Sorell returns home

Sorrel left rather tearfully for Broadstairs at 11am. As usual it has been easy job looking after her this past week,and we all have enjoyed the break and the weather.
William has had rather a drastic haircut and looks (and probably feels) much cooler in this early summer heat. In between strimming the field and duckling watch, I have given his bottom abcess a good clean out (charming). Bless... the little chap never complained at all,

The Duckling hordes merge,radish,a picnic,William's sore bum and my new gate..

In preparation for the potential new chicks, the ducklings are all now safely shut away in their big hut all together, which was not the easy job it sounds. The weather has been lovely again today, and I have not had time to do much in the field, especially as I am suffering from a severe summer cold.

Sorrel has asked for a bag of my huge radish ( I know I sound like Frankie Howard),to take back to Broadstairs tomorrow. As usual she has bought more than she brought, so weighed down with carrier bags, her journey home will be fairly eventful.

We went up the Gop this lunchtime to have a picnic,which was lovely,It was far too hot for the dogs so we left them at home. William has been a little under the weather ( but still bouncy and cheerful), and has been to the vets this morning . He has a nasty abscess near his tail ( a product of Meg biting it constantly in play), and had to have it cleaned with the tried and trusted hydrogen-peroxide.
He took his antibiotic and steroid injections with good humour, and has slept for much of the afternoon.
Steve has finally set up my field fence posts, and the new gate is up and working. I can almost taste the fact that my allotment will soon be a private piece of land again.

How Catherine Tate is similar to my ducklings........

I have already mentioned that I have amalgamated the 20 ducklings into one large group in the outside run. And as soon as one duckling moved in a certain way the whole "flock" seemed to run around in hysterical circles screaming loudly to themselves. One duckling pecked at a leaf, the hysteria continued, another ducking ran into the neighbouring duck run, the screaming reached fever pitch.
I had to walk away and leave them all to it.

Sunny Sunday

We took Sorrel to a plant sale at the local Bodryddan Hall, which is 2 miles from Trelawnyd. Bought some plants for the garden (an umbrella primula and some Cat Nip for those that are interested) then went out for lunch at the Bistro (another meal out.!!!!!!!!!!!.......I can feel a purge coming on)
This afternoon I planted my purchases, and watered the 5 vegetable beds. yesterday I planted fennel and actually unearthed some new potatoes for tea ( they were wonderfully tasty) So things are coming on nicely. I went to photograph the new ducklings again this evening, but after lugging pail and pail of water to top up the duck water and feeding the birds AND walking the dogs AS WELL as getting up at 7am to sort everything out and cooking the breakfast, I actually fell asleep amongst Ripley and the others. Only waking up with a noisy Blanche clucking loudly into my ear.

I have 5 Buff eggs in the incubator, which are due to hatch on tuesday. I think that only three have chicks in them,so say if they all hatch, I think we can cope with three small fluffy chciks in the kitchen rather than the 14 dirty little duckling buggers we had a week or so ago


I have always enjoyed Northern Ballet's productions and tonight's A Midsummer Night's Dream did not disappoint. Duncan Hayler's set dominated the innovative production, and in particular, the scene where a dance studio transforms into a 1950 express train, will linger long in the mind of the small but appreciative audience.
But as always it is the power of the dance that is the true star of the ballet, and DAVID NIXON's choreography is definitely stunning, and especially Strong in the numerous dance duets which take place in the second act. Judy, Sorrel, Chris and Janet all seemed to enjoy the best thing Llandudno has showcased in many, many months

Orders come in

I now have orders for 6 of the runner ducklings, but I have not been able to sex Ripley and his/her siblings as yet. The six original babies are almost feathered and all are looking healthy and strong. and their peep peep chirps are just changing into the occasional horse chunner and quack. Females will give the traditional duck quack whilst the males will chunner,so sexing them all wont be too long
The darkest duckling Hudson, (above) looks massive compared to the e bay ducklings now happy in the joint enclosure.and there seems to be a bit of a Mexican stand off between the two broods.Two lots of parents with kiddies have visited the field today to see them all, which was nice.
Sorrel and Chris went to Bangor today, so I was free to catch up with jobs, go to Pilate's with Hazel ( I actually enjoyed it) and prepare toad in the hole for everyone's tea

Evening Out

We saw a wonderful storm over Liverpool bay when we went to Prestatyn for a lovely Italian Meal in the new restaurant at the top of town this evening. Me and Sorrel chatted all night , the food WAS good....Prestatyn with three ok eating places now............very chic

Sorrel and the Flower Show meeting.

Sorrel loves the sun and hates all things feathered, so today was half full of positives for her. Having said that I did get her to hand feed the hungry E bay ducklings scrambled egg, and her screams of delight (mixed with a tinge of fear) could be heard across the Entire village.
We went to Bodnant Gardens for a very relaxed amble in the warm and sunny afternoon, and I just had time to do a quick bird review before going to the Trelawnyd Flower show meeting.
With the Memorial hall back in service in December, we finally decided ( we have new committee members that are slightly more optimistic and positive than the ones of old) that we will hold a Christmas afternoon fair on the 13th of December , to thank the villagers for their annual support of the show and to reinforce that we are still in business and will be coming back, BIGGER and Better in 2009.

Tomorrow I think we are going to do some garden centres then will be off out at the New Italian in Prestatyn in the evening.Hopefully I will get the chance to do some weeding in between jobs
pic...Chris IS smiling internally