Open Garden Day

The village Conservation Group holds a two yearly "Open Garden " event in the village, and today a dozen or so gardens were open for the public to wander around and to admire.
The conservation group is an entirely different entity to our Flower Show Committee but it has a similar objective to raise monies for village improvements.
The weather has not been kind today, as it remains overcast and wet, but the gardens I did venture round looked lush with the recent downpours we have experienced.
(Below "angel's fishing rods" in my friend Pat's garden)

I picked up a programme of events at the memorial hall, where I hopefully conscripted a guy selling his own vegetables to set up a stall at the Open Allotment day next Sunday. The village Jungle telegraph had been working overtime a many people came over to ask how our neighbour Trevor was. ( They had heard that I had rushed the 86 year old in to hospital yesterday which was not quite the case). I reassured them that he was doing ok and said that I had visited him this morning and he seemed comfortable enough but was rather vague with the workings of his new mobile phone. (I gave him a quick lesson in texting, dropped off some pyjamas and promised to feed his cat daily when I was there!)
Being single, elderly and sick must be a scary experience in today's world....having said that, the show of support and solidarity from the village for one of their own has been admirable
Anyhow the garden open seemed to be a success despite the weather.Above Pat in her typically English garden complete with herbaceous borders and below the chap from Anchor House and his AstroTurf patio!!! (Which incidently worked very well!)

A matter of perspective

I posted this photo in response to some of the comments from the last post, that thought that Nell's death was awfully sad. Poultry of all sorts often live for the shortest of times! that is why if left to their own devices, they will breed like rabbits somewhere like the field would be overrun by eager beaks and scratching feet. Now don't get me wrong, some characters like Boris, the buffs, Mary the bantam and of course Jo and Winnie have wormed their merry way into my heart almost as deeply as the dogs have done, but generally I am never really sad when one of the birds dies a natural, timely and peaceful death.
Above is Lilly with her three young chicks..the little wyandotte bantam (left) is a real sweetie

An odd little moment

I bought my first two runner ducks a few years ago now. and kept the gentle, nervous females, who have mothered all of my many ducklings over the last few seasons.

I named them Nell and Maude, and I suspect both were older ducks when I bought them. Yesterday Nell looked tired and wobbly on her legs, and without the usual hysterical screaming that Indian runners exhibit when they come into close human contact, I caught her and placed her in the quiet duckhouse with food and some water.
Today the old girl remained ill , so I placed her back into the duck house and got on with chores before I needed to leave in order to take one of our elderly neighbours to hospital. When I returned I took the goslings out on to the field for a walk and sat down with them with a bowl of water for them and a cup of coffee for me.
As we sat there in the sun, Nell tottered out of the duckhouse and walked very slowly over to us.
She drank briefly from the goslings bowl as they craned their necks and twittered at her and not six inches away from us, she sat down in the warm sun where she lowered her head into the grass.
I thought to myself that she was dying and very gently I picked her up and let her lie in the crook of my arm where she sat still and very calm.
There was something small but incredibly moving about the whole little scene, and moments later Nell's breathing slowed and then eventually stopped.
It was the oddest thing

Where the Hell is Matt? (2008)

I have posted this before and no matter what is the real origin is of the video is, It is a wonderfully uplifting piece of mini cinema, It should be viewed at least once a week!!!!

Don't Look Now Midget in red

In way of explaination for my previous post

I did look.... now

Sometimes life can be a little strange.
Last night I found myself looking after a young road traffic victim from Sheffield ( I knew the road that his family lived on very well indeed) and this morning I stalked a midget in a red coat around Home Bargains.
Obviously I wont go into details about my patient, suffice to say having someone around that knew the family home city well, went a long way in cementing good relationships between nurse and I want to concentrate on the surreal little moment I experienced when shopping for dettol.
Knackered I had finished work, completed the jobs , walked the dogs and then driven to Prestatyn to deliver eggs and to collect more red mite disinfectant.
Prestatyn has a Home bargain store ( which took over from the now defunct Woolworths) and although a little "trailer trashy!" it is the ideal place in which to buy cheap cleaners and diet coke.
As I walked around the store , a small figure in a red coat kept catching my eye and I found myself transported to the climax of Don't Look Now! when a middle aged lady "small person" shot passed with a large wire basket..

I don't know what possessed me but I followed her!
When she stopped to look for something on a shelf I stopped, pretending to search the higher shelves for an item of interest and after a few minutes she limped to the till with me and my dettol in hot pursuit....I could believe myself, but I wanted to see what she had bought.
I had visions of a sharp kitchen knife, a claw hammer and perhaps a sharpened screwdriver...

What I did see was a packet of wild bird food and can of air freshener!

Time for more sleep


Now I know I risk sounding like some old queen swooning over a hot dyson hoover "But I haven't had a minute to myself today!!!"
Truth is I haven't and that's typical as I am working nights tonight.
I had to break off a phone call from Nu an hour or so ago as some neighbours brought around a sick hen for me to look at, Chris' supper is cooking away on the stove , unwatched and I am crawling with soddin red mite after cleaning most of the coops with dettol and jayes fluid all morning!
The recent hot and humid weather I think has given the little bastards a foot hold and "BANG" there is millions of the little fuckers all sucking the blood of every warm blooded animal in sight.
Well I sorted the neighbours hen out with some spare antibiotics, tried to ring Nu back ( no luck) and plated Chris' supper like a good wifey
Now I am going to jump in the bath and dettol myself free of red mites but will grab a cuppa and a few minutes to do my blog.
Nothing much happens here generally but between now and mid August things are going to be busy. I have My sister's flower Show to prepare for which is on the 30th, The allotment open on the 1st of August and Trelawnyd's Flower Show on the 21st. In between these Chris's dad, Richard is visiting and is bringing with him his grandson, Leo ( Chris' nephew)
Now my knowledge and experience of 7 year old little boys could be written down on the back of a fag packet but I guess we will bumble through....

I will give him a few friendly hens to carry around, get him dirty in the pond and will get Chris to take us all to see Toy Story 3......(Nu says it's fab) jobs a good 'un..
Right I am off now ( flounces off) I need that bath, the dogs need another walk and I can't find my uniforms for tonight

Au Revoir Les Enfants

I don't know much about Louis Malle's film career but I did sort of knew that Au Revoir Les Enfants (1987) was one of his "coming of age" movies, but that was about all.
Nigel sent me a copy of the movie for my birthday, so knowing his love of quality, I thought I would enjoy it.
Today the weather has been atrocious. This morning I did all the household jobs, walked the dogs, made a meat pie for tea and fed and watered all of the animals as they hid away in the coops and bushes out of the rain. The only good thing is that the field pond has now almost full (above)
So steaming after getting soaked, I sat down with a towel and a hot cup of tea and indulged myself with 100 minutes of French movie.
Au Revoir Les Enfants is striking as it captures the cold, cruelty and pettiness seen within a boys' school ( and by saying cruelty I mean the little acts of harshness that occurs constantly when little boys are forced to spend time together) but balances this with a very real and recognisable friendship between Julien Quentin and Jean Bonet (Gaspard Manesse and Raphael Fejtö)
Quentin is homesick for his mother and is a smart and angry boy. Bonet is a quiet, lonely academic and one of several hidden Jewish borders. The date is 1944 and the Germans are looking for any Jewish citizens not already interned.
The story is simple enough, and from the very beginning the audience can guess where the plot is heading; that much is clear, however it is the realism of a child's point of view that cuts to the quick in this movie. The boys' roles with all of their their whims and contradictions are beautifully portrayed by the two leads, and the loss of innocence by the tortured Quentin when the Germans finally seek out the truth, is truly heartbreaking.

8.5 out of 10