Babies no more

Aged just 5 weeks and babyhood is over for the goslings.
Although not quite feathered up, they are hardy enough to be transported into their own shed on the field and have already stood up to the bullying antics of the slate turkey, Jane.
Content in their own company, they still follow me everywhere but now have that slight faraway look of adulthood.


  1. teenagers - not quite grown up, but getting there.

  2. Amazing how they've grown! And still lovely.

  3. Do they still chase after you? It is surprising, how fast they have grown in such a short period of time!

    When is your next batch of babies due?

  4. They are just great! Makes me miss our Peter and Charlotte Ducks. They were the large white ducks. Peter actually had four wives (Charlottes) as the predators kept taking his wife!

    After raising Peter and his first wife from ducklings, we lost the first Charlotte then got three more grown Charlottes over time for him.

    Having him a few years, sadly a couple months ago something got Peter. Honeyman and I just said this morning how much we missed Peter.

  5. Now John, don't you be falling into that 'empty nest' syndrome.

  6. They are SO beautiful!

  7. They really do have that grown-up look about them, and I'll bet if you look really close at them, you can see them growing!!

  8. They are beautiful! Soon they will be full grown! Im proud of you for being such a good goose mother


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