I rarely miss a day with Jerry and I often tell good friends and family. Something I could never do in years past. I didn’t even trust that I was capable of feeling love. So glad I’ve evolved on that subject.
I say it clearly and often. To my partner, my kids, my friends and even my ex. Last time was 10 minutes ago...I told Scruffy the dog as I left the house for work.
That lady and her darling dog are so beautiful,they absolutely adore each other don't they.I tell my dogs every day "I love you"- one licks my face,one licks my leg and little teddy bear just jumps up and down- I could burst with the love I feel for them.I do sometimes sing to them but I'm afraid I sound like Hilda Ogden x
To my gud dugs everyday, especially Agatha my sweet rescue who panics at any storm sound. In summer we have storms every day/evenings every few days. She is in full panic. parsnip
to my cats, daily. you are loved in the blog world, john. and your dog-girls love you too. remember to love yourself, for without that you cannot move forward.
No longer to my dear farmer but I often say it to my great grand daughter when she comes to see me. But you have made me think John - I never tell my son I love him although of course I do. I must rectify that.
Yesterday to a friend whose going through a rough patch. This video is a pure delight what a sweet lady I love the sound of the cat in the background and the bliss on the dogs face.
That word is so overused these days that I feel it's lost its meaning. I don't use it and it makes me really uncomfortable when I hear it or when family says it to me.
On Saturday....to my grandson.
ReplyDeleteAbout half an hour ago!!
ReplyDeleteThis morning, to Betty dog....she looked suitably impressed (not). You've just reminded me to tell husband too!
ReplyDeleteLast night. Never miss the opportunity.
ReplyDeleteThis morning, as I was shaving.
DeleteWonderful, thanks.
I rarely miss a day with Jerry and I often tell good friends and family. Something I could never do in years past. I didn’t even trust that I was capable of feeling love. So glad I’ve evolved on that subject.
ReplyDeleteI love you
ReplyDeleteThank you....good reply
DeleteSometime in the last few days to one of my kids.
ReplyDeleteRomantically, years and years
ReplyDeleteSo, two times... :-)!
ReplyDeleteA minute ago, to my dog Ginger.
ReplyDeleteI said it to my dog yesterday... Those puppy dog eyes got to me !
ReplyDeleteI said it to a family member last week and told them that I was always there for them x
This morning, when Rick had his paws around my neck.
ReplyDeleteYesterday to my grandchildren and then to my son!!
ReplyDeleteClick like button.
ReplyDeleteIn January. To my lovely dog, Bok, as I buried him.
ReplyDeleteThose three little words, so special and necessary.
ReplyDeleteI say them every day to Bob, and often to others in my life.
To my extended family, fairly often.
ReplyDeleteAfraid to say it to someone I would like to be romantically involved with. Fear of rejection??
This is on my Facebook page every day:
ReplyDelete❤ you ... ☺
(Love you ... smiley face)
I say it clearly and often. To my partner, my kids, my friends and even my ex. Last time was 10 minutes ago...I told Scruffy the dog as I left the house for work.
ReplyDeleteTo Sue about half an hour ago She and lovely hubby are so good to me XXXXX Stay as sweet as you are John XX
ReplyDeleteThe last time I looked in a mirror.
ReplyDeleteThat lady and her darling dog are so beautiful,they absolutely adore each other don't they.I tell my dogs every day "I love you"- one licks my face,one licks my leg and little teddy bear just jumps up and down- I could burst with the love I feel for them.I do sometimes sing to them but I'm afraid I sound like Hilda Ogden x
ReplyDeleteThat's okay. John sounds like Stan.
DeleteSounds like. Looks like. Smells like. Feels like.
DeleteI refuse to lick him to satisfy all senses.
I bet
DeleteLast evening to both grown sons, one lovely DIL, and to my most excellent strong man (of the last 47 and 5/12 years!).
ReplyDeleteMy dog all day every day. Last human was my mom a couple of days ago.
ReplyDeleteLast night to Partner, who promptly burst into tears! On Saturday evening to daughter, using our special word. To dog? Never.
ReplyDeleteIt's 8:15am in Montana; the last time was last night at 7pm when my youngest did her daily call.
ReplyDeleteCynic xx
DeleteI refuse to grieve again x
DeleteThis morning, my cats.
ReplyDeleteBe strong, don't dwell on might-have-beens. No sappy music allowed.
To my gud dugs everyday, especially Agatha my sweet rescue who panics at any storm sound. In summer we have storms every day/evenings every few days. She is in full panic.
to my cats, daily. you are loved in the blog world, john. and your dog-girls love you too. remember to love yourself, for without that you cannot move forward.
ReplyDeleteTo George this morning when he brought me coffee in bed. Thank you George, I love you.
ReplyDeleteMany many years ago that I hardly remember saying it at all.
ReplyDeleteTo my Mum. Joan, a few hours ago ... and to my Lovely Hubby half an hour ago as he left for work.
ReplyDeleteWe say it to each other many times a day, but especially first thing in the morning and the last thing at night...after 45 years of marriage.
ReplyDeleteNo longer to my dear farmer but I often say it to my great grand daughter when she comes to see me. But you have made me think John - I never tell my son I love him although of course I do. I must rectify that.
ReplyDeleteI'll warn him so he's ready for it Weave.
DeleteYesterday to a friend whose going through a rough patch. This video is a pure delight what a sweet lady I love the sound of the cat in the background and the bliss on the dogs face.
ReplyDeleteHello all
ReplyDeleteLate to the party
I found the old lady singing all rather beautiful
That word is so overused these days that I feel it's lost its meaning. I don't use it and it makes me really uncomfortable when I hear it or when family says it to me.
ReplyDeleteWhy, just last week, at lunch with my daughter's mother-in-law.
ReplyDelete10 minutes ago to my brother who I only get to visit with once a year. Family is everything.
ReplyDeleteI haven’t don’t that in awhile. Maybe last week? I need todo it more often.