Vampires and Christmas shopping
We have seen it all before; small American town filled with a mixture of heroes and despots is attacked by supernatural forces. Some live, most die horribly. and there are lots of jump
s and screams in the dark, as every cliche is ticked time and time again in this horror/thriller movie; I must admit, I kind of enjoyed 30 Days of Night (2007). The setting in a snow bound town within the Arctic circle during a month long winter darkness, is atmospherically shot, the vampire baddies are suitably frightening and animalistic and occasionally the tension creeps above the average slasher/teen film. One scene in particular lingers in the mind. As the vampire hordes attack the townsfolk we see a birds eye view of the bloody carnage complete with arterial spurts,panicked locals, all set in the general normality of a snowy"It's a wonderful life" high street in the dark!All very creepy!Got a load of Christmas shopping done in Llandudo afterwards. Thank god it wasn't snowing!!!
Have you ever noticed that in the movies Evil is sometimes really, really sexy. Not this film of course, but in general.