today
The village is very proud of it's son
Well done xxxx

Ps. To answer other questions ...affable despot Jason is well....he has outrageously floppy hair and is very busy....we have planned to meet up soon. His girls are mighty fine.
Mrs Trellis is doing fine too and is about to complete her next grade at piano school.
Sailor John and the other members of the old flower Show Committee are very well. Ann has a new horse and Terry a new man shed, matriarch Irene is organising friendship group within an inch of its life.
Nurse Hattie went to the Trelawnyd WI first year's anniversary party and choir tenor Heulwen is in France

Trendy Carol has a lovely new blouse btw

News Update

I am mindful that quite a lot has happened over the past few weeks
So I thought it was time for a potted history catch up of sorts

It looks as though everything is on the way for being sorted with my mortgage of the cottage. The legal bits of taking my husband's name off the deeds are in progress but typically the work seems slow and somewhat pedestrian in nature which the way of the world in solicitor land, I know.
I've lived with this " no man's land" feeling for a year and a half now, so I am sure I can cope a bit longer.
The on line information which lets me know where the paperwork is up to, is still flashing the irritatingly static " pending" sign.......I guess I will just have to be patient.

The hospice move has proved to have been a good choice.
I have always been a good team player and as the unit has been extremely busy I have just got on with things while still having my old managerial head on, something that allows support up the ladder and down it.
The " roll your sleeves up" mentality is always celebrated on pragmatic nursing units

I'm tired, though...very tired  and last night after collecting the dogs from Trendy Carol ( Autumn colours , nice slacks, big hair) I flopped into the arm chair, made a couple of phone calls and fell asleep.
I woke in bed this morning at 10 am.....so I obviously needed the rest....
I miss choir dreadfully. But know I will able to return to my usual Tuesday night warble in a few weeks time

Oh yes and like I said a few days ago the date went fine. He's my age. Bright , intelligent, professional and by the look of things pretty fucking normal! He has an easy nature and I am taking things very slow indeed.
It does a lot for ones ego when someone actually likes your company.
For eighteen months all I have felt, is that sting of rejection.....

Oh and Dorothy arrives after the 20th
She will be coming out of a somewhat chaotic home environment and through necessity will be separated from a life long dog friend and so will be in desperate need of stability, routine and calming company.
Winnie will be an ideal foil for all of Dorothy's woes and one more mouth to feed won't be too onerous a job given all that I've experienced .
Anyone who knows me, will also understand that I am succession planning too. Dorothy is only 3 years old whereas Winnie is at least 10, perhaps more......Winnie is on borrowed time and I need to set up the doggy 'racegoers' so that the matriarch bulldog baton can be passed on.

So there you have it ....most of my news in a nutshell.
I am cultivating old and new friends in between shifts and am even saving up for a new carpet without going overdrawn...
I have to be careful with my money now.....

I am allowing myself to re enter the village social envelope again too....and as Chic Eleanor would say
" My Darling John......how absolutely wonderful" 


A patient said to me this afternoon
"I just want to fucking laugh at something" 
We get on, and I think I'm on his wavelength
After a think I returned to his room and played for a minute on his iPad
" Watch this!" I told him

3 hours later I passed his room and I caught his eye , as he played with his kids. He raised a skinny hand and gave me a big thumbs up and a grin
This is what he watched

I was reminded of it last night as I chatted to a friend......it's priceless


I had a conversation with a friend the other day about aftershave
He regularly wears about 6 brands
Presumingly it depends on his mood just which one he picks I thought and
that seems all rather hard work to me,
But I guess my apathy really would surprise no one!
Given my odd sense of style.

I wear just one
Clinique Happy is my signature smell.....
It's a bright wiff.....well suited to my personality
Happy more than sexy me thinks
I was sat in handover at the hospice the other morning and one of the nurses exclaimed
Who smells bloody gorgeous ?
I put my hand up......women seem to like my aftershave
I've not really  tried it on men yet!

I like a man to smell of soap and water
That's a result of working alongside too many doctors and male nurses!
Oh and one sexy, upclose and personal memory of a clean smelling policeman who had just come on duty in 1988!

What's your smell?

I Love You More Than I can Say

When did you last say " I love you" to someone ? 

It's almost Back

A month to go 
The Walking Dead returns! 

Chic Eleanor

I had that date today.....Remember I mentioned it a while ago
It was fun, and chatty and was an easy three hours out of our day.
I ate lunch too ( and didn't drip any of my open prawn sandwich down my front) 
Which was a first! 
We've  agreed to meet again

When I came home I popped in to see Chic Eleanor 
Now , Chic Eleanor is a new character to Going Gently , but she has really been a good friend for a couple of years now. When Chris moved out, she like many of my friends, went up a gear and we have become closer mates through our work at Samaritans and over the odd beautifully served gin and tonic.
Eleanor is in her mid fifties and looks years younger. She lives in a beautiful country house just East of the village and has class, style and warmth in bucket loads. 
She has the chic personality of Catherine Deneuve and wears a pashmina with a natural elegance unheard of in Trelawnyd. 
She always refers to me as " My Darling John!" 
I told Eleanor of my date as she dropped a sliver of lemon into a fat Chrystal gin glass 
" Darling John I think it's time to follow suit and dip my toe into the dating pool" she purrred reaching for the fever tree tonic 
" You will be snapped up !" I told her honesty
And typical of many , quite naturally beautiful people, she was genuiningly surprised by my words
" Do you think so , my darling John?" She said flicking her beautifully flowing hair with a fine finger
" Yes!" I told her honestly
" How absolutely  lovely !" She said with a genuine smile which lit up the room! 

An Observation not a complaint

A much needed bucket of coffee this morning

I worked late last night and got home well after nine pm.
Busy is busy does.
I have today off and back to work tomorrow
It seemed that admissions were comming out of thin air!
I'm not complaining
But my muscles can feel their 12 hour usage.
Luckily I was working with another new nurse my age who said that she was feeling the burn too
We compared aches between us like two old ladies in a doctor's waiting room.

I am off today
I've just got enough time to clean the cottage, wash my clothes , meet a friend for coffee and have some quality Winnie time before getting ready for work again.
There's a wine tasting night at the hall tonight too....I think I'll give that a miss

Trendy Carol will collect the dogs tomorrow instead of the sexy bearded dog walker.
She's now starting to wear autumnal colours!
It feels as though summer is officially over