The Duckling hordes merge,radish,a picnic,William's sore bum and my new gate..

In preparation for the potential new chicks, the ducklings are all now safely shut away in their big hut all together, which was not the easy job it sounds. The weather has been lovely again today, and I have not had time to do much in the field, especially as I am suffering from a severe summer cold.

Sorrel has asked for a bag of my huge radish ( I know I sound like Frankie Howard),to take back to Broadstairs tomorrow. As usual she has bought more than she brought, so weighed down with carrier bags, her journey home will be fairly eventful.

We went up the Gop this lunchtime to have a picnic,which was lovely,It was far too hot for the dogs so we left them at home. William has been a little under the weather ( but still bouncy and cheerful), and has been to the vets this morning . He has a nasty abscess near his tail ( a product of Meg biting it constantly in play), and had to have it cleaned with the tried and trusted hydrogen-peroxide.
He took his antibiotic and steroid injections with good humour, and has slept for much of the afternoon.
Steve has finally set up my field fence posts, and the new gate is up and working. I can almost taste the fact that my allotment will soon be a private piece of land again.

1 comment:

  1. I love your blog. It's like checking in with my country cousin every day, to see what you've been up to and how the animials are doing.
    The ducklings look great, but sound messy. Changed my mind about wanting a duck or two for the back yard.


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