
Ina in Alaska sent me this wonderful photo of a sculpture entitled The Last Blue Whale by Josef Princiotta .Now I love public sculptures and have my favourites amid the many I have experienced over the years.
The Veiled Lady....the most delicate and serene sculpture in the main gallery of Chatsworth House

Dozens of metal figures standing and staring out to sea just North of Liverpool makes for a rather chilling display, but Antony Gormley's statues on Crosby Beach kind of take your breath away when you see them for the first time

...and of course my favourite...the Angel fountain in Central Park.........I took this photo the last time we went......lovely


  1. I like all the sculptures! Of course, my favorite is a tiny desk one, I will put it on my post in a bit.

  2. Would love to see those figures on the beach in Liverpool! They must be well-anchored?!

  3. My personal favorite is the Trevi fountain, in Rome. My youngest daughter took me there three years ago. I want to go back SO badly...

    I would love to see those figures staring out to sea!

  4. The statues on the beach are so haunting. I love the veiled lady, very calming and have always loved that iconic angel in Central Park. Going to be in NYC in Sept, a couple of days at the Waldorf, never stayed there and looking forward to my visit. Have a Yankees game and one day at the US Open tennis tournament on the agenda, a stroll across the Brooklyn Bridge coupled with a big plate of Italian food and hopefully a Broadway show.... xoxo

  5. we stayed in the Waldolfonce and enjoyed it....try and have a drink early evening in the lobby, where the piano player is......very 30's

  6. I have just watched your mini video "Where is Matt", (rather late!!!!) and just have to say how wonderful it is and thank you John for sharing it with everyone. I will certainly watch it many more times I am sure, and will pass it on to others who will appreciate it.
    A big Thank You again, love, Wendy.

  7. At the end of the truly awful film version of the epic Angels in America, I seem to remember the Central Park Angel coming to life. A dreadful, mawkish end to a very bad screen adaptation - even Meryl Streep couldn't save it from disaster.
    And you remember how wonderful the stage version was? Oh, of course you do...

  8. yes Bel
    it was the hightlight of my theatre going history with you! well apart from SPOONEFACE STEINBERG (SP?) and the stunning FIDDLER ON THE ROOF!

  9. The statues on the beach really do have a haunting look about them and I'm sure are even more so when you're there. I also like sculptures, but do not care for "modern sculptures" that have to be explained to me--I'd rather see them, know what they are and enjoy them...but that's me...

  10. These are beautiful! Very fine work on the veiled lady.


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