The Burtons depart and a gift from the ghosts

Chris' family left for their long journey home this morning. It has been a nice and therapeutic visit. I use the word therapeutic personally here;  the commitments of animals and the long distances between North Wales and Broadstairs has meant that my own contact with the in laws has been somewhat limited and one sided and it has been lovely to rekindle a family relationship and to share the facets of our lives with each other after so long.

Last night Leo burst into the cottage with full wizard make up on. William was somewhat intrigued by the presence of such an ugly midget,(above) but the mask was soon removed so that the usual bout of dog hugging, stomach tickling and muzzle kissing could continue.
I have been fascinated with each dog's reaction to Leo. They are obviously not used to the maelstrom which is a child's behaviour, but each one has reacted rather benignly to the rough and tumble.
George spends most of the time being dragged into uncomfortable looking positions so that ears can be scratched and tummy's tickled and has enjoyed every minute of it. William has been tolerant and polite which is his way and Meg  has surprised me the most with a sudden and rather moving show of concern when after a rather tiring day Leo had a fit of the sobs.
Hearing the commotion, Meg raced over and to the astonishment of the room climbed up on Charlotte's knee to search the face of the distraught Leo.....I have never seen her do that before.

So with the family gone, the cottage has resorted back to it's quiet "normality"......I caught one of the ghost hens looking rather stooped and unwell. After a brief struggle I managed to give her the once over and caught sight of a small egg stuck firmly in her vent! Bless.... not built for egg laying the battery hen had defied the odds and had produced her first,somewhat undersized but perfectly formed prize!
I had an inkling to how to help. I gave the fat girl a gentle prod with my plastic rake and she started to waddle towards her hen house ( the plastic rake means bedtime in Ghost hen language)
When the ghost hens move they invariably increase their abdominal pressures ( because of their big weight) and when they walk they fart and expel poo with a fair and rather disgusting gusto....
Getting her to break into a hefty trot, she let out an almighty raspberry and the egg shot around a foot and a half out of her back end!!!
Half pleased with herself and just a little surprised, she turned to check out her first egg., lying in the grass and I managed to snap the above photo!
Never a dull moment  

X-Factor 2010 - Matt Cardle Singing Bleeding Love - Live Shows 4

It's been a week

since we met up;;;I have missed him

Bless ...hated this song........

but I am still obsessed!!!!!.....

cute cute cute

Dog love in

The Burtons on the way to the beach
Leo's love in with the dogs has continued over the last 24 hours and will continue, I am sure over the next 24 hours, Last night all three have been hugged, sat on, hugged again and kissed until exhausted dogs and lip chappped boy collapsed into a fitful overnight sleep.. After cooking them an eggy bread and bacon breakfast ,I have just packed them all off to the beach for an hour's dog walking, which leaves me just enough time to sort the cottage and me out before we all go to Llandudno for a nice lunch at Osborn House.
I am cooking Leo a Halloween dinner tonight, he has his outfit all sorted out!

Operation Dog Snot Removal

Too much to do...... too little time.......
I am just about to wipe a thoughtful skid mark from the kitchen floor and a disemboweled field mouse needs shifting from it's last resting place from the kitchen top.

True to form it's raining........
more muddy footprints all over the house before our visitors arrive

Big Breaths John....Big Breaths

Visitors and culling

Tomorrow Chris' Brother Jonathan, wife Charlotte and nephew Leo arrive. in Trelawnyd
They live way down in Broadstairs in Kent and in the ten years ( to the day!) that me and Chris have been together, this is their first visit to our home all together ( remember Leo visited earlier in the year!) As you can imagine it is an important visit for us.
Yesterday I have shampooed the dog smell out of the carpets,wiped the dog snot from the windows and bought fresh flowers and a Halloween pumpkin for the house.
Today I will give the cottage a general scrub, and will try and tidy up the garden in preparation and early this morning I have put together a hamper for Jon and Charlotte to take home with them.  
In the hamper I have put my own fresh produce (leeks, artichoke hearts,pumpkin,onions shallots and sprouts) I then added my own jars of picked onions and pickled spicy beetroot and topped it all off with six newly laid eggs, some donated green chutney from old Mrs Jones and some bought honey from Eirlys' farm.
Visitors need to be fed well!

Yesterday, the sick ghost hen fell over when out for a drink and was unable to get up again. Luckily I found her quickly and knew there was nothing more I could do , so in the field and with a  heavy heart I sat and stroked her for a short while before putting her out of her misery. She was the only the second hen I have culled myself since Bob the retired poultry keeper showed me how to dispatch my young cockerels last year, and no matter how necessary the job, I really do hate doing it.
Three juvenile cockerels need culling next week and I think I will ask Bob to come and help me again with the job.......As I sat on the grass in the field with a dead fat hen on my lap I realised that I will never make a proper farmer!
I am just too soft


I was moaning just a little that my two local friends are "off the radar" so to speak after reading my blog
I received a very funny email from my friend Nige ( who lives 50 miles or so away)
This is part of it
Very Funny

But you know, of course, that you always have someone to call/e-mail
if you need a chat/rant.
Here's my assessment of your options:

Nuala = stress-free long-distance telephonic love-in

Mike = vicariously heterosexual discourse

Bel = creative firestorm with a touch of gender outrage!

Me = post-apocalyptic glitter, with a fricassee of narcissism

Hey, I think you've got a nice mix there!


From left to right
My Brother Andrew, twin sister on My mother's knee, unknown old lady, Granny Gray, Auntie Judy wit Stuart, Auntie Margaret with Ian, Uncle Bert, My Grandfather ( I don't remember him), my handsome father and a rather fat ME

I "found" this on facebook tonight

My New Best Friend and Winter's bone

People that know me, will know that the latest gadgets leave me somewhat cold...I have my laptop and my battered solar powered radio and thats about it.............even our tv is a supermarket buy with a 12" screen!, so I was quite intrigued when Chris presented me with his old ipod yesterday!
He has a new , all singing, all dancing, even-makes-the-tea, ipad thingummy, of which he is extremely proud,so I have taken another step towards the 21st Century and have bought my first itune download......ok it doesn't take much guessing which single I bought? yep Mr Cardle.......but I put the whole experience down to experience!
My new ipod will be a constant new friend me thinks.....especially as my two main friends in North Wales have disappeared somewhat off the radar for very different reasons!
Anyhow, today, my first lesson ( after switching the bloody thing on) was to learn how to download! ( or is it upload?) anyway....after organising Mr. Cardle I ventured into the free podcast service from the BBC! FANTASTIC! on a rather wet and uninteresting walk I listened to the sweet tones of Kirsty Young interviewing Jonney Vagas in Desert Island Discs followed by a compilation of Woman's Hour and The Archers......
It was lovely.......
and Nige, don't worry I will make an effort and keep the little scrap of miracles clean and dry!!!

I heard through the Internet grapevine that the movie Winter's Bone was well worth the price of a pint of tonight I braved the elements and popped down to the Scala to join eight other hardy souls in watching this slice of "Ozark dirt poor realism".
It's an depressing tale....but is an interesting one. Poverty stricken Ree Dolly (Jennifer Lawrence ) is just seventeen but single handedly is looking after her two younger siblings and her mentally ill mother. Her father has disappeared before a court appearance and has put the family shack up as a bail bond, so in order to save the family home, Ree has to face the local criminal underclass in an effort to find out what has actually happened.
Yes it sounds all very Deliverance doesn't it?,the sense of dread, oppression and uneasy menace does in fact remind me of the 1972 Boorman film, and Winter's Bone on occasion crawls towards every stereotype we know about Hillbillies in the cinema........the rubbish strewn farms, the happy slappy menfolk and the women showing that Silence of the Lambs " shortness of bone".......but thankfully director Debra Granik focuses the films gaze upon the teenage Ree, and her hard-as-nails, unwavering sense of what is right for her family. Ree, unlike the drug riddled and oppressed mountain men she faces, is a mother tiger, frightened but fiercely passionate about saving her kin. With the reluctant help of her violent and frightening uncle "Teardrop" ( the chilling John Hawkes ) she eventually finds out the truth about her father in an awfully tense and almost unwatchable climax and it is Lawrence's amazing performance that is key to Winter's Bone's success. Without her, the film could have teetered down the uncomfortable road of  a hic thriller , but with her powerfully centred Ree, we see a character that is both strong and moral, warm and intelligent. She is a mother personified and is never anything less than real. Lawrence never softens her characterization too much, she keeps the audience directly behind her at all times and I suspect she will be nominated for an Oscar ( still hot on the heels of the cracking performance of Melissa Leo in the similar Frozen River

I would be fascinated to hear what my American Bloggers think about this movie