News Update

I am mindful that quite a lot has happened over the past few weeks
So I thought it was time for a potted history catch up of sorts

It looks as though everything is on the way for being sorted with my mortgage of the cottage. The legal bits of taking my husband's name off the deeds are in progress but typically the work seems slow and somewhat pedestrian in nature which the way of the world in solicitor land, I know.
I've lived with this " no man's land" feeling for a year and a half now, so I am sure I can cope a bit longer.
The on line information which lets me know where the paperwork is up to, is still flashing the irritatingly static " pending" sign.......I guess I will just have to be patient.

The hospice move has proved to have been a good choice.
I have always been a good team player and as the unit has been extremely busy I have just got on with things while still having my old managerial head on, something that allows support up the ladder and down it.
The " roll your sleeves up" mentality is always celebrated on pragmatic nursing units

I'm tired, though...very tired  and last night after collecting the dogs from Trendy Carol ( Autumn colours , nice slacks, big hair) I flopped into the arm chair, made a couple of phone calls and fell asleep.
I woke in bed this morning at 10 I obviously needed the rest....
I miss choir dreadfully. But know I will able to return to my usual Tuesday night warble in a few weeks time

Oh yes and like I said a few days ago the date went fine. He's my age. Bright , intelligent, professional and by the look of things pretty fucking normal! He has an easy nature and I am taking things very slow indeed.
It does a lot for ones ego when someone actually likes your company.
For eighteen months all I have felt, is that sting of rejection.....

Oh and Dorothy arrives after the 20th
She will be coming out of a somewhat chaotic home environment and through necessity will be separated from a life long dog friend and so will be in desperate need of stability, routine and calming company.
Winnie will be an ideal foil for all of Dorothy's woes and one more mouth to feed won't be too onerous a job given all that I've experienced .
Anyone who knows me, will also understand that I am succession planning too. Dorothy is only 3 years old whereas Winnie is at least 10, perhaps more......Winnie is on borrowed time and I need to set up the doggy 'racegoers' so that the matriarch bulldog baton can be passed on.

So there you have it ....most of my news in a nutshell.
I am cultivating old and new friends in between shifts and am even saving up for a new carpet without going overdrawn...
I have to be careful with my money now.....

I am allowing myself to re enter the village social envelope again too....and as Chic Eleanor would say
" My Darling absolutely wonderful" 


  1. Anonymous11:44 am

    Thanks for the update. I along with many others will be so pleased that you are staying in your village (I avoided trying to spell it). We've seen an awful lot of your critters depart and much as we may miss Winnie when the time comes, so good that that you will have Dorothy.

  2. Thank you for the update, and good to hear that things are going smoothly for a while. You deserved a break, and it seems you have got one.

    1. It's not without the support of a 1000blog readers xx

  3. And life goes on....bless you....

  4. Sod carpet. The dogs don't care what they shit on. Buy new underpants and you can be the one that christens them.

    1. You are very comparative today

    2. I wore myself out and had a two hour nap when I got home.

      Thank you for lunch, and for putting up with the devil on my shoulder x

    3. You were dreadfully behaved x

  5. All sounds tickety-boo. Blow the carpet; buy a stock of Champagne!

  6. This news update was rather different from the ones I am used to seeing on the BBC News website. No mention of Trump or Brexit or mass shootings or Islamic extremists or any of the other daily crap we are expected to endure.

  7. You sound more grounded now dear John. So happy the job is going well as that is a big part of your life. They are lucky, both patients and staff, to have you. Choir, with all those sopranos, will be waiting anxiously for your return and low dulcet tones I'm sure.
    Hang in there - enjoy these golden Autumn days ahead.
    Mary -

    P.S. New carpet is always a positive upgrade for home comfort.

  8. Looking back a year- who would have imagined? You are a strong man, John Gray.

  9. all wonderful news. i am so excited to meet dorothy! i bet winnie will love having a new bully around.

  10. All looking good, although new lino might be more practical?

  11. 'Normal' is a sadly underrated quality!

  12. What a lot of good stuff to read about, a welcome change from all the crap going on in this shambolic laughing stock of a country. I can't wait for the Winnie & Dorothy show to start....who will be Joan and who Bette?

  13. Anonymous1:44 pm

    This is wonderful news. Good job moving forward and making things happen. Happy everything is working out for you John.
    Cali G

  14. You need a very big rest before you start getting run down (motherly/fag hag advice), hope you're eating healthily. Ref solicitors, they can tend to sit on things until you chase, I would chase, just saying, in my own experience they were always just about to do something when I rang to chase and this was ref a will I was executor of which took 3 years to settle - 3 years! I took me the first year to realise nothing happened until I rang and two more years to realise that when still nothing happened it's because they were waiting for somebody else and couldn't be bothered to chase them unless I enquired on progress - and I felt uncomfortable/apologetic for doing so every time, but why I don't know, it's the British attitude of 'not making a fuss' ... make a fuss, your wings are currently psychologically clipped. there, hope you don't mind the un asked for advice!

    1. I think u are right
      Tomorrow I will do some chasing

  15. Thanks for the update! I'm glad to hear things are going well (if slowly in the case of the cottage changeover) and your life is moving forward.

    1. My life is like one of your photos
      Gets better under close scrutiny

  16. p.s. lovely to see things are falling into place with work, dogs and dates.

  17. This was indeed a post which makes all your followers happy. You have gone through so much and it is just wonderful that the future looks bright. So pleased for you!

  18. Thanks for the update, it is good to hear that good things are happening for a good person. Looking forward to the new addition to the pack. It sounds like the hospice is inpatient? My parents had home based hospice care.

    1. We do both and there are outreach too

  19. What chic Eleanor would say! x

  20. well, good news all around. any news about auntie glad, or the despot family?

    1. Jason messaged me today with his usual funny photo!
      The girls are doing well in school....
      Auntie glad remains frail xxat over 100

  21. Anonymous2:57 pm

    "It does a lot for ones ego when someone actually likes your company" Hey, what about all of us?


  22. So happy to read the contents of this post. xx

  23. Oh so that is where the "normal" guy lives, I've heard about him but thought maybe he was just a myth!
    How old do bulldogs live?

  24. Thanks for the catch up news! Will Trendy Carol be looking after the dogs on a regular basis and has the dog sitter gone? I look forward to the posts on Dorothy - she looks like a right character.

    1. No they are working together at the mo,

  25. I'm glad things are going well.

  26. Thank you for the update. So glad life is calming down and on the upswing. Dorothy has fallen into a pot of honey!

  27. Anonymous4:10 pm

    Glad to read that all in well at home.
    It has been a rollercoaster of emotions over the past 18 monthes, and that is just us readers! You have managed really well with all that has happened and l wish you all the best for the future and thank you for shareing it all here John.
    Much love Tess x

  28. Glad to see things beginning to come together for you. Regarding new carpets. I was recently in a house with beautiful wood flooring and a couple luxurious rugs. Much easier to keep clean and on closer inspection the wood floors were very convincing vinyl. Have to say it was the walkway around Culzean Castle though. Just a thought.

  29. You are blooming wonderfully.

  30. Hi hun, Yaaay! So pleased that everything is going well.This post sounds like a happy turning point in your life.Maybe it's a good idea to wait for the new carpet until Dorothy is adjusted to her new surroundings?Smiles and hugs Goldensunflower x

    1. Good advice... but it will take me an age to save up anyway x

  31. Hope your date is the start of something big! And I hope Winnie soldiers on for another year or two. As for solicitors, why do they take so long over things that don't seem that complicated?

    1. Thank you nick... she had her boosters the other day and the new vet couldn't believe she looked so robust

  32. Good good good news all round.

    Wonderful ladies were also Winifred - my Great Aunt known as Win and my Grandmother Dorothy known as Molly

    1. I've only got Roger to come now

    2. I wondered what was happening with Roger.

  33. Oh bollocks. I thought you knew something about Brexit that we didn't.

  34. And I endorse that last sentence. It is good that everything is getting sorted out and things are settling down. I am glad for you. x

  35. Barbara Anne6:08 pm

    Yes, how absolutely wonderful all the way around and in the center, too. Happy dancing for you!

    You're also doing just what is normal after a 12 hour shift: eat and sleep. Those shifts are blooming exhausting.


  36. Wonderful to read such a positive update! Keep it up xx

  37. I like to read that things are settling down ! almost.

  38. Chic Eleanor nailed it.

  39. Better news then any on the telly John, lovely update and looking forward to reading about Dorothy and what the rest think of her.

  40. Thank you for the update. It is so good to read such a positive post. Can't wait for you to introduce us to Dorothy.

  41. You've had a lot of turmoil to contend with, now you can relax a bit and know that things are on the up. I'm pleased for you.

  42. What a lovely news round up. We need to have a catch up in person again as soon as we can over coffee and dogs. I'm so pleased that things are improving, you've worked hard to get things going in that direction. Well done you. xx

    1. Yes coffee and catch up would be good.. you saw me last at my lowest ebb x

  43. I appreciated this news round up. Always nice to have roses come up through the manure!

  44. You will be feeling tired...change of job, sorting life and house...and it's Autumn...but good to get back into village life.

    1. I am still tired this evening...I fell asleep in the bath with a facepack on

    2. Crumbs, I’m impressed you finally taking care of your appearance. Love the vision of you asleep in the bath with facepack on. The extra time snoozing has probably knocked light years off your phizog, a mere broth of a boy will look back at you in the bathroom mirror?


  45. What a lovely catch up post. I'm so glad for you.

  46. Those solicitor online progress monitors are fine in theory but the last one we used didn't keep it up to date. It showed nothing for weeks and then suddenly they phoned to say things were nearly finished.

    1. I will ring my contact at the Halifax tomorrow, she loves poofs

  47. Good news all around! It takes time for your brain/body to get used to new schedules... be kind to yourself and rest when you can. Soon you'll be working ,singing,cuddling dogs and new friends!!

    1. I'm having an early night tonight too

  48. You've definitely pulled up your bra straps and gotten busy with living. Good for you - you will reap the rewards I am sure.

    1. My tits are facing the sky

    2. Lucky you if they still point skyward rather then at the walls or down at your toes!
      Lovely report from you! I so enjoy your blog!

  49. Sarah Jones10:05 pm

    So lovely to read such a happy post John. You deserve it, looking forward to hearing about Dorothy's escapades, but Winnie will always be myfavourite :) xx

  50. I think the best news is that you’re finding your center again. After the heartache and the lack of certainty in what concerned the cottage, I think you’ve done a remarkable job. You’re even eyeing a nice man!
    Yay you.


  51. I am very happy for you, and admire the strength and grace you have shown us throughout this ordeal. Blessings on you and yours.

  52. Well then my darling John, how absolutely wonderful!

  53. I am very happy for you John.You have good foundations for a happy and fulfilled life.Onwards and upwards to more happy times x


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