I am getting to an age when I forget the simplest of things....and I am feeling my age.
- I have to retrace my steps regularly in an effort to find my car keys, or to locate my cheque card or the dogs' leads and I am finding that I very occasionally call people the wrong name and almost not notice it.
- .My left knee is painful when I kneel down and I am sure I have the start of arthritis in my right big toe!
- When the tv or the radio is on I miss what Chris says to me ( he does mumble too!)
- And it "pisses me off" that I get up in the middle of the night to have a pee!
- My goatee is now almost a lovely shade of grey
- My hands look like my father's did when I was but a teenager
- and I know I will get sort of excited when I am given a nice warm fleece hat for a pressie!
- I need to resume my old weightwatcher regime....This objective is an easy one. I lost over three and a half stone without too much trouble a couple of years ago and just need to get myself focused again...this time Chris will be joining me.....a lighter weight means a less painful knee and less embarrassing offensive bowel sounds ! (oh the shame of breaking wind in front of a supermarket check out!)
- I need to get my flu jab! (work is busying up with suspected swine flu cases)
- I need to moisturise more and drink more water and less white wine
- I need to buy some reading glasses from Debenhams (I tried some on when out Christmas Shopping and was so bloody excited when I could make out the small print on EVERYTHING!
- and I need to wrap up warmer when I am out!
.....and so my health kick has started....
like I said It wont be hard....
I have an incentive
Underneath this grubby, slightly dishevelled exterior
I am rather vain!
I am