
Now I know I risk sounding like some old queen swooning over a hot dyson hoover "But I haven't had a minute to myself today!!!"
Truth is I haven't and that's typical as I am working nights tonight.
I had to break off a phone call from Nu an hour or so ago as some neighbours brought around a sick hen for me to look at, Chris' supper is cooking away on the stove , unwatched and I am crawling with soddin red mite after cleaning most of the coops with dettol and jayes fluid all morning!
The recent hot and humid weather I think has given the little bastards a foot hold and "BANG" there is millions of the little fuckers all sucking the blood of every warm blooded animal in sight.
Well I sorted the neighbours hen out with some spare antibiotics, tried to ring Nu back ( no luck) and plated Chris' supper like a good wifey
Now I am going to jump in the bath and dettol myself free of red mites but will grab a cuppa and a few minutes to do my blog.
Nothing much happens here generally but between now and mid August things are going to be busy. I have My sister's flower Show to prepare for which is on the 30th, The allotment open on the 1st of August and Trelawnyd's Flower Show on the 21st. In between these Chris's dad, Richard is visiting and is bringing with him his grandson, Leo ( Chris' nephew)
Now my knowledge and experience of 7 year old little boys could be written down on the back of a fag packet but I guess we will bumble through....

I will give him a few friendly hens to carry around, get him dirty in the pond and will get Chris to take us all to see Toy Story 3......(Nu says it's fab) jobs a good 'un..
Right I am off now ( flounces off) I need that bath, the dogs need another walk and I can't find my uniforms for tonight


  1. *Smack across the face!* Get yourself together man! LOL I would like to hear you say "the little fuckers" with your accent. I do believe it would be funny. Little boys are easy. Little girls, on the other hand, unless they tend to be a bit boyish, can be a whole other story. Good luck with all!!

  2. Sounds like an awfully busy day, week, month!

    A 7yr old girl would be much easier - you could have tea parties and dress up the dogs n stuff. Have fun with it, it won't be forever.

    I hope you find your uniform and that it's clean!

    I hope you enjoyed your shower! I can't wait for mine - we are putting in a new water heater today and the wire pulling took the sap out of me.

  3. Geeez's been quite the day for you! Aww you'll have fun with the little fellow...he'll probably keep you busy and laughing. Don't believe the Chicken Boys...Sharon is right and a little girl would be easier but you'll be fine! I hope you found your uniform...don't work too hard. Maura :)

  4. You know what they say, John: "A woman's work is never done!!!"
    Good luck with it all.

  5. Ditto on the kid thing. I am totally out of my element there.

    I am sure you will make it thru just great with him. The movie, chickens to carry and the pond sound like a plan to me :O), but then I am really not a good person to listen to on the kidlet thing :O).

    Since everyone has posted as to which they think is easier, I have to say little boys! I have kept a little girl once in 45yrs of life. I swore then NEVER again. Little boys dig for worms, go fishing in the pond, ride the four wheeler, feed the goats nilla wafers, they are happy :O).

    The mite job sounded like a rough one! No doubt your glad that is behind you!

  6. I would love to have you as a neighbour, as I just love the way you write, you're so funny!!

    I remember getting bitten from head to toe with those mites when I was young playing in my pop's hen houses.

    Gill in Canada

  7. I think Randy's right--I'm sure with your accent that when you say "swear words" it sounds so much better than it does when it flies out of my mouth!!
    I'm actually better at entertaining boys than I am girls--I say load him up with some fun videos too, but don't let him near the geese...or the ducks...or the ghost hens...or...

  8. you are having a heck of a month, I say! You positively need to go on vacation...Instead, you get a 7 yr old boy! Bless you!
    I have the easiest and friendliest of girls and can't imagine how my friends with boys get along. A recent visit to our place by a little boy put me on my toes-he almost stabbed himself with a machete which he dug out of our barn, he pulled several posts from a fence and hid them in the woods, and then he almost let all 7 of my goats loose, the little devil.He also tried to start a piece of farm equipment, to boot. I tell you, boys, argh!

  9. That's an adorable little vampire you have there!

  10. Between all these things you do, have to do and will do...don't forget to breathe.:)


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