Open Garden Day

The village Conservation Group holds a two yearly "Open Garden " event in the village, and today a dozen or so gardens were open for the public to wander around and to admire.
The conservation group is an entirely different entity to our Flower Show Committee but it has a similar objective to raise monies for village improvements.
The weather has not been kind today, as it remains overcast and wet, but the gardens I did venture round looked lush with the recent downpours we have experienced.
(Below "angel's fishing rods" in my friend Pat's garden)

I picked up a programme of events at the memorial hall, where I hopefully conscripted a guy selling his own vegetables to set up a stall at the Open Allotment day next Sunday. The village Jungle telegraph had been working overtime a many people came over to ask how our neighbour Trevor was. ( They had heard that I had rushed the 86 year old in to hospital yesterday which was not quite the case). I reassured them that he was doing ok and said that I had visited him this morning and he seemed comfortable enough but was rather vague with the workings of his new mobile phone. (I gave him a quick lesson in texting, dropped off some pyjamas and promised to feed his cat daily when I was there!)
Being single, elderly and sick must be a scary experience in today's world....having said that, the show of support and solidarity from the village for one of their own has been admirable
Anyhow the garden open seemed to be a success despite the weather.Above Pat in her typically English garden complete with herbaceous borders and below the chap from Anchor House and his AstroTurf patio!!! (Which incidently worked very well!)


  1. Look ~ his shirt matches his planters, his pants match the house and those boots....

    they match the milk can! Oh, my!


    It sounds like a fun morning. I hope you have a lovely weekend.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Very very nice. So envious of the nice gardens as I am not a gardener at all. We have something like that's called" City in bloom " here in my new hometown.

  4. It always amazes me how 'different' people's gardens are. They (gardens) are truly a reflection of an individual.....and no judgement intended at all.

  5. Pat's garden is lovely! Sorry to say, if I had the $$ I would go all the way on our little 1.36 acre plot with the astro-turf! Really too many weeds here, you can't keep up with 'em or the grass.

  6. "Angel's fishing rods"! What a pretty plant, and what a pretty name!

  7. From BBC Gardener:

    Common Name: Angel's fishing rod
    Genus: Dierama
    Species: pulcherrimum
    Skill Level: Experienced
    Exposure: Full sun
    Hardiness: Hardy
    Soil type: Well-drained/light, Clay/heavy
    Height: 150cm
    Spread: 60cm
    Time to divide plants: March to May
    Flowering period: July to August

  8. Dieramas, one of my favourite plants, sadly mine died over the winter, those in your friend's garden are lovely.

  9. Those are some lovely plants, the Angels Fishing Rods. However, when I read "experienced", that always gives me pause. I consider that A) I am a lazy gardener, and want to work on something more or less at my leisure, and B) most of the time I am a Darwinian Gardener, if it grows, I plant more. The plants where you (gasp) actually have to care for them, I leave to others who actually know what they are doing. Much safer that way. That being said, I love the garden pictures. (And even the 'astroturf' garden!)


  10. I think I like your village. The gardens are beautiful, and the place is small enough so that everyone knows, and cares, about each other. Around here, I don't even know my neighbors across the street.

  11. Lovely photos. You can tell your not parched for rain there.
    So pretty seeing the flowers and plants over where you live.

    I agree to be elderly living alone would be a bit scary. Its nice ya'll are all pitching in to help your neighbor!

  12. The 'fishing rods' are really quite unique. I have never seen anything like it before.
    Oh how I wish I could grow a garden of some kind here. But with haingt o have water hauled in every two weeks in the summer, well, having a garden is not in the budget. Thankfully there are so many gardens I can enjoy over the internet.
    John, I have a chicken question for you. The yolks in the eggs my girls are laying aren't a deep yellow color these days. I noticed the differance about a week ago. Feed hasn't been changed. Nor has the treats. I haven't been turning them out into the yard due to several reasons. Do you think they aren't getting enough insects? Sorry for having to ask this way, but didn't know any other way to contact you. Thanks.

  13. AJ
    a change of colour is usually food related, however have you noticed a sudden change?

    try increasing the protein part of feed?
    are they getting enough "green" food too?
    what do the shells look like?
    contact me on

  14. I love the chap from Anchor House! -His outfit, the boots, the astro turf!!! What more can I say??

    I like the fishing rods, too, BTW!


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