Shut Up!

I called up to the vets today very early.
I had to drop Chris off at the train not long after 6 am
There was no point going back to bed for a half hour sleep or so.
Anyhow I called up to pick up some antibiotics for Stanley. I thought I would give his a course just to make sure I have done everything I could for the old guy and they are pretty good at trusting me when I need to diagnose and treat the animals generally I save a packet.
George Clooney was on duty and just so happened to be behind the counter when I was paying for the drugs and in his seductive, film star voice, he gave me a suave " hello there" in passing
I blushed heavily, straightened my new woolly hat ( which Chris described as a maroon tea cosy) and  looking like a teenage schoolgirl I squeaked my own, slightly strangled...
Mr Clooney nodded then added like the excellent vet he is " how's your Scottie...did his stomach settle down?"
IT was an absolute age since I  brought George in with a bout of enteritis, so I was impressed with his memory....and I turned all smiley and giggly on myself, as the hero worship kicked in big style.
I could have kicked myself

Is this a normal sort of  reaction to a pretty face?
Does everyone who normally can act and sound like a perfectly reasonable adult in mainstream day to day existence evolve into a vacuous brain dead bubble head when a pair of baby blue ' Daniel Crag ' eyes are flashed in their general direction?
I was smiling at Vet Clooney so much, the girl behind the counter started to look a little uncomfortable,, and I am sure she rolled her eyes just a little when I squeaked up again
" He's fine but he does have bad breath"
BAD BREATH? BAD BREATH! what the hell are you thinking of? Stop babbling I said to myself.... But on I marched...sharing every detail of just how smelly George's breath can be as Mr Clooney and the receptionist stood there bored shitless
I only stopped babbling when I realised I had turned into the worst cougar impersonator EVER !

And knowing I had made a tit of myself I finally asked lamely
" do you sell doggy toothbrushes?"
" I will go and check" the receptionist said with a thin smile.

Red Shirts in Atlanta

It must be a real bummer being a character on a show like THE WALKING DEAD
one minute you think your career is on the up
Then are cannon fodder..
Poor Axel ( Lew Temple)
The only apocalypse survivor with an obvious sense of humour
Out without anyone knowing his second name,

it's the zombie equivalent of wearing a red shirt on Star Trek

The King Is Almost Dead......Long Live The Badger

The oldest patriarch on the field is Stanley.
He is at least seven years old and could be as old as eight, we have no way of knowing, as he arrived back in 2007 unwanted, from a farm way up in the hills.
During his time in Trelawnyd, he has been a hard working and dedicated alpha male. He has watched over his hens with a dedication that bordered on obsession, and has proved his worth time and time again in the maintainance of a bitchslapping free population.
Cockerels are instrumental in keeping the peace amongst bullying and argumentative hens

But the ravages of time have taken their toll and slowly and surely the old guy has turned into Jaques from AS YOU LIKE IT...." Sans taste, sans eyes, sans teeth (albeit it hens' teeth).....sans everything"
He is now the old fading retainer who spends his days resting and napping by the fence and it is only a matter of time until his son Badger,the junior cockerel,takes over responsibility for the hens.
I have only realised all this today...

Luckily Badger is as good natured as his father, so no blood has been shed between the boys as yet. but I am sure it will happen when Badger realises that the old king no longer has the physical strength and motivation he used to possess.
In the meantime old Stanley continues to fade.....
and I think that after all of his hard work over the years
he deserves a few more days of peace with his face in the sun.

Touching Base

London as it was yesterday, cold, snowy and mighty fine
I always enjoy my London visits.
Of course the chance to be neat and tidy, the opportunity to 'see the sights', ' do the shows' and eat the eats are all part of a wonderful break away from the humdrum and the ordinary, but for me, the main enjoyment has to be touching base with Nuala.
For over 23 years she has been my best friend and all of those 23 years she has lost non of her lust for enjoying everything that comes her way.
It is an enviable, infectious  and laudable ability enjoy new experiences, new people and new things with optimism and genuine pleasure and it is an ability that Nu manages to carry out effortlessly but never demurely.
I am lucky to have her around.........
Anyhow I am on the train back home now.
This morning I bought a mixing bowl from John Lewis for me and some tea 
 from Fortnum & Mason for Chris
I enjoyed a sneaky scotch egg while out walking along the South Bank and surprisingly have spilled nothing as yet on my second best jumper of the trip.
It's been a nice break

Shard Feelings

Nearly two days and a trip to the theatre,cinema,coffee shop,Borough Market,Brazilian eatery,fish restaurant later..I thought things couldn't get any better but they did.....Nuala remembering my fetish for skyscrapers treated me to a wonderful trip up the London Shard.....
My boyhood TOWERING INFERNO obsession was well and truly relived....hey ho.


Ok, I think most of you will know me  and my slightly dyspraxic ways by now
So the choice of a custard yellow pullover 
Perhaps was not the wisest of choices given my propensity for dribbling
But as you can see, with the judicious positioning of a trendy scarf , I am in fact,
blemish free so to speak...
I have , however lost all street cred with my executive businessman neighbour, for he has just given my IPad a quick once over as I was looking at Tom Stephenson's photo of a rude vegetable.....
Hey ho
My one attempt at looking urbane and sophisticated foiled by a carrot's vagina

Beam Me Up Scottie

When I was a boy, pet shops were strange, slightly alien places with large open sacks of smelly dried this and that lying next door to aquariums full of neon tetras and buckets full of millet strings .
They were totally utilitarian places, that often smelt of leather.....and when you took a second look, there was always some sort of depressed feathered creature asleep on the counter.

That was then.
Now it's all very high tech's gone all Star Trek
Last night Chris and I attended a 'friends and family' open day at a newly opened pet superstore.
We were invited by my twin Janet, who has, after 30 years in the same job, has just moved  careers into the modern day petshop retail sector and given the fact that our combined age is well over 100, the night still felt as though I was going to a school open day.

The pet superstore was a surprise to be sure!
The whole place was totally space age! With rows upon rows of gleaming pet food, a pet grooming centre ,more medications
that you would see in your average hospital pharmacy and squeaky clean miniature hamsters climbing across their rope swings within futuristic aseptic containers, the place looked more like Waitrose than the pet shops I knew from old.

It was nice to be there to support my Sister on her first official opening day... But we needn't have worried....working along side kids just out of their teens , and faced with handling snakes, rats and bearded lizards and a computerised till more complicated than in ITU ventilator  ...she looked as though she had been working there for years.

Off to London later tonight.......meeting up with touchstone

A Chance To Win

I don't know if it's the big hair,
The slutty twins,
Or the lobster claws
But it gives me a lift every time I see it

When I was young I always wanted to be a waiter
however my FIRST ever job was as
A peddle boat supervisor on Prestatyn Beach
I lasted a week and left after I was thrown into the pool by three foul mouthed  13 year old girls from Liverpool!