Priscilla Queen of the Desert - I'll Survive

I am o a roll, another video that makes me smile! a cracking set piece!!!!

Numa Numa

The original Numa Numa video always makes me smile


Well someone isn't very happy! Walking around the centre of Sheffield yesterday I noticed this graffiti statement several times and it amused me greatly. Finished the Christmas shopping in Coles before meeting John H for a passable Caesar Salad in All Bar One. Had a good chat, then walked down to Hunter's Bar to catch up with Mike , Bev and Maisie!
Managed to have a chat to Bev before getting off to Ecclesall Road for too many beers with Jane!

The hangover was worth it, and it's strange to think that I was back on Prestatyn beach walking the dogs at midday.
William was glad to see me, and we were soaked to the skin as the weather has drawn in. nice to be back home, night in with Chris tonight and a few DVDs
Spanish film Night of the Sunflowers
French thriller Them
and 28 weeks later!
Reviews later! Oh Hello to cousin Carol F ! The latest blog visitor

Strictly Come Dancing - Gethin Jones !

Not as sexy as Matt's performance (He looked as if he was on fire!) But Gethin is still my favourite.
Pig in a dress (Letitia) was not half bad't you just love Vod Casts? sitting by a fire catching up with last night's Dance off!
Working tonight!

"I don't believe it!" Panto,Poly tunnels and pigs

Well in the words of Victor Meldrew, I really didn't believe it! Last night I actually went to my first panto ! now as most people know, I don't do children and the thought of being shut in a venue with hundreds of the little darlings, actually fills me with nausea! so when Ann invited me to go with her and Janet to see Jack and the beanstalk- a rock "n" roll panto, I had to think carefully, if I could actually cope with it all. Now Ann assured me that it was an "adult" production, so I thought what the hell, and went!. Now the three glasses of wine with dinner before hand must have helped as it wasn't as bad as I thought it would have been! Ok, generally a tap dancing panto cow, and a camp as Christmas panto dame singing disco ditties whilst playing with his breasts, is not usually my cup of tea, but I did find myself laughing along with the packed audience from time to time! Gawd help me! what next? will I be reading the Daily Mail ?

This morning Ruby came to the beach with our four , and had her usual knock around! Poor George was sent flying on several occasions, but was still game for a chase. Ruby is so quick, I could only capture this quick snap of her galloping past a rather bemused William!

Still no agreement through the post for the field! I have been flicking through advertisements for Poly tunnels! and toying with the idea of having a couple of pigs! The allotment looks rather empty at the moment!

Ice cold in..........

it's very cold! and the graveyard next to the cottage looks sooooooooooo creepy on our evening walk. Probably it has something to do with watching 30 days of night earlier in the week.

A boring Ridley Scott, Christmas and Jonney award!

American Gangster (2007) is a meticulous,multi layered alternative American dream story of drug baron Frank Lucas (Denzel Washington) and his Javert- esque Nemesis, cop Richie Roberts (Russell Crowe). It covers a lifetime of crime and punishment and sadly is dull,dull dull. Washington is pretty bland, as is a rather fat Russell Crowe ( Looking remarkably like me a year or so ago!!!) which is a bit of a disappointment.It is left to Veteran African American actress Ruby Dee, to steal the film with one pivotal scene as Lucas' not-so-stupid mother. All in all the whole thing was rather boring.

Finished most of the Christmas shopping today and wrapped the gifts after taking Janet and Ruby to the beach with our pack! Ruby was gentle and friendly enough but showed her power by constantly charging at William, Meg and George and flipping them over as she would have done to a rabbit! She was so quick and strong , that the terriers were rather frightened and galloped behind me to hide. Only Maddie managed to fend Ruby off with the sternest of gazes!

Heard that my Friend John has won a National Newspapers "Business editor of the year" this evening which is a great achievement! I hope to meet him for a drink on Tuesday before catching up with Mike and Jane! Congrats John Well done!.....wonder if he made a speech!?

Vampires and Christmas shopping

We have seen it all before; small American town filled with a mixture of heroes and despots is attacked by supernatural forces. Some live, most die horribly. and there are lots of jumps and screams in the dark, as every cliche is ticked time and time again in this horror/thriller movie; I must admit, I kind of enjoyed 30 Days of Night (2007). The setting in a snow bound town within the Arctic circle during a month long winter darkness, is atmospherically shot, the vampire baddies are suitably frightening and animalistic and occasionally the tension creeps above the average slasher/teen film. One scene in particular lingers in the mind. As the vampire hordes attack the townsfolk we see a birds eye view of the bloody carnage complete with arterial spurts,panicked locals, all set in the general normality of a snowy"It's a wonderful life" high street in the dark!

All very creepy!

Got a load of Christmas shopping done in Llandudo afterwards. Thank god it wasn't snowing!!!