One Fanny Too Far

Sometimes it is interesting to see yourself though someone else's eyes
It doesn't happen very often,as I am sure we all possess that strange subjective ability to view oneself in a more than glowing light
But, at certain rare times , I think It can be rather amusing to see what other's do
The resulting image can come as a bit of a shock!

Last night, I took a patient handover from a new itu nurse who has an interest in chickens
As it turned out, she is in fact the grand daughter of a lady who was my mother's best friend for over 25 years- a fact I found to be rather not only did we have a brief chat out past times, we waxed on fairly lyrically about the beautiful colour of aracuna hen's eggs.

Now I have not been at work for 18 days (bliss) so throughout the night, during those brief moments of quietness between turns, hourly observations, drug administrations and alarm silencing , I regaled my colleagues with fascinating stories of pig culling, meat freezing,blind Rooster tales and goose re homing....
At 5am I was quietly discussing Mabel's sexual adventures
when a patient chirped up from his bed, nearby
"Enough animal stories please"
and added somewhat testily
"You're boring the tits off me!"

Point Taken

Geese gone!

The geese have been duly collected and have left the field sat meekly in the back of transit van.
I am just about to leave for work, often Saturday night can be a little busier on ITU, so we have eaten a wonderful "home grown" pork chop ( the size of my head) for tea as a treat.
It's been a strange sort of "nothing" day.... hail storms this afternoon were a bit of a shock..... and the sex starved Bulldog is still flashing her bits around to all
Have a Good Weekend all

The Walking Dead "I hear Nebraska is nice"

This is a bit of a classic episode
Intelligently written and well acted.. give it a watch if you have not seen it
I really rate it

A Slut In The Living Room

Mabel is in season
Now.....having been through the constant "come goo eyes" that Constance exhibited when she was ready for a good seeing to.... we are sort of prepared for the rather nauseating shenanigans female bulldogs get up to as they approach " that time of the year".... mind you.... having said this...Mabel's behaviour towards a somewhat surprised William and an even more horrified George is presently bordering on a porno slut from Hell rather than the more demure eyelash flickering employed by her predecessor.
Presently she has been banished to her sofa in the kitchen after all her Mae West-ish attempts at seduction have failed to achieve the required sexual pleasure........I had to move quickly as Chris was being driven to distraction by constant glimpses of Bulldog fanny being waved around the living room with such gay abandon
Never a dull moment

Ebb And Flow

The break up of a long term relationship is always a sad experience. Of course it is a terrible time for the two central protagonists   and for each of their immediate families but it is also unfortunate for others to watch such disintegration and sadness.
Someone I know split up with their partner last year. It was their decision, and a difficult one no doubt, and like a good friend I tried to be objective and supportive with what was happening.
But something happened to my friend as the dust began to settle.
They changed
Every time we met, the conversation always came around to how awful the "ex" was and this bitterness and bad mouthing has increased every time we met up for  a chat.
Yesterday I decided to to let them know how much I think they have changed and effectively, I guess, I ended our friendship because of how negative things have become.
Perhaps pure objectivity is just too much to ask of someone eh?
Perhaps sides just have to be taken....


On a brighter note I think I have rehomed Thomas, Elizabeth and goose. A local woman rang last night looking for some more geese. She needed some company for her 24 year old ( yes 24!) bird....and will come to visit this afternoon to give them all the once over..... here's hoping that she'll take them.... ebb and flow.... it's all ebb and flow here...

This morning, an old aracuna lay dead underneath her perch, at the same time as spunky old blind Rooster Cogburn started to crow lustily in his newly found baritone voice.
The fully re feathered Crackhead whores are now fully integrated into field life and are looking healthy an happy and this morning I will start to clear out the deserted pig pen ready for new occupants...... ebb and flow.......ebb and flow............ Hopefully the geese will go, freeing up the old turkey house for something else  and more fertilised eggs will be hatching beneath a couple of broodies when they start to sit in a month or so's time.
The Indian runners have started to lay their blue eggs again too...... as Elton John and Tim Rice would say
"it's the circle of life"

The Cottage By Candlelight

It is a cold and rather damp evening.Chris is working away and the dogs and Albert are all asleep in various warm places around the living room. 
I have lit the candles and am just going to settle down to watch Olivia De Havilland in The Dark Mirror.
At night the cottage living room always looks at it's best.

I was talking to Olwenna the other day, she was one of the ladies that volunteered to be interviewed for my sister blog Trelawnyd -Voices from the past.
She reminded me that when she was a small girl in the late 1930s she used to come to our cottage to learn songs from a lady called Brenda Smith, the coal merchant's daughter.
(The Smith family, incidentally were the first non Welsh speaking people in the village I have been told)
Apparently the cottage living room looks very much as it did way back then..minus the piano of course


I wonder if there is any Italian in me?
( don't you dare Tom!!)
I only say this because during a row, I do have a tendency to throw things.
The last inanimate object that was flung in anger as I recall, was an unfortunate packet of basmati rice, but I have been known to hurl more adventurous fare, the most messy being a whole plate of spaghetti bolognase, which decorated the living room quite nicely.
( The dogs were made up because they all were left to lick it up!)

Having said this, I can " come down" as quickly as I go "up", and generally It will be me to be the first to make up and offer an olive branch so to speak.

Now to all of you out there that need a little more help when making up,  the following link may be of help... click on it, write your name in the box and wait 20-30 seconds for the movie to load..... it's worth the wait!!!!!!!!! Enjoy and Happy Rowing!

I don't like tea, I like .........

David Cameron has just banged on about the cost to the nhs of alcohol abuse.....