Doing Things Well

Some visuals linger long in the mind and in the emotions. Uk readers might well have seen the co-op tv advert which promotes their long serving funeral business.
In it we see a widow on the way to her husband's funeral. The hearse takes a "scheduled" detour ( organised thoughtfully by the undertakers) to a favourite fishing spot of the deceased where a whole line of fishing pals stand in a dignified line in way of tribute.
It's a powerful and moving manipulation of the viewing audience, which cleverly never fails to pack the appropriate emotional punch.

As I "enjoyed" this emotional romp, I was reminded of a very real funeral which provided a similar, and if not more emotive example of respect and tribute.
In 2004, a much loved landowner Andrew Cavendish, the 11th Duke of Devonshire died. When his funeral car left the family's ancestral home of Chatsworth House in Derbyshire, the entire estate staff ( some 600,cooks,butlers,gamekeepers,farmers, secretaries and gardening staff) lined the route to Edensor Village Church.
At the time, I remember thinking just how wonderful this "staff salute" actually was.


Sometimes In winter, daylight just can't get it's arse into gear.
The Bwthyn-y-llan cottage, with it\'s 18 inch walls and small windows doesn\'t always make the most of the weak sunshine in January, so when the weather is gloomy, and even though we are south facing, our rooms can look as though we live in a twilight world.
I sort of like this time, for after the animals on the field have been watered , the dogs walked and the tea made, there is usually an opportunity at the weekends for a multiple pile up of bodies under the duvet.
This morning, I am still a little in awe of the iPad thingamy.
BBC I player has the capacity for replaying the week's films, and so such classics as KITTY FOYLE,OF HUMAN BONDAGE,THEY FLEW ALONE,THE YELLOW CANARY are all up for a satisfying watch
The bright morning light of spring and summer mean you have to hit the day running.
Winter dullness means Bette Davis in bed

491 and Puking Dogs versus puking Children

Bloggers can be as self effacing as Mother Theresa when it comes to their readers, but generally the truth remains that we all are quite flattered when we notice our readership avatars increasing in number.
My followers now number a smidgen over 490. Of course only a fraction of these characters actually call in regularly to read the exploits of an over-the-hill poultry owner, but I am shallow enough to be giddy as a kipper when I finally reach my 500th follower?
I guess that we all need to be listened to in this strange game of life .
And bloggers being for the most part more mature than your average computer geek means that we are perhaps just that little more attentive to each other .
Generally it is a medium of good manners
(I DID say generally Thomas)

Anyhow today's post is a kind of thankful one.
Last night around 5am I was woken by some heavy breathing and the sound of retching.
It was George, who in Chris' absence had sneaked up to rest his head on the pillows.
A quick retch
A brief throw up of something unimanagable 
A smack of the lips and then back to sleep
Dogs are so much easier than children.
No wailing
No tears
No need for soothing words and a washing up bowl splashed liberally with dettol.
Just a brief pat on the head
And the disguesting job of cleaning up that corner of the duvet
When you finally wake up properly three hours later!
Oh and yes you can leave them unsupervised in a cold kitchen for a couple of hours if the need arises

Happy Birthday Joanne

Not everyone in the village has the rugged "Lee Marvin" good looks of the RFWF
As most of the village grey hairs would attest to, we are not overly blessed with Trelawnyd characters that possess Hollywood good looks, though affable despot Jason IS sporting a new Tom Cruise "Mission Impossible" haircut!
Having said this, there is one local pin up gal that still seems to possess the skill to turn the head of any red blooded male at the driving wheel of any passing tractor, and that gal is the delightful Joanne whose birthday it is today!
It would be ungallant of me to mention exactly which Birthday celebration it is, suffice to say that Joanne still has many many years of Zumba marathons left under her belt.
Here is a portrait of  her taken during her "Dynasty" period....the cameraman who snapped the shot was no other than Patrick John Anston , 5th Earl of Lichfield.
Who says we are all country bumpkins?

QI? What do you think?

I have just re read my latest ( and now deleted ) post detailing a tea bag incident in the Jacob's Ladder cafe this morning.
Apart from the phase "I like my coffee as strong as Montserrat Cabelle's knicker elastic" which I thought was a particulary delightful line,
The whole thing was as interesting as thrush.
Gawd, I need to stop writing shit

Life Of Pi

I was not a fan of 3D ( i generally find that it confuses the senses )but I must admit that I am now

I doubt I will ever experience such a pure cinematic event as LIFE OF PI again, for it is truly an innovative,wonderfully crafted and intensely beautiful Work of art rather than just a mere movie. A movie which depicts the amazing physical and spiritual survival journey of a young ship wrecked Indian student.

I went with an open mind and I was totally and utterly moved by the sheer overwhelming nature of it all

Eric the "lucky"

Blogger seems to be playing up at the moment
My blog template has gone to shit
Here is a video I took today of Eric the tiny bantam cockerel who had just been attacked by what I suspect was a sparrow hawk
It took off his tail feathers....
Forgive my babbling narration

Home Alone

Now with Chris being away so often, I guess a couple of you may be wondering just what I get up to when home alone
well here are a few examples of today's treats :-

x 2 !!!!!!

Miranda (The Dinner Party episode)
Chris detests her
This episode was hilarious

Then the Anglo-Irish
Monster/comedy/horror film

Which was a cracking watch
Just stopped for a dog wee stop, blog moment and a cuppa
Then I intend to day dream to some epic music
(I mentally play scenes from the movie which I have planned in my head)
Chris hates this kind of thing too

Then I think I will have another

 a phonecall to friends

as I sit in front of the fire in my underpants and
t shirt

Yes a border line mentally ill/geek
and why not?
Oh I will watch the new first episode of Borgen
(a cracking Danish Political drama)